Subjects: Gardening / Gardens / Horticulture
Search results: Gardening / Gardens / Horticulture(31 results)
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Nieuwe en ongehoorde dog in de natuur welgegronde Queek-konst van Boomen, Heesters en Bloemgewassen. Ofte derselver algemeene vermeerdering...
Amsterdam, Andries van Damme, 1724. 2 parts (bound in one). Small-4to (197 x 150 mm). pp. (14), 208, with 2 engraved frontispieces and 34 mostly f...
EUR 1,200
Index alter Plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur.
Leiden, Jansson Vander Aa, 1727. 2 vols (bound in one). 4to (225 x 175 mm). pp. (xxxviii, without blank *4, as is always the case), 320; (ii), 270,...
EUR 3,500
The lovely boldly coloured plates, all with yellow border, show ornamental flowers together with insects, butterflies or birds with slight landscape backgrounds.
Collection Précieuse et Enluminée des Fleurs les plus Belles et les plus Curieuses, qui se cultivent tant dans les Jardins de la Chine que dans ceux de l'Europe. Partie II: PLANTES LES PLUS BELLES QUI SE CULTIVENT DANS LES JARDINS DE L'EUROPE.
Paris, Debure l'aîné et chez l'Auteur, (1776-1779). Folio (450 x 285mm). With 1 engraved title and 100 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates....
EUR 18,000
The work is an attractive illustrated dictionary of agriculture, treating, gardening, botany, hunting, breading of animals, bee-keeping, medicine, vineyards etc.
Dictionnaire oeconomique, contenant divers moyens d'augmenter son bien, et de conserver sa santé. Avec plusieurs remedes assurez et eprouvez, pour un tres grand nombre de maladies, & de beaux secrets pour parvenir à une longue & heureuse vieillesse. Quantité de moyens pour élever, nourrir, guérir & faire profiter toutes sortes d'animaux domestiques; comme Brebis, Moutons, Boeufs, Chevaux, Mulets, Poules, Abeilles, & Vers à soie. Differens filets pour la pêche de toutes sortes de poissons, & pour la chasse de toutes sortes d'oiseaux & animaux, &c. ...
Amsterdam, Jean Cóvens & Corn. Mortier, 1732-1740. 4 volumes bound in 2 (including 2 supplementary volumes). Folio (385 x 250mm). pp. (8), includi...
EUR 3,800
one of the most important works on flower gardens and the cultivation of flowers of Northern Italy
Istoria e coltura delle piante che sono pe'l fiore più ragguardevoli , e più distinte per ornare un giardino... con un copioso trattato degli agrumi...
Venezia, presso Andrea Poletti, 1726. 4to (235 x 175mm). pp. (34), 761, (3), with an engraved portrait of Clarici holding a bouquet of flowers in h...
EUR 5,000
the early years of this famous and beautifully illustrated magazine
The Botanical Magazine; or, Flower-Garden displayed: in which the most ornamental foreign plants, cultivated in the open ground, the green-house, and the stove, are accurately represented in their natural colours...
London, S. Couchman, 1793-1814. 40 volumes, bound in 20. 8vo (235 x 140mm). With 1684 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform red ...
EUR 20,000
Ad vivium exprimebat.
Bologna, Guiseppe Longhi and Franciscus Curtus, c.1644. Small folio (275 x 200mm). With engraved title within a garland of flowers and ribbons, 31 ...
EUR 18,000
Bulbous plants predominate (daffodils, narcissi, jonquils, tulips, blue-bells, lilies and fritillaries)
[Florilegium], Nicolaus Guillelmus a florae Lotharingus. Fecit Romae 1638.
[Paris], Pierre Mariette, 1638. Small oblong 4to (190 x 290mm). Engraved throughout, title-portraitwithin border of flowers, 12 plates of flowers, ...
EUR 10,000
over de xii. maenden van het jaer. Beschryvende hoe men op de beste en bekwaemste maniere Hoven, Tuynen, Lust-Hoven en Boomgaerden zal verordineren, bereyden, beplanten en
bezaeyen. In dezen Gendschen druk veel vermeerdert en verbetert... Den elfsten druk. Door F.V.S. Pbr, vermeerdert en verbetert. Gend, Weduwe Steven...
EUR 900
The most important work on garden design in the eighteenth century
The Theory and Practice of Gardening: Wherein is fully handled all that relates to Fine Gardens, commonly called Pleasure-Gardens, as Parterres, Groves, Bowling-Greens, &c. Containing divers Plans, and general Dispositions of Gardens.... With the manner of laying out the Grounds, cutting the Terrasses... the method of Planting, and raising, in little time, all the Plants requisite in Fine Gardens... Done from the French Original, printed at Paris, Anno 1709. By John James of Greenwich.
