Subjects: Zoology / Fauna
Search results: Zoology / Fauna(126 results)
page 2, displaying items 101 to 126
the first book dedicated to botany to include North American plants and according to Sabin of 'extreme rarity'
Histoire des plantes, nouvellement trouvées en l'isle Virgine et autres lieux, lesquelles ont esté prises et cultivées au jardin de Monsieur Robin Arboriste du Roy.
Paris, Guillaume Macé, 1620. 16mo (110 x 70mm.). 16 pp, title within woodcut printed border with plants and animals, with 14 woodcuts of flowering...
EUR 12,000
the most important work on fishes published in the 16th century
La première (-seconde) partie de l'histoire entière des Poissons. Composée premierement en Latin... Avec leurs pourtraits au naïf.
Lion, M. Bonhome, 1558. 2 parts in one volume. Folio (278 x 203mm). pp. (12), 418, (14); pp.(4), 181, (1 blank), (10), with woodcut portrait of Ro...
EUR 7,900
these birds were seen by Van Royen in the collection of the eminent Amsterdam merchant, Theodorus de Leeuw (1679-1744), at his country house of Elsenburg, on the river Vecht, near Maarssen
Two Silver Pheasants and a Black-crowned Night Heron in a landscape.
Signed and dated, lower right W V ROYEN 1735, also dated lower left: 1735, inscribed in brown ink on verso: 'dese vogels sijn bij d: edl: aghtb: He...
EUR 15,000
the first modern work on tropical fauna
Thesaurus imaginum Piscium Testaceorum; Quales sunt Cancri, Echini, Echinometra, Stellae Marinae,&c. ut et Conchlearum...
Hagae, P. de Hondt, 1739. Folio (400 x 245mm). pp. (4), 14, 8, with engraved title, engraved portrait of Rumphius and 60 engraved plates. Contempor...
EUR 4,500
The best modern book in English on the art and practice of Falconry
Falconry in the British Isles. Second edition, revised and enlarged.
London, Jan van Voorst, 1873. Royal 8vo (283 x 185mm). pp. viii, (2), 171, (1), with 28 fine handcoloured lithographed plates. Later green half cal...
EUR 4,500
Briefe naturhistorischen, physikalischen und ökonomischen Inhaltes an Herrn Bernard Sebastian Nau, ehemaligen kurmainzischen Hofgerichtsrath und
Professor, nebst drey vorausgeschicken naturhistorischen Abhandlungen.
Erlangen, J.C. Schubart, 1802. 8vo (196 x 125mm). pp (8), 384, wit 4 engraved plates. Contemporary marbled boards, spine with gilt lettered label.
EUR 850
The book describes shipworms, wood-boring molluscs
Historia Naturalis Teredinis seu Xylophagi Marini Tubulo-Conchoidis speciatim Belgici.
Trajecti ad Rhenum, H. Besseling, 1733. 4to. pp. (32), 353, (11), (2), with 4 ( 2 hand-coloured) folded engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.
EUR 850
The earliest comprehensive treatise on comparative anatomy
Zootomia democritaea: id est, Anatome Generalis totius animantium Opificii, libris quinque....
Noribergae, Literis Endterianis, 1645. 4to (185 x 140mm). pp. (24), including an engraved frontispiece and 2 engraved portraits, 408, (34), and man...
EUR 5,000
General Zoology or Systematic Natural History. Volume III: AMPHIBIA.
London, G. Kearsley/ Thomas Davison, 1802. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo (230 x 160mm). With 2 engraved titles and 140 engraved plates. Contemporary calf, s...
EUR 1,200
General Zoology or Systematic Natural History: PISCES.
London, G. Kearsley, 1803-1804. 4 volumes. Royal-8vo (212 x 132mm). pp. v, (2), 1- 192; xiii, (2),193-632; v, (2), 1- 250; vi, (2), 251-463, with 4...
EUR 1,200
Siebold was the first western scientist to fully explore the fauna of Japan
Fauna Japonica: TEMMINCK, C.J. Aperçu générale et spécifique sur les Mammifères qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dépendent (bound up with:) Les Mammifères Marins.
Lugduni Batavorum, Arnz, (1842-1844). Folio (370 x 305mm). pp. (4), 59; 26, with 30 (23 finely hand-coloured) lithographed plates. Later blue cloth...
EUR 7,500
Siebold was the first western scientist to fully explore the fauna of Japan
Fauna Japonica: TEMMINCK, C.J. Aperçu générale et spécifique sur les Mammifères qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dépendent (bound up with:) Les Mammifères Marins.
Lugduni Batavorum, Arnz, (1842-1844). Folio (415 x 305mm). pp. (4), 1-41 (of 59); 26, with 30 (23 finely hand-coloured) lithographed plates. Disbou...
