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Subjects: Shells / Molluscs

Search results: Shells / Molluscs(56 results)
page 1, displaying items 1 to 56

A large paper copy with proof plates

ADANSON, M. Histoire naturelle de Sénégal. COQUILLAGES.

Paris, chez Claude-Jean-Baptiste Bauche, 1757. 4to (292 x 222mm). pp. (8), 190, xcvi, 275, with 1 folded engraved map and 19 engraved plates. Conte...

EUR 2,800

BARRANDE, J. Systême silurien du centre de la Bohême.

Ière Partie: RECHERCHES PALEONTOLOGIQUES. Vol. V. CLASSE DES MOLLUSQUES. ORDRE DES BRACHIOPODES. Prague/Paris, chez l'auteur et éditeur, 1879. 2 ...

EUR 1,300

BARRANDE, J. Systême silurien du centre de la Bohême.

Ière Partie: RECHERCHES PALEONTOLOGIQUES. Vol. VI. CLASSE DES MOLLUSQUES. ORDRE DES ACEPHALES. Prague/Paris, chez l'auteur et éditeur, 1881. 4 vo...

EUR 2,200

Amos Binney (1803-1847) and William G. Binney (1825-1909) are two scientists who played significant roles in 19th century conchology

BINNEY, A. & BINNEY, W.G. Terrestrial Air-Breathing Mollusks of the United States and the adjacent territories of North America: described and illustrated by Amos Binney. Edited by August A. Gould.

Boston, Charles C. Little/ Cambridge, printed for the Museum, 1851-1892. 5 volumes and 4 supplements bound in 7. 8vo (232 x 145mm). With 237 (83 ha...

EUR 7,500

The cuts include the famous 'monk' and 'bishop' sea monster

BOUSSUET, F. De Natura Aquatilivm Carmen.

In vniuersam Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... quam de Piscibus marinis scripsit historiam: Cum viuis eorum imagnibus, Opusculu nunc primum in luce emissum. ...

EUR 4,000

The engraved plates show 123 figures, mostly shells

BRANDER, G. Fossilia Hantoniensia collecta, et in Musaeo Britannico deposita.

Londini 1766. 4to (270 x 215mm). pp. (2), vi, 43, with 9 engraved plates and 1 engraved title vignette. Contemporary marbled boards, later half cal...

EUR 1,800

BROOKES, S. An introduction to the study of Conchology: including observations on the Linnaean genera, and on the arrangement of M. Lamarck; a glossary, and a table of English names.

London, printed for J. & A. Arch, 1815. 4to (267 x 210mm). pp. vii, (1), 164, with 11 (9 handcoloured) engraved plates. Contemporary calf, richly g...

EUR 900

Every shell, as far as possible, has been drawn from Nature, and generally from the largest and most beautiful specimens

BROWN, T. Illustrations of the recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land, and fresh-water.

Second edition, greatly enlarged. London, Smith, Elder, and Co., (1844). Folio (315 x 255mm). pp. xiii, (1), 144, with 62 hand-coloured engraved pl...

EUR 1,500

one of the early scientific works making use of original photographs

BUCQUOY, E., DAUTZENBERG, PH. & DOLLFUS, G. Les Mollusques Marins du Roussillon.

Paris, J.B. Baillière & Fils, et chez les auteurs, 1882-1892. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo. With 165 plates. Contemporary green half morocco, gilt lettere...

EUR 1,800

the first book dealing exclusively with shells

BUONANNI, F. Recreatio Mentis et Oculi in observatione Animalium Testaceorum curiosis naturae inspectoribus ... nunc denuò ab eodem Latine oblata, centum additis Testaceorum Iconibus ...

Romae, Typographia Varesii, 1684. 4to (220 x 160 mm). 2 parts (in one volume). pp. (16), 270, (10),with engraved frontispiece, 7 engraved plates to...

EUR 4,500

French translations by a famous French conchologist of important publications on conchology in the English language

CHENU, J.C. Bibliothèque Conchyliologiques.

Series I-II (all publ). Paris, A. Franck, 1845-1846. 5 volumes. Small-4to (260 x 170mm). With 195 lithographed or engraved plates. Publisher's blue...

EUR 3,900

CHENU, J.C. Leçons élémentaires d'histoire naturelle comprenant un aperçu sur toute la zoologie et un traité de Conchyliologie.