London, Printed by Geo. James, 1712. 4to (252 x 200mm). pp.(16), 218, (2), with 32 double- or folded plates. Contemporary calf, richly gilt spine i...
EUR 3,500
the most important book to be published in England during the eighteenth century on the plant growing in a private garden
Horti Elthamensis plantarum rariorum icones et nomina Joh. Jac. Dillenio, M.D. descriptarum Elthami in Cantio, in Horto... Jacobi Sherard... additis denominationibus Linnaeanis.
Lugduni Batavorum, C. Haak, 1774. 2 volumes (bound in one). Folio (404 x 260mm). Leaves (6); 1, with 325 etched plates. New full mottled calf, spin...
EUR 9,000
The manuscript therefore constitutes an important documentation for the history of olive cultivation
[Manuscript on Olive Trees and Olive Oil of Tuscany and some adjacent areas, by Count Luigi Fantoni].
Delle specie diverse d'Olivi che si trovano ne Monti della Fattoria d'Agnano Territorio Pisano, spettante a S(ua) A(ltezza) S(erenissima) etc. Con...
EUR 38,000
botanical subjects by the famous Italian artists Guido Reni, A.M. Variana, and P. Cortona
Flora ouero Cultura di Fiori.
Distinta in Quattro Libri e trasportata dalla lingua Latina nell'Italiana ... Roma, P.A. Facciotti,1638. Small-4to (225 x 165mm). pp. (12), 520, (2...
EUR 2,500
illustrated with chromolithographs, designed, printed and sometimes "rebouché au pinceau" in the large printing office situated in the middle of van Houtte's gardens
ou descriptions des plantes les plus rares et les plus méritantes ... Rédigé par C. Lemaire, Scheidweiler & Van Houtte e.a.
Gand, van Houtte, 1845-1880. 23 volumes. Royal-8vo (252 x 180mm). With over 2500, nearly all coloured plates. Contemporary brown half calf, spines ...
EUR 15,000
a great number of woodcuts of trees
GALLAND, P. (editor).
De Agrorum conditionibus, & constitutionibus limitum. Siculi Flacci lib. I, Iulii Frontini lib. I, Aggeni Urbici lib. II, Hygeni Gromatici lib. II, Variorum Auctorum ... De generibus lineamentorum. De mensuris & ponderibus. Omnia figuris illustrata.
Parisiis, apud Turnebum., 1554. 4to (220 x 170mm). pp. (4), 256, (12), 20, with numerous woodcuts in the text. Contemporary limp vellum.
EUR 1,500
a work on the value of American (primarily South American) cultivated plants
Osservazioni fitologiche sopra alcune piante esotiche introdotte in Roma fatte nell'Anno 1788, 1789, 1790.
Roma, Stamperia di Arcangelo/ Stamperia Giunchiana, 1789-1792. 3 volumes, bound in one. 4to (245 x 180mm). pp. 64; (2), viii, 99, (1, blank); (4), ...
EUR 9,500
a rare privately printed flower book
The Beauties of Flora with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature, arranged emblematically with directions for colouring them.
Heath Hall near Wakefield, E.E. Gleadall, 1834-36. 2 volumes. 4to (335 x 250mm). With 2 hand-coloured lithographed titles and 41 hand-coloured lith...
EUR 7,000
One of the very few copies with superb gouache handcolouring of the plates
Eden: or, a complete body of gardening. Containing plain and familiar directions for raising the several useful products of garden, fruit, roots and herbage; from the practice of the most successful gardeners, and the result of a long experience. Together with the culture of all kinds of flowers... Including the care and culture of the pleasure-garden.
London, T. Osborne, S. Crowder, H. Woodgate, (1756-) 1757. Folio (422 x 255 mm). pp. (2), iv, ii, 714, with handcoloured engraved frontispiece and...
EUR 18,000
The work lists 110 foreign plants which Linneaus had introduced, among them many Siberian plants
Hortus Upsaliensis, exhibens Plantas Exoticas, Horto Upsaliensis Academiae a sese illatas ab anno 1742 in annum 1748, additis differentiis, synonymis habitationibus, hospitiis, rariorumque descriptionibus, in gratiam studiosae juventutis.
Amstelaedami, apud J. Wetstenium, 1748. 8vo (196 x 115mm). pp. (10), 306, (40), with 3 folded engraved plates. 19th century half calf, spine with g...
