PUCCINELLO, B. Synopsis Plantarum in agro Lucensi sponte nascentium. Lucae, typis Bertinianis, 1841-1848. 2 parts bound in one. Royal-8vo (210 x 135 mm). pp. 531, xxxxix, with 14 lithographed plates. Contemporary gre... EUR 1,100
It is the first and only major flora published of Sardinia and adjacent islands
MORIS, G.G. Flora Sardoa seu Historia Plantarum in Sardinia et adjacentibus insulis vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum. Taurini, ex Regio Typographeo, 1837-1859. 3 volumes. 4to (270 x 208mm). pp. xii, 606; 562, (2); 564, with 114 engraved plates after drawings by M. ... EUR 8,200