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Search results: Birds / Ornithology(38 results)
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Its plates, heightened with gold

AUDEBERT, J.B. & VIEILLOT, L.P. Oiseaux Dorés ou à Reflets Métalliques. Histoire Naturelle et Générale des Colibris, Oiseaux-Mouches, Jacamars et Promerops/ Histoire Naturelle et Générale des Grimpéraux et des Oiseaux de Paradis.

Paris, AN XI- (1800-) 1802. 2 volumes. Small folio (335 x 245mm). With 190 (some folding) colour-printed engraved plates by Audebert, many heighten...

EUR 22,000

The handcoloured bird portraits are extremely fine

BONAPARTE, C.L. Iconographie des Pigeons non figurés par Mme Knip dans les deux volumes de MM. Temminck et Florent Prévost.

Paris, P. Bertrand, 1857-1858. Large-folio (560 x 370mm). With 55 beautifully handcoloured lithographed plates by Lemercier after drawings by P.L. ...

EUR 8,000

The scarcest book on American Game-Birds

BROWN, T. Illustrations of the Game Birds of North America Chiefly the size of Nature.

Edinburgh, Frazer & Co.; Dublin, William Curry Jnr. & Co.; Glasgow, John Smith & Son; London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1834. Folio (546 x 410mm). With ...

EUR 38,000

one of the most splendid narratives in the literature of African exploration

BRUCE, J. Voyage en Nubie et en Abyssinie, entrepris pour découvrir les sources du Nil. Pendant les années 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 & 1773. Traduit de l'Anglais, par M. Castera.

Paris, Hôtel de Thou, 1790-1791. 5 volumes of text & 1 atlas. 4to. pp. lxxxiii, 620; 784; 858; 752;328, clxiii, with 7 (4 large folding) engraved ...

EUR 3,000

A well preserved set, of this great classic on natural history, dealing almost exclusively with zoology

BUFFON, (G.L.L.) & LACEPEDE, (B.G.E.). Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roy .

Paris, l' Imprimerie Royale, Hôtel de Thou, Plassan, 1749-1804. 44 volumes. 4to (245 x 192mm). With1 engraved portrait of Buffon, 4 folded tables,...

EUR 36,000

the only 4to edition to rival the original French Imprimerie Royale edition

BUFFON, G.L.L. DE, DAUBENTON, LACÉPÈDE (and others). Histoire Naturelle, générale et particuliere, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi.

Amsterdam, Schneider/ Dordrecht, Blussé, 1766-1799. 38 parts, bound in 19 vols. 4to (267 x 210mm). With engraved portrait of Buffon, numerous engr...

EUR 7,500

The present edition is the last one published during Buffon's lifetime and is considered one of the most charming and attractive editions of his works

BUFFON, (G.L.L.). Histoire Naturelle, générale et partriculière.

Aux Deux-Ponts, chez Sanson & Compagnie, 1785-1791. 54 volumes. 8vo (180 x 110mm). With one engraved portrait, 4 engraved maps and 324 engraved pla...

EUR 9,800

early monograph of the birds of Sardinia

CETTI, F. Gli uccelli di Sardegna.

Sassari, G. Piattoli, 1776. Small-8vo (145 x 100mm) . pp. (10), 334, (2), with 1 engraved title and6 engraved plates. Contemporary calf, richly flo...

EUR 1,000

The first work on Hungarian birds in the Hungarian language

CHERNEL, I. Magyar Ornithologiai Központ. Magyarország Madarai különös tekintettel gazdasági jelentöségökre.

Budapest 1899. 2 volumes (282 x 200mm). pp. xxiv, 187; xix, 830, with 56 lithographed plates of which 51 chromo-lithographed and numerous figures i...

EUR 2,400

Copies of the above survey of the animal kingdom of Southern Italy are extremely rare

COSTA, O.G & COSTA, A. Fauna del regno di Napoli, ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali che abitano le diverse regioni di questo regno...

Napoli, Tramater, (1829) 1832-1859. 11 volumes. 4to (270 x 220mm). With 377 mostly hand-coloured engraved plates. Later half vellum, gilt ornamente...

EUR 25,000

the famous 'Disciples Edition', which eclipses all others for scientific accuracy and beauty of embellishment

CUVIER, G. Le Règne Animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux.

Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, (1836-1849). 20 volumes (10 text-volumes & 10 atlas-volumes). Royal-8vo (2707 x 190mm). With 994 engraved plates, alm...

EUR 9,500

Monumental work on the European avifauna

DRESSER, H.E. A history of the birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the western palaearctic region.

London, published by the author, 1871-1896. 9 volumes (including the supplement). Large-4to (315 x 245mm). With 723 (721 handcoloured) lithographic...