EUR 1,000
rare catalogue of the plants growing in the Florence Botanical Garden
Viridarium Florentinum sive conspectus plantarum quae floruerunt, & semina dederunt hoc anno 1750. in Horto Caesareo Florentino. Una cum adnotationibus ... circa genericas plantarum nomenclaturas, simulque cum constitutione trium novorum Generum Niccolinia, Seguieria, & Guettardia.
Florentiae, B. Paperini, 1751. 8vo (142 x 220mm). pp. xv, (1), 109, (2), 32. Title printed in blackand red. Contemporary boards, with manuscript t...
EUR 1,150
A rare early treatise on fruit trees, tree planting and crafting
A booke of the Arte and maner how to Plant and Graffe all sortes of Trees, how to set Stones and sowe Pepins, to make wilde Trees to graffe on, as also remedies and Medicines...
London, John Wight, 1582. Small 4to (190 x 132mm). pp. (24), 84, (12), large woodcut on title, one plate of grafting tools, 6 woodcuts in the text ...
EUR 9,800
rightly famous for its large decorative plates showing flowers only
A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening: comprehending all the modern improvements in the art; whether in the raising of the various esculent vegetables, or in the forcing and managing of different sorts of fruits and plants ... from original drawings by Sydenham Edwards.
London, G. Kearsley, 1807. 2 volumes. 4to (265 x 205mm). With 61 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates and 13 engraved plates of instruments etc...
EUR 4,200
Catalogus Plantarum Horti Caesare Florentini opus postumum iussu societatis botanicae editum, continuatum, et ipsius horti historia locupletatum ab Io. Targionio Tozzettio...
Florentiae, Bernardi Paperinii, 1748. Folio (355 x 245mm). pp. lxxxviii, 185, with engraved title vignette, several fine engraved initials and head...
EUR 2,500
Waare oeffening der Planten waar in De rechte Aart, Natuire, en verborgene eigenschappen der Boomen, Heesteren, Kruiden, ende Bloemen, Door een veeljaarige onderzoekinge, zelfs gevonden; Als meede op wat maniere zy, in onze Neder- en Hoog-duitsche Landen, gezaait, geplant, bewaart, ende, door het geheele Jaar, geregeert moeten zijn, kenbaar gemaakt worden.
Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz., 1682. 4to. pp. (40), 656, (20), with engraved frontispiece and 40 engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.
EUR 1,800
one of the rarest and most attractive Dutch flower books
Door een gezelschap geleerden.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1794. 4to (285 x 220mm). pp. (4), 128, (3), with handcoloured engraved title-page (a large bouquet of flowers in a vase) and ...
EUR 9,000
first edition of Rapin's celebrated poem on gardens, and a fine piece of book design
Hortorum libri IV. Cum disputatione de cultura hortensi.
Paris, Typographia Regia, 1665. 4to (255 x 198 mm). pp. (xxvi including frontispiece), 219 with engraved frontispiece, engraved vignette with royal...
EUR 7,500
the most important work on hyacinths published in the 18th century
Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, réproduction et culture.
Amsterdam, 1768. 4to (282 x 225mm). pp. (iv), 164, (4), 15, (1), with 10 folding engraved plates [bound up with:] Discours addressé à l'Académie...
EUR 950
Hortus Halensis tam vivus quam siccus Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustratus.
Fasc. I-III. Halis Saxonum, C.A. Schwetschke et Filium/ H.W. Schmidt, 1841-(1853). 4to. (I) pp. (4), 1-8, with engraved plates 1-4 (3 handcoloured)...
EUR 500
Hortus Halensis tam vivus quam siccus Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustratus.
Fasc. I-III. Halis Saxonum, C.A. Schwetschke et Filium/ H.W. Schmidt, 1841-(1853). 4to. (I) pp. (4), 1-8, with engraved plates 1-4 (3 handcoloured)...
EUR 500
The fine engravings are by the author and show recently introduced plants
Observationes de Ortu, ac vegetatione Plantarum cum Novarum Stirpium historia iconibus illustrata...
Romae, Typis Dominici Antonii Herculis, 1685. 4to (245 x 175mm). pp. (6), 106, with 17 fine engraved plates. Recent red calf, spine in 6 compartmen...
EUR 2,800
There were 18 new Australian plants, with 24 figured
Jardin de Malmaison.
Paris, Crapelet, An XI (1803-1804) (-1805). 2 volumes. Folio (543 x 360mm). With 120 stipple-engraved plates by Redouté, printed in colours and fi...
EUR 85,000