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Subjects: Herbals / Early Botany

Search results: Herbals / Early Botany(16 results)
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The genus Ambrosinia was named after the two brothers

AMBROSINI, H. Phytologiae hoc est de Plantis partis primae tomus primus. In quo Herbarum nostro seculo descriptarum, nomina, aequivoca, synonyma, ac etymologiae investigantur...

Boloniae, sumptibus Haeredum Evangelistae de Duccijs, 1666. Folio (310 x 205mm). pp. (16, incl. frontisp.) 576, (72, incl. 2 blanks), with fine all...

EUR 4,800

BARBARUS, H. Corollarii libri quinque non ante impressi...

Venice 1516. Folio. Leaves 106. Later vellum.

EUR 1,200

The first work on coniferous trees and one of the first botanical books to cover a single species

BELON, P. De arboribus coniferis, resiniferis, aliis quoque nonnullis sempiterna fronde virentibus, cum earundem iconibus ad vivum expressis....

Paris, E. Corrozet, 1553. 4to (198 x 148mm). ff. (8), 32 with 8 woodcuts in the text. Recent marbled boards.

EUR 2,700

early work on botanical theory, reflecting the influence of Theophrastus

COSTEO, G. De Universali Stirpium natura libri duo...

Turin, heirs of Nicolo Bevilacqua, 1578. 4to (208 x 145mm). pp. (viii), 496, (16), with printer's device on title, small wormhole from binding just...

EUR 2,000

Dalechamp is considered by some authorities to have been one of the most erudite of the French botanists of the 16th century

A masterwork what botany in the Dutch speaking countries is concerned

Many of the woodcuts were copies of the 8vo edition of Fuchs' herbal

DODONAEUS, R. Histoire des Plantes, en laquelle est contenue la description entiere des herbes, c'est à dire, leurs especes, forme, noms, temperament, vertus... nouvellement traduite de bas Aleman en François par Charles de l'Escluse.

Anvers, Iean Loë, 1557. Folio (280 x 195mm). pp. (24), 584. (36), with c. 800 woodcuts in the text.Early 18th century full red morocco, sides with...

EUR 9,000

he made here an attempt to an explanation of the parts of the plants.

DODONAEUS, R. Stirpium Historia pemptades sex, sive libri XXX ...

Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, apud B. & I. Moretos, 1616. Folio (346 x 230mm). pp. (16), 872, (66), with fine engraved title and 1341 woodcu...

EUR 5,500

the plants are depicted full-page with German and Latin names

FUCHS, L. Primi de Stirpium historia comentariorum tomi vivae Imagines...

Basileae, Isingrin, 1549. 8vo (165 x 105mm). pp. (16), 516, with woodcut printer's device on titlepage and 516 full page woodcuts, leaves ruled in ...

EUR 6,500

The plates are finely coloured and show flowers, fruit, vegetables and green houses

GREEN, T. The Universal Herbal; or, Botanical, Medical, and Agricultural Dictionary, containing an account of all the known plants in the world, arranged according to the Linnean system. Second

edition, revised and improved. London, Caxton Press, 1824 (-28). 2 volumes. 4to (260 x 206mm). pp. (4), 790; 885, 56, with 3 stipple-engraved handc...

EUR 2,000

A rare early treatise on fruit trees, tree planting and crafting

MASCALL, L. A booke of the Arte and maner how to Plant and Graffe all sortes of Trees, how to set Stones and sowe Pepins, to make wilde Trees to graffe on, as also remedies and Medicines...

London, John Wight, 1582. Small 4to (190 x 132mm). pp. (24), 84, (12), large woodcut on title, one plate of grafting tools, 6 woodcuts in the text ...

EUR 9,800

a treatise on medical plants of India

the first book dedicated to botany to include North American plants and according to Sabin of 'extreme rarity'

ROBIN, J. Histoire des plantes, nouvellement trouvées en l'isle Virgine et autres lieux, lesquelles ont esté prises et cultivées au jardin de Monsieur Robin Arboriste du Roy.

Paris, Guillaume Macé, 1620. 16mo (110 x 70mm.). 16 pp, title within woodcut printed border with plants and animals, with 14 woodcuts of flowering...

EUR 12,000

TAX ODER PREIS DER SOWOHL EINFACHEN ALS ZUSAMMENGESEZTEN ARZNEYEN, welche in der Würtenbergischen Parmacopoea beschrieben, und in denen Apothecken zu finden sind.

Stuttgart, J.C. Erhard, 1755. Small-4to. pp. (2), 132, title-page with engraved vignette. Contemporary half calf (worn).

EUR 850

The fine engravings are by the author and show recently introduced plants

TRIONFETTI, G.B. Observationes de Ortu, ac vegetatione Plantarum cum Novarum Stirpium historia iconibus illustrata...

Romae, Typis Dominici Antonii Herculis, 1685. 4to (245 x 175mm). pp. (6), 106, with 17 fine engraved plates. Recent red calf, spine in 6 compartmen...

EUR 2,800

the first botanical book to utilise colour-printed mezzotint successfully