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Subjects: Hunting

Search results: Hunting(7 results)
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The scarcest book on American Game-Birds

BROWN, T. Illustrations of the Game Birds of North America Chiefly the size of Nature.

Edinburgh, Frazer & Co.; Dublin, William Curry Jnr. & Co.; Glasgow, John Smith & Son; London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1834. Folio (546 x 410mm). With ...

EUR 38,000

FRACASTORO, G. l'Alcone ossia del governo dei Cani da caccia. Recato dai versi latini in ottave rime con note dal Marchese Salvadore Spiriti.

Roma, con licenza de' Superiori, 1791. 8vo (210 x 140mm). pp. viii, 192, with woodcut title-vignette showing sporting dogs. Contempory mottled calf...

EUR 1,100

KANGETSU (SHITOMO) Illustrator. Nihon Sankai Meisan Zue [Illustrations of the Noted Products of Mountain and Sea].

Osaka, Shioya Chobei, 11th year of Kansei, 1799. 5 volumes. 8vo (250 x 175mm). With double-page woodblock illustrations throughout. Contemporary st...

EUR 4,500

This instructive book ranks with the classics on hunting

LE VERRIER DE LA CONTERIE, (J.B.). L' école de la chasse aux chiens courans, précédée d'une Bibliotheque historique & critique des Théreuticographes.

Rouen, Nicolas & Richard Lallemant, 1763. 2 parts bound in one. 8vo (195 x 120mm). pp. (2), viii,396, 14 of music, (2, blank); pp. ccxxvi, (2), ...

EUR 2,800

This instructive book ranks with the classics on hunting

LE VERRIER DE LA CONTERIE, (J.B.). Normännischer Jäger oder die neueste Jagdschule, nebst den Jagdstücken in Musik... Mit einem Anhange von der Arzneymitteln für Parforcehunde und Pferde. Aus dem Französischenübers. von E.M.S.A.

Münster, P.H. Perrenon, 1780. 8vo (198 x 115mm). pp. (18), 469, with 27 (22 folded) engraved plates. 19th century green boards, spine with gilt le...

EUR 3,300

a book on bird catching, delightful, chiefly owing to Tempesta's spirited illustrations of the methods employed by fowlers in the beginning of the 17th century

OLINA, G.P. Uccelliera overo discorso della natura, e proprieta di diversi uccelli, e in particolare di que'che cantano, con il modo di prendergli, conoscergli... E con le Figure... dal Tempesta, e dal Villamena.

Roma, Angelo de Rossi, 1684. 4to (270 x 210mm). Leaves 5, including engraved title, pp. 77, (1), leaves 6 (index), engraved title, enclosed in broa...

EUR 3,500

the most beautifully coloured issue of one of the most attractive huntingbooks ever published