Paris, Dauvin et Fontaines/ J.J. Dubochet, le Chevalier, 1847. Royal-8vo. pp. lxxxvii, 284, with 863 figures in the text and 12 handcoloured engrav...

EUR 250

CHENU, J.C. Leçons élémentaires d'histoire naturelle comprenant un aperçu sur toute la zoologie et un traité de Conchyliologie.

Paris, Dauvin et Fontaines/ J.J. Dubochet, le Chevalier, 1847. Royal-8vo. pp. lxxxvii, 284, with 863 figures in the text and 12 handcoloured engrav...

EUR 250

CHENU, J.C. Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paléontologie Conchyliologique.

Paris, Masson, 1859-1862. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo. pp. vii, 508, with 3707 (some coloured) figures; pp. (6), 327, with 1236 figures. Recent black half...

EUR 450

CLERCK, C. (Ed.) Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum naturalium: Plantarum, Insectorum. Conchyliorum, secundum Systema Naturae Linnaeanum.

Stockholm, typis L.L. Grefingii, 1759. 8vo (220 x 122mm). pp. (4), 67, (13). New blue wrappers.

EUR 450

COSTA, E.M. DA. Historia Naturalis Testaceorum Britanniae, or, the British Conchology; containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain andIreland.

La Conchologie Britannique. London, printed for the Author..., 1778. 4to. pp. xii, (2), 254, viii, with 17 engraved plates. Recent half brown moroc...

EUR 1,400

Copies of the above survey of the animal kingdom of Southern Italy are extremely rare

COSTA, O.G & COSTA, A. Fauna del regno di Napoli, ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali che abitano le diverse regioni di questo regno...

Napoli, Tramater, (1829) 1832-1859. 11 volumes. 4to (270 x 220mm). With 377 mostly hand-coloured engraved plates. Later half vellum, gilt ornamente...

EUR 25,000

CROSSE, H. Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et de ses dépendances.

Paris, chez H. Crosse, 1894. 8vo. pp. 317, with 4 handcoloured lithographed plates. Attractive recent half blue calf, richly gilt spine.

EUR 750

the famous 'Disciples Edition', which eclipses all others for scientific accuracy and beauty of embellishment

CUVIER, G. Le Règne Animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux.

Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, (1836-1849). 20 volumes (10 text-volumes & 10 atlas-volumes). Royal-8vo (2707 x 190mm). With 994 engraved plates, alm...

EUR 9,500

ENCYCLOPÉDIE OU DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNÉ DES SCIENCES, DES ARTS ET DES MÉTIERS... Publié par Diderot et d'Alembert: 46 planches d'Histoire Naturelle.

Paris 1762(?). Folio (430 x 280mm). 43 fine engraved plates and descriptive text. Recent half calf,spine with gilt lettered red label.

EUR 1,500

one of the finest examples of French colour-printing by Langlois

FÉRUSSAC, A. DE. & DESHAYES, G.P. Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ...

Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1820-1851. 4 volumes. Folio (420 x 275mm). With 248 engraved plates, almost all printed in colours and finished by hand. Re...

EUR 15,500

one of the finest examples of French colour-printing by Langlois

FÉRUSSAC, A. DE. & DESHAYES, G.P. Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ...

Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1820-1851. 4 volumes. Folio (430 x 300mm). pp. viii, 402; (4), xvi, 1-184 (60 pages of 96 bis), 260, 22 (explication des pl...

EUR 22,000

FISCHER, P. & GOSSE, H. Études sur les Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles du Mexique et du Guatamala.

Paris (1870-) 1902. 4to. Only 28 (of 46) plates of which 22 beautifully handcoloured. Recent blue half calf, richly decorated spine.

EUR 450

La faune malacologique du Mexique et du Guatemala est une des plus intéressantes de l'Amérique

FISCHER, P. & GOSSE, H. Études sur les Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles du Mexique et du Guatemala.

Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, (1870)-1902. 3 volumes (2 text vols & atlas). Folio (345 x 255mm). pp.(4), 702; pp. (6), 731; pp. (6), with 72 lithogr...

EUR 6,500

FORBES, E. & HANLEY, S. A history of British Mollusca, and their shells.

London, J. van Voorst, 1853. 4 volumes. Royal-8vo. pp. lxxx, 486; viii, 557, (1); x, 616; vi, 301, (1), with 203 lithographed plates. Original clot...

