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Subjects: Botany

Search results: Botany(175 results)
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A fine copy of this beautifully produced early work on fungi

MARSIGLI, L.F. Dissertatio de generatione fungorum ad illustrissimum & reverendissimum praesulem Ioannem Mariam Lancisium....

Romae, F. Gonzagae, 1714. Folio (375 x 250mm). pp. 40, with engraved title vignette and 31 engravedplates; pp. xlvii, (6), with a folding engraved ...

EUR 4,000

One of the rarest pomological works published in the 19th century

MAS, S.A. Le Verger, ou histoire, culture, et description avec planches coloriées des variétés des fruit le plus généralement connues.

Paris, G. Masson, (1865-1872). 8 volumes. Royal-8vo. With 384 chromolithographed plates, partly finished by hand, containing 702 figures. Contempor...

EUR 8,500

A rare early treatise on fruit trees, tree planting and crafting

MASCALL, L. A booke of the Arte and maner how to Plant and Graffe all sortes of Trees, how to set Stones and sowe Pepins, to make wilde Trees to graffe on, as also remedies and Medicines...

London, John Wight, 1582. Small 4to (190 x 132mm). pp. (24), 84, (12), large woodcut on title, one plate of grafting tools, 6 woodcuts in the text ...

EUR 9,800

rightly famous for its large decorative plates showing flowers only

rare suite of very beautiful bouquets in ornamental vases with grotesques

MESSAGER, J. (ca. 1580 - Paris - 1649) & PICQUET, J. (Troyes ca. 1600 - ca. 1650 Paris). Series of six copper engravings of floral bouquets in vases.

[Paris, 1620s]. 245 x 175 mm. Half calf, gilt spine with floral ornaments and red gilt lettered label, marbled boards.

EUR 8,400

great classic of American botany

MICHAUX, A. Histoire des Chênes de l'Amérique, ou descriptions et figures de toutes les espèces et variétés de Chênes de l'Amérique Septentrionale, considérées sous les rapports de la Botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage.

Paris, de l'imprimerie de Crapelet, An IX-1801. Folio (415 x 300mm). pp. (4), (56), with 36 engraved plates. Contemporary half green morocco, gilt ...

EUR 9,000

MICHELI, P.A. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Caesare Florentini opus postumum iussu societatis botanicae editum, continuatum, et ipsius horti historia locupletatum ab Io. Targionio Tozzettio...

Florentiae, Bernardi Paperinii, 1748. Folio (355 x 245mm). pp. lxxxviii, 185, with engraved title vignette, several fine engraved initials and head...

EUR 2,500

MIQUEL, F.A.W. De Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen.

Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1836. 8vo (218 x 215mm). pp. 198, with 30 fine handcoloured lithographed plates. Publisher's printed boards (spine slightly...

EUR 900

It is the first and only major flora published of Sardinia and adjacent islands

MORIS, G.G. Flora Sardoa seu Historia Plantarum in Sardinia et adjacentibus insulis vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum.

Taurini, ex Regio Typographeo, 1837-1859. 3 volumes. 4to (270 x 208mm). pp. xii, 606; 562, (2); 564, with 114 engraved plates after drawings by M. ...

EUR 8,200

MORIS, J. & NOTARIS, DE. J. Florula Caprariae sive enumeratio plantarum in insula Capraria vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem Latius excultarum.

Torino, ex Typographia Regia, (1839). 4to (310 x 235mm). pp. 242, with 6 engraved plates. Later wrappers.

EUR 800

NATURGESCHICHTE DER GIFTPFLANZEN, die in der Oesterreichischen Pharmakopie officinäl sind. Mit einem Anhang von den noch über diess in den andern Deutschen Officinen vorgeschriebenen oder sonst vorzüglich

kennenswürdigen Giftpflanzen und Giftschwämmen... Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von einer Gesellschaft von Ärzten und Kräuterkennern. Wien, Reil...

EUR 1,600

NOLLET, J.A. Recherches sur les causes particulières des phénoménes électriques, et sur les effets nuisibles ou avantageux qu'on peut en attendre.

Paris, Frères Guerin, 1749. 8vo (162 x 95mm). pp. xxxvi, 444, with 8 folded engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gilt spine with 5 r...

EUR 550

The only other copy known is in the British Museum

NOVÆ FLORUM ICONES Hujus generis atrium cultoribus perutiles, maximâ curâ deliniatæ, et tabulis æneis incisæ. Ex Officina Nicol: Visscher.