EUR 6,500
Fauna Japonica: TEMMINCK, C.J. Coup-d'oeil sur la Faune des Iles de la Sonde et de l'Empire du Japon. Discours préliminaire destiné à servir d'Introduction à la Faune du Japon.
Leiden, J.C. Lalau, 1836. Folio (395 x 295mm). pp. 30. Disbound, in loose sheets.
EUR 2,000
Dissertatio Zoologica, enumerationem Mammalium Capensium continens.
Leidae, J.C. Cyfveer, 1832. 4to (268 x 215mm). pp. (8), vi, 108, (2), with 3 (2 handcoloured) lithographed plates. Contemporary printed boards.
EUR 350
A conchological manual.
London, G.B. Sowerby, 1839. 8vo. pp. v, 130, with 1 handcoloured, engraved frontispiece, 2 folded tables and 23 engraved plates. Contemporary green...
EUR 400
A Conchological Manual. Fourth edition, considerably enlarged and improved.
London, H.G. Bohn, 1852. 8vo (215 x 132mm). pp. vi, (2), 337, with 2 folded tables and 29 fine handcoloured engraved plates. Publisher's green clot...
EUR 500
Remarks on the Genera Orbicula and Crania of Lamarck, with descriptions of two species of each genus; and some observations proving the Patella distorta of Montagu to be a species of Crania.
(London) 1818. 4to. pp. 9, with 1 handcoloured engraved plate. Contemporary boards.
EUR 200
G.B. Sowerby (2nd) was the most gifted draughtsman of shells of the Sowerby family
The Conchological Illustrations [or coloured figures of all the hitherto unfigured shells].
London, Sowerby, 1832-1841. 8vo (212 x 135mm). With 200 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates and descriptive text. Contemporary red half moroc...
EUR 5,000
Expériences pour servir à l'histoire de la génération des animaux et des plantes.
Avec une ébauche de l'histoire des ètres organisés avant leur fécondation, par J. Senebier. Genève,B. Chirol, 1785. 8vo. pp. (4), xcvi, 413, (...
EUR 900
The fine lithographed plates show a.o. numerous bats, orang-outangs and other mammals
Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de Mammifères, dont les espèces ont été observées dans les différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux Notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le baron G. Cuvier, dans ses Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles.
Paris, G. Dufour & d'Ocagne, 1827-1841. 4to (270 x 195 mm). 2 volumes, comprising 17 parts, bound in one. pp. (4), xxxii, 268, (4, publisher's cata...
EUR 2,500
The genus 'Turtonia' was named in his honour
Conchylia Insularum Britanicarum.
The Shells of the British Islands, systematically arranged. London, M.A. Nattali, (1822). 4to. pp. xlvii, (1), 279, (1), with 20 handcoloured engra...
EUR 1,000
In comparison with contemporary scientific thought,Vallisnieri's work has a very modern character
Opere fisico-mediche stampate e manoscritte... raccolte da Antonio suo Figliuolo, corredate d'una Prefazione...
Venezia, S. Coleti, 1733. 3 volumes. Folio (355 x 225mm). pp. (2), lxxxii, 469; (4), 551; (4), 676,with 92 engraved plates, 3 engraved title-vignet...
EUR 2,500
Dissertationes Tres. De Aponi Thermis: de nonnullis Insectis terrestribus, & Zoophytes marinis, & de vermium terrae reproductione, atque Taenia Canis.
Patavii, J. Batistae Conzatti, 1758. 8vo (220 x 140mm). pp. vi, (2), 167, (1), (12, index), with engraved frontispiece, engraved title vignette an...
EUR 650
Index Testaceologicus, an illustrated catalogue of British and foreign shells, containing about 2800 figures accurately coloured after nature. A new and entirely revised edition, with ancient and modern appellations, synonyms, localities, etc. by Sylvanus Hanley.
London, Willis and Sotheran, 1856. Royal-8vo (245 x 155mm). pp. xx, 234, with 46 fine handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary green half morocco...
EUR 450
On the growth of the Salmon in Fresh Water. With six coloured illustrations of the fish, of the natural size, exhibiting its character and exact appearance at various stages during the first two years.
London , John van Voorst, 1839. Oblong-folio (310 x 435mm). pp. (2), 3, (1), with 3 fine hand-coloured engraved plates showing 6 salmon. Publisher'...
EUR 1,200
the first work dealing exclusively with birds' eggs and birds' nests
Delle uova e dei nidi degli uccelli libro primo del Conte Giuseppe Zinanni.
Aggiunte in fine alcune osservazioni, con una dissertazione sopra varie spezie di Cavalette. Venezia, A. Bortoli, 1737. 4to (285 x 204 mm). pp. (8)...
EUR 3,900