EUR 1,300

The present work shows Gualtieri's collection and is one of the most curious and beautiful books on shells ever published

GUALTIERI, N. Index Testarum Conchyliorum quae adservantur in Museo Nicolai Gualtieri... et methodice distributae exhibentur tabulae CX.

Florence, C. Albizzini, 1742. Folio (464 x 325mm). pp xxiii [including frontispiece], (1); ff. 126,with engraved frontispiece, portrait, 110 number...

EUR 7,000

HEUDE, P.M. Notes sur les mollusques terrestres de la vallée du Fleuve Blue.

Chang-Hai (1882). Folio. pp. (4), 87, with 10 lithographed plates. Recent brown half calf, spine with 5 raised bands, gilt lines and lettering.

EUR 850

HEUDE, R.P. Conchyliologie fluviatile de la province de Nanking (et la Chine Centrale), fasc.

I-VI, VIII-IX. Paris, F. Savy, 1875-1885. 4to. 8 parts. With 62 lithographed plates and descriptivetext. Original printed wrappers.

EUR 800

JEFFREYS, J.G. British Conchology, or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas.

London, J. van Voorst, 1904-1869. 5 volumes. 8vo (195 x 125mm). pp. cxiv, 341; xiv, 465; 393; 486; 258, with 147 (107 handcoloured) engraved and li...

EUR 900

one of the most beautiful shell books ever made

KIENER, L.C. Spécies Général et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes, comprenant la collection du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, la collection Lamarck, celle du Prince Masséna et les découvertes récentes des Voyageurs.

Paris, Rousseau/ Baillière, (1834)-1880. 11 volumes (bound in 12). Royal-8vo (240 x 160mm). With 902 fine handcoloured engraved plates. Contempora...

EUR 22,000

one of the most beautiful shell books ever made

KIENER, L.C. Spécies Général et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes, comprenant la collection du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, la collection Lamarck, celle du Prince Masséna et les découvertes récentes des Voyageurs.

Paris, Rousseau/ Baillière, (1834)-1880. 11 volumes. Royal-8vo (240 x 155mm). With 903 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Later half blue calf, s...

EUR 16,000

The beautiful plates are all engraved by Nodder and depict a great number of new species

LEACH, W.E. The Zoological Miscellany, being descriptions of new and interesting animals.

London, R.P. Nodder & Son, 1814-1817. 3 volumes. 8vo (250 x 155mm). pp. 144; 154, (8); (6), 152, with 150 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporar...

EUR 2,800

Already in 1916 Dr. W. Junk stated: 'Jetzt fast unauffindbar' and in his '5o Jahre Antiquar' he calls it a 'Rarissimum'

LINNAEUS, C. Mantissa Plantarum altera generum editionis VI. & specierum editionis II.

Holmiae, L. Salvii, 1771. pp. (6), 143-588. Contemporary half calf, gilt ornamented spine with giltlettered label.

EUR 4,000

A fine large paper copy of the scarce second edition, edited by Huddesford, of the first great English work on Conchology

LISTER, M. Historiae sive synopsis methodicae Conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum.

Editio altera. Oxonii, typogr. Clarendoniano, 1770. Folio (378 x 240mm). pp. iv, 6, 7, (4), 12, 77,with 439 engraved plates (depicting 1083 figures...

EUR 12,000

A superbly bound large paper copy

LISTER, M. Historiae sive synopsis methodicae Conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum.

Editio altera. Oxonii, typogr. Clarendoniano, 1770. 4 parts & appendix (bound in 1 volume). Folio (365 x 245mm). pp. iv, (4), 12, 77, 6, 7, with 43...

EUR 28,000

A fine copy of one of the most attractive shell books ever produced

MONTAGU, G. Testacea Britannica ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles marines, fluviatiles et terrestres d'Angleterre.

Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais. Paris, A. Franck, 1846. Royal-8vo (250 x 165mm). pp. xix, 364, with 14 lithographed plates. Publisher's printed boards.

EUR 700

NYST, P.H. Description des Coquilles et des Polypiers Fossiles des terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique.

Bruxelles, M. Hayze, 1845. 4to (265 x 210mm). pp. 675, (1), 2 index, with 49 fine lithographed plates each with descriptive text leaf. Contempora...