A series of 16 copper engravings, numbered lower right, 257 x 175 mm, within the borders c. 229 x 146 mm.

EUR 7,500

a treatise on medical plants of India

OS, G.J.J. VAN. Still life with a variety of flowers.

Watercolour, 315 x 250mm., signed 'G.J.J. Van Os f ', in ink in left lower corner, framed.

EUR 3,600

The very fine illustrations depict flowers and fruit growing in the Netherlands

OTTOLANDER, K.J.W., KOSTER, A. & DE VOS, C. (Eds.). Nederlandsche Flora en Pomona, beschreven en uitgegeven door het Bestuur der Pomologische Vereeniging te Boskoop. Met platen naar de natuur geteekend door A.J. Wendel

Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1879. 2 volumes. Folio (320 x 250 mm). pp. ix, xii , (4), 235, with 81 chromolithograped plates of fruit and flowers. Publ...

EUR 3,800

PAULET, J.J. Iconographie des Champignons de Paulet. Recueil de 217 planches... Par J.H. Léveillé.

Paris, chez J.B. Baillière, 1855. Folio (355 x 273mm). 54 fine hand-coloured engraved plates of 247. Loose in old wrappers.

EUR 500

PETERS, W.C. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique auf Befehl S.M. des Königs Friederich Wilhelm IV. in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgeführt. Band VI: BOTANIK.

Berlin, Reimer, (1861-) 1862-1864. 2 parts (bound in 1). 4to. pp. xxii, iv, 584, with 61 lithographed plates. Recent half cloth.

EUR 700

PHILIBERT, J.C. Exercises de Botanique, à l'usage des commençans.

Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1801. 2 volumes. 8vo (270 x 140mm). pp. (4), 1-234; (4), 235-438, with 157 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. ...

EUR 1,600

The fine plates show marine animals of the Adriatic sea such as shells and crustacean

PLANCUS, J. De Conchis minus notis liber cui accessit specimen aestus reciproci maris superi ad littus portumque Arimini.

Venetiis, Typis Joannis Baptistae Pasquali, 1739. 4to (260 x 190mm). pp. 88, with woodcut title vignette and 5 engraved folded plates (Together wit...

EUR 3,900

A very unusual long botanical scroll, showing 62 different species, each depiction of a plant

PLANTS OF WESTERN JAPAN. (Chûshoto okonomi no bunezu). Japanese exceptionally long horizontal painted scroll (11.5 meters by 26 cm.) showing 62 species of plants of Western Japan.

End 18th or beginning 19th century. Colour painted on mulberry paper, with Japanese calligraphy, mounted on a wooden roller, endpaper decorated wit...

EUR 28,000

A fine copy of noble provenance of the most attractive fruit book ever produced

POITEAU, A. Pomologie française. Recueil des plus beaux Fruits cultivés en France...

Paris, Langlois et Leclercq, 1846. 4 volumes. Folio (413 x 280mm). With three plain and 420 stipple-engraved plates printed in colours and finished...

EUR 135,000

POLLINI, C. Flora Veronensis quam in prodromum florae Italiae Septentrionalis exhibit.

Veronae, Typis et expensis Soc. Typogr., 1822-1824. 3 volumes. 8vo (225 x 145mm). (I) pp. xxxv, 535, with 2 engraved folded plates; (II) pp. 754, w...

EUR 1,500

This is a very fine series of floral engravings in the style of Spaendonck, Redouté, Bessa, etc

PREVOST, B.L. Principes et leçons de fleurs.

Paris, Demarteau l'ainé (after 1850). Small-folio (330 x 245mm). With 16 etchings printed in bistre, by Giles Demarteau after crayon drawings by P...

EUR 2,000

PUCCINELLO, B. Synopsis Plantarum in agro Lucensi sponte nascentium.

Lucae, typis Bertinianis, 1841-1848. 2 parts bound in one. Royal-8vo (210 x 135 mm). pp. 531, xxxxix, with 14 lithographed plates. Contemporary gre...

EUR 1,100

first edition of Rapin's celebrated poem on gardens, and a fine piece of book design

RAPIN, R. Hortorum libri IV. Cum disputatione de cultura hortensi.

Paris, Typographia Regia, 1665. 4to (255 x 198 mm). pp. (xxvi including frontispiece), 219 with engraved frontispiece, engraved vignette with royal...