EUR 15,000

one of the most beautiful bird books of this period

EDWARDS, G. A Natural History of Uncommon Birds, and of some other Rare and Undescribed Animals, Quadrupedes, Reptiles, Fishes, Insects, &c.

London, for the Author, (1739-), 1743-1751. 4 volumes. 4to (295 x 235mm). With handcoloured engraved frontispiece, 1 engraved portrait, and 210 bea...

EUR 22,000

valuable contribution to the avifauna of Polynesia

FINSCH, O. & HARTLAUB, G. Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der Viti-, Samoa- und Tonga- Inseln.

Halle, H.W. Schmidt, 1867. 8vo (250 x 165 mm). pp. xxxix, (1), 290, with 14 handcoloured lithographed plates. Recent cloth, gilt lettered spine.

EUR 600

"One of the most enjoyable of all bird books but rare" (Fine Bird Books p. 76).

FRISCH, J.L. Vorstellung der Vögel Deutschlandes und beyläufig auch einiger Fremden... in Kupfer gebracht, und nach ihren natürlichen Farben dargestellt von Ferdinand Helfreich Frisch...

Berlin, Friedrich Wilhelm Birnstiel, [1733-] 1763. 2 volumes. Folio (375 x 240 mm). ff. 103, including 25 divisional titles, with engraved portrait...

EUR 125,000

A fine and beautifully bound copy of the most splendid work on the birds of Great Britain

GOULD, J. The Birds of Great Britain.

London, Taylor and Francis by the Author, [1862] - 1873. 5 volumes. Folio (545 x 370mm). With 367 fine hand-coloured lithographed plates, many heig...

EUR 85,000

GRAY, G.R. A fasciculus of the Birds of China.

(London, Taylor and Francis, 1871). Folio (308 x 240 mm). pp. 8, with 12 handcoloured lithographed plates. New brown half morocco, spine with gilt ...

EUR 1,000

HEERKENS, G.N. Aves Frisicae.

Rotterrodami, apud C.R. Hake, 1788. 8vo. pp. 298, (1), with a charming engraved title showing a bird (Alauda) by J.L. Anselin. Contemporary marbled...

EUR 1,200

A large section is devoted to microscopic animals

scarce publication on the Albatross and one of the earliest illustrated monographs of a single bird

LACHMUND, F. De Ave Diomedea dissertatio, cum verâ ejus effigie aeri incisa, ex Muséo D. Friderici Lachmund Hildesheim. Ad Cl. Virum, Dn. D. Johan. Danielem Majorem.

Amsterdam, A. Frisius, 1674. 12mo (130 x 75mm). pp. 52, (6), with 5 (4 folded) engraved plates. Recent boards.

EUR 2,500

The beautiful plates are all engraved by Nodder and depict a great number of new species

LEACH, W.E. The Zoological Miscellany, being descriptions of new and interesting animals.

London, R.P. Nodder & Son, 1814-1817. 3 volumes. 8vo (250 x 155mm). pp. 144; 154, (8); (6), 152, with 150 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporar...

EUR 2,800

Most of the excellent plates are by Prêtre and Bévalet, the best French natural history artists of the period

LESSON, R.P. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux-Mouches, ouvrage orné de planches dessinées et gravées par les meilleurs artistes.

Paris, A. Bernard, (1829-30). 8vo (240 x152mm). pp. xlvi, 223, with 86 very fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Loose sheets in contemporary cloth...

EUR 2,800

the best monograph on the woodpeckers of the world

MALHERBE, A. Monographie des Picidées ou histoire naturelle des Picidés, Picumninés, Yuncinés ou Torcols.

Metz, Jules Verronnais, 1861-62. 4 volumes (including 2 plate volumes). Folio (355 x 535mm). pp. (2), lxx, 214; (2), 325; (12), 8, (2), 6, with 123...

EUR 65,000

MARTYN, W.F. A New Dictionary of Natural Sciences; or, compleat universal display of animated nature. With accurate representations of the most curious and beautiful animals, elegantly coloured.

London, Harrisson, 1785. Folio (360 x 235mm), With 71 (of 100) fine hand-coloured engraved plates and a number of text pages lacking. Worn contempo...

EUR 900

NODDER, R.P. Original watercolour,

measuring 22,5cm x 19,5cm, signed Rich. P. Nodder 1808.

EUR 1,600

The vertebrate section of the famous Austrian expedition around the world

NOVARA- Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 (B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair). ZOOLOGISCHER THEIL, Erster Band (Wirbelthiere).

Wien, Kaiserlich-Königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1869. 4to (285 x 230mm). [Contains:] Zelebor, J. Säugethiere. pp. 42, with 3 (2 coloured) ...

EUR 1,500

a book on bird catching, delightful, chiefly owing to Tempesta's spirited illustrations of