EUR 1,200

OLDROYD, I.S. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America.

Stanford, Univerity Press, 1924-27. 2 volumes (bound in 4). Royal-8vo. pp. 247; 297, 304, 339 with 165 plates. Recent red half morocco, gilt decora...

EUR 400

pioneer work on the marine fauna of the Adriatic, especially the Gulf and Lagoons of Venice

OWEN, R. Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius, Linn.) with illustrations of its external form and internal structure.

London, W. Wood, 1832. 4to (285 x 225mm). pp. 68, with 8 plates of which plates 1-7 in two states. Later half calf, spine with red gilt lettered la...

EUR 450

The fine plates show marine animals of the Adriatic sea such as shells and crustacean

PLANCUS, J. De Conchis minus notis liber cui accessit specimen aestus reciproci maris superi ad littus portumque Arimini.

Venetiis, Typis Joannis Baptistae Pasquali, 1739. 4to (260 x 190mm). pp. 88, with woodcut title vignette and 5 engraved folded plates (Together wit...

EUR 3,900

The fine plates show marine animals of the Adriatic sea such as shells and crustacean

PLANCUS, J. De Conchis minus notis liber. Cui accessit Specimen aestus reciproci maris superi ad littus portumque Arimini. Editio altera duplici appendice aucta.

Romae, in aedibus Palladis, 1760. 4to (273 x 205mm). pp. 136, with engraved title-vignette and 24 engraved plates. Contemporary green vellum, spine...

EUR 1,900

Reeve's first major book, foreshadowing his great 'Conchologia Iconica'

REEVE, L. Conchologia Systematica, or complete system of conchology: in which the Lepades and Conchiferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their natural organizationand habits.

London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, 1841-1842. 2 volumes. 4to (275 x 210mm). pp. vi, 195; pp. (2), 337. With 1 folded table and 301 handcolour...

EUR 12,000

the most important work on fishes published in the 16th century

RONDELET, G. La première (-seconde) partie de l'histoire entière des Poissons. Composée premierement en Latin... Avec leurs pourtraits au naïf.

Lion, M. Bonhome, 1558. 2 parts in one volume. Folio (278 x 203mm). pp. (12), 418, (14); pp.(4), 181, (1 blank), (10), with woodcut portrait of Ro...

EUR 7,900

This is the first great natural history of tropical marine life

the first modern work on tropical fauna

RUMPHIUS, G.E. Thesaurus imaginum Piscium Testaceorum; Quales sunt Cancri, Echini, Echinometra, Stellae Marinae,&c. ut et Conchlearum...

Hagae, P. de Hondt, 1739. Folio (400 x 245mm). pp. (4), 14, 8, with engraved title, engraved portrait of Rumphius and 60 engraved plates. Contempor...

EUR 4,500

The book describes shipworms, wood-boring molluscs

SELLIUS, G. Historia Naturalis Teredinis seu Xylophagi Marini Tubulo-Conchoidis speciatim Belgici.

Trajecti ad Rhenum, H. Besseling, 1733. 4to. pp. (32), 353, (11), (2), with 4 ( 2 hand-coloured) folded engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.

EUR 850

SOWERBY, G.B. A conchological manual.

London, G.B. Sowerby, 1839. 8vo. pp. v, 130, with 1 handcoloured, engraved frontispiece, 2 folded tables and 23 engraved plates. Contemporary green...

EUR 400

SOWERBY, G.B. A Conchological Manual. Fourth edition, considerably enlarged and improved.

London, H.G. Bohn, 1852. 8vo (215 x 132mm). pp. vi, (2), 337, with 2 folded tables and 29 fine handcoloured engraved plates. Publisher's green clot...

EUR 500

G.B. Sowerby (2nd) was the most gifted draughtsman of shells of the Sowerby family

SOWERBY, G.B. The Conchological Illustrations [or coloured figures of all the hitherto unfigured shells].

London, Sowerby, 1832-1841. 8vo (212 x 135mm). With 200 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates and descriptive text. Contemporary red half moroc...

EUR 5,000

The genus 'Turtonia' was named in his honour

TURTON, W. Conchylia Insularum Britanicarum.

The Shells of the British Islands, systematically arranged. London, M.A. Nattali, (1822). 4to. pp. xlvii, (1), 279, (1), with 20 handcoloured engra...

EUR 1,000