EUR 7,500

the rare first 8vo-edition of the most famous book on roses

REDOUTE, P.J. & THORRY, C.A. Les Roses peintes par P.J. Redouté ... décrites par C.A. Thorry.

Paris, C.L.F. Panckoucke, 1824. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo (235 x 155mm). With 160 colour-printed engraved plates, partly finished by hand. Contemporary ...

EUR 15,000

Perhaps the most impressive French botanical book of the period

REGNAULT, N.F. La Botanique mise à la portée de tout le monde ou collection des plantes d'usage dans la médecine, dans les alimens et dans les arts.

Avec des notices instructives pulsées dans les auteurs les plus célèbres, contenant la description,le climât, la culture, les propriétés et l...

EUR 28,000

Barlett also speaks with appreciation of the beauty of the illustrations

RENAULME, P. DE. Specimen historiae plantarum. Plantae typis aeneis expressae.

Paris, Hadrianus Beys, 1611. 4to (120 x 176mm). pp. (6), 154, 47, (1), with 25 full page engraved plates. 18th century half vellum, marbled sides ...

EUR 2,500

The plates are meticulously hand-coloured and there are 4 plants shown on each plate

ROQUES, J. Plantes Usuelles, Indigènes et Exotiques, dessinées et coloriées d'après nature, avec la description de leurs caractères distinctifs et de leurs propriétés médicales. Secondeédition.

Paris, chez l'auteur & Hocquart, 1809. 2 volumes. 4to (255 x 190mm). pp. (4), viii, 266; (4), 278, (1, errata) with 133 finely handcoloured engrave...

EUR 2,500

RUMPHIUS, G.E. Engraved portrait of Georg Everhard Rumphius. Amsterdam 1741. 387 x 245mm.

The engraving has been mounted on old paper and on the verso is written a text in English by an oldhand about the importance of this famous botanis...

EUR 850

the first great survey of the flora of the East-Indies

the most important work on hyacinths published in the 18th century

(SAINT SIMON, M.H. DE). Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, réproduction et culture.

Amsterdam, 1768. 4to (282 x 225mm). pp. (iv), 164, (4), 15, (1), with 10 folding engraved plates [bound up with:] Discours addressé à l'Académie...

EUR 950

He intensively surveyed the flora and fauna of Brazil from Jequitinhonha to Rio de la Plata for six years

SAINT-HILAIRE, A.F. DE. Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis.

Paris, A. Belin, 1824-1833. 24 parts. Large 4to (365 x 280mm). With 193 engraved plates. Publishers printed wrappers, uncut.

EUR 15,000

SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, J., Fürst von. Index plantarum Succulentarum in Horto Dyckensi cultae...

Aachen, Beaufort, 1822. 8vo (203 x 130mm). pp. (ii), 60; a fine copy in original wrappers.

EUR 550

SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, J., Fürst von. Plantae Succulentae Horti Dyckensis. 1820.

(privately printed, Schloss Dyck, 1820). 12mo (155 x 105mm). pp. 42. Paper spine.

EUR 550

SCHLECHTENDAL, D.F.L. Hortus Halensis tam vivus quam siccus Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustratus.

Fasc. I-III. Halis Saxonum, C.A. Schwetschke et Filium/ H.W. Schmidt, 1841-(1853). 4to. (I) pp. (4), 1-8, with engraved plates 1-4 (3 handcoloured)...

EUR 500

SCHLECHTENDAL, D.F.L. Hortus Halensis tam vivus quam siccus Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustratus.

Fasc. I-III. Halis Saxonum, C.A. Schwetschke et Filium/ H.W. Schmidt, 1841-(1853). 4to. (I) pp. (4), 1-8, with engraved plates 1-4 (3 handcoloured)...

EUR 500

SCHLECHTENDAL, D.F.L. Hortus Halensis tam vivus quam siccus Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustratus.

Fasc. I-III. Halis Saxonum, C.A. Schwetschke et Filium/ H.W. Schmidt, 1841-(1853). 4to. (I) pp. (4), 1-8, with engraved plates 1-4 (3 handcoloured)...

EUR 500

SCHLECHTER, R. Beiträge zur Orchideenkunde von Zentralamerika. I: Orchidaceae Powellianae Panamenses. II: Additamenta ad Orchideologiam Costaricensem.

Dahlem bei Berlin, Verlag des Repertoriums, 1922-1923. 2 volumes. 8vo. pp. 95; 307. Publisher's printed wrappers.

EUR 250

SCHLECHTER, R. Orchidaceae Perrierianae. Ein Beitrag zur Orchideenkunde der Insel Madagascar.

Dahlem bei Berlin, Verlag des Repertoriums, 1925. 8vo. pp. 391. Publisher's printed wrappers.

EUR 250

SCHRANK, F. VON PAULA (VON). Baiersche Flora.

Muenchen, J.B. Strobl, 1789. 2 volumes. 8vo. pp. (2), 753; 670, (34), with 1 engraved frontispiece and 2 engraved title-vignettes. Contemporary boa...

EUR 550

SEBASTIANI, A. & MAURI, E. Florae Romanae prodromus exhibens centurias xii plantarum circa Romam et in Cisapenninis pontificiae ditionis provinciis sponte nascentium sexuali systemate digestas.

Romae, apud Vinc. Poggioli R.C.A. Typographum, 1818. 8vo (210 x 135mm). pp. xv, (1), 351 with 10 folded engraved plates. Contemporary red half calf...

EUR 850

highly finished watercolours of the fungi of the Loire valley

SÉJOURNÉ, A. Champignons des environs de Blois.

Blois circa 1880. 2 volumes. Folio (360 x 270mm). A collection of 161 very fine watercolours of mushrooms of the Blois area (Loire valley). Loose i...

EUR 12,000

The first and most important of four works by Senebier specifically on photosynthesis

SENEBIER, J. Mémoires Physico-Chymiques, sur l'influence de la lumière solaire pour modifier les êtres des trois règnes de la Nature, & sur-tout ceux du règne végétal.

Genève, Barthelemi Chirol, 1782. 3 volumes. 8vo (215 x 145mm). pp. xvi, 408; viii, 411; viii, 412, with 2 folded engraved plates. Contemporary mar...

EUR 1,000

Species illustrated and described include three from the Cape, two from Mauritius, and several from Jamaica

SMITH, J.E. Icones Pictae Plantarum Rariorum, descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae ... Coloured Figures of Rare Plants, illustrated with Descriptions and Observations.

London 1790-(1793). 3 parts. Folio. With 18 handcoloured engraved plates by James Sowerby. Contemporary half calf, a little rubbed and some repairs.

EUR 3,000

SONNINI, C.S. Traité des Asclépiades, particulièrement de l'Asclépiade de Syrie; précédé de quelques observations sur la culture du coton en France.

Paris, F. Buisson, 1810. 8vo (210 x 133mm). pp. (2), 146, with 2 handcoloured folded engraved plates. Recent red half morocco, spine with gilt lett...

EUR 1,200

The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology

SOWERBY, J. Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.

London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1815). 3 volumes. Folio (320 x 200mm). With 440 hand-coloured engraved plates on 43...

EUR 16,000

The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology

SOWERBY, J. Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.

London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1815). 3 volumes, bound in 2. Folio(320 x 200mm). With 440 hand-coloured engraved p...

EUR 12,000

SPALLANZANI, L. Expériences pour servir à l'histoire de la génération des animaux et des plantes.

Avec une ébauche de l'histoire des ètres organisés avant leur fécondation, par J. Senebier. Genève,B. Chirol, 1785. 8vo. pp. (4), xcvi, 413, (...

EUR 900

rare treatise on the culture of citrus fruit in the Low Countries

STERBEECK, F. VAN. Citricultura oft Regeringhe der uythemsche Boomen en te weten Oranien, Citroenen, Limoenen, Granaten, Laurieren en Andere...

Antwerpen, J. Jacops, 1682. 4to (210 x 160mm). pp. (xl), 1-74, (2), 75-296 (26), with engraved frontispiece, engraved coat-of-arms on inserted leaf...

EUR 4,500

the first separate general work on fungi, describing edible and poisonous varieties

the first separate general work on fungi, describing edible and poisonous varieties

SUTER, J.R. Flora Helvetica exhibens plantas Helvetiae Phanerogamas/ Helvetiens Flora enthaltend die phanerogamischen Gewächse Helvetiens.

Vermehrt herausgegeben von J. Hegetschweiler. Zürich, Orell, Füssli & Co., 1822. 2 volumes. Small-8vo. pp. cxxii, 408; (4), 504. Contemporary cal...

EUR 550

SUTER, J.R. Flora Helvetica exhibens plantas Helvetiae Phanerogamas/ Helvetiens Flora enthaltend die phanerogamischen Gewächse Helvetiens.

Vermehrt herausgegeben von J. Hegetschweiler. Zürich, Orell, Füssli & Co., 1822. 2 volumes. Small-8vo. pp. cxxii, 408; (4), 504. Contemporary sti...

EUR 500

He published a number of beautifully illustrated works on British garden plants

THUNBERG, C.P. Icones Plantarum Japonicarum, quas in insulis Japonicis annis 1775 et 1776 collegit et descripsit...

Uppsala, J.F. Erdman, 1794-1805. Folio (430 x 275mm). Only 10 of 50 engraved plates, loose.

EUR 1,800

TORRE, G. Dryadum, Amadryadum, Cloridisque triumphus, ubi Plantaru Universa natura spectatur...

Padova, P.M. Frambotti, 1685. Folio (328 x 220mm). pp. (28), 709, (90), with one beautiful engravedemblematic title and an engraved portait of dall...

EUR 1,800

complete set of the most important and beautiful British pomological journal

TRANSACTIONS OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. First series, volumes 1-7 (all published). London, W. Bulmer/ W. Nicol, 1812-1830. [and] Second series, volumes 1-3 (all published).

London, W. Nicol, 1835-1848. 10 volumes. 4to (282 x 220mm). With 7 engraved titles and 176 engravedplates of which 93 (some double-page) superbly h...

EUR 13,000

The fine engravings are by the author and show recently introduced plants

TRIONFETTI, G.B. Observationes de Ortu, ac vegetatione Plantarum cum Novarum Stirpium historia iconibus illustrata...

Romae, Typis Dominici Antonii Herculis, 1685. 4to (245 x 175mm). pp. (6), 106, with 17 fine engraved plates. Recent red calf, spine in 6 compartmen...

EUR 2,800

The publishing history of the present work is probably the most bizarre one in the history of botany

VELLOZO, J. M. da CONCEIÇAO. Florae Fluminensis Icones.

Parisis, ex off. Lithogr. Senefelder, curante F.J. Knecht, 1827. 10 of 11 volumes (lacking volume 3). Large-folio (520 x 345mm). With 1472 lithogra...

EUR 20,000

Madame Henriette Vincent (1786-1830) pupil of Van Spaendonck and Redouté

VINCENT, H.A. Collection de 24 Bouquets de Fleurs. Dessinés et gravés d'après nature...

Paris, chez l'éditeur, 1835. 4to (280 x 210mm). With a fine pictorial title and 24 plates, all stipple engravings, printed in colour with extensiv...

EUR 8,000

VITMAN, F. Svmma Plantarvm qvae hactenvs innotvervnt methodo Linnaeana per genera et species digesta illvstrata descripta.

Mediolani, typis Imper. Monast. Ambrosii Majoris, 1789-1792. 6 volumes. 8vo (202 x 120mm). pp. vi, 497; 459; 557; 487; 458; 397, xliii. Contemporar...

EUR 1,500

very rare thesis of this famous Dutch scientist

an important record of orchid varieties discovered and described in the 19th century

WARNER, R. & WILLIAMS, B.S. The Orchid Album, comprising coloured figures and descriptions of New, Rare and Beautiful Orchidaceous Plants.

London 1882-1897. 11 volumes. Large-4to (303 x 240mm). With 528 coloured plates. Publisher's pictorial gilt cloth, gilt edges (bindings worn).

EUR 14,000

the first botanical book to utilise colour-printed mezzotint successfully

An interesting work on how to paint and draw flowers

only 100 copies were printed

WOOLWARD, F.H. The genus Masdevallia.

Issued by the Marquess of Lothian, K.T., chiefly from plants in his collection of orchids at Newbattle Abbey. With additional notes by F.C. Lehmann...

EUR 11,000

only 100 copies were printed

WOOLWARD, F.H. The genus Masdevallia.

Issued by the Marquess of Lothian, K.T., chiefly from plants in his collection of orchids at Newbattle Abbey. With additional notes by F.C. Lehmann...

EUR 11,000

The first Latin and best edition

ZANONI, G. Rariorum Stirpium Historia ex parte olim edita. Nunc centum plus tabulis, ex commentariis auctoris ab ejusdem nepotibus ampliata opus universum digessit, latine reddidit, supplevitque Cajetanus Montius.

Bononiae, Ex Typographia Lealii a Vulpe, 1742. Folio (390 x 260mm). pp. (40), 247, with an engravedallegorical frontispiece and engraved portrait o...

EUR 3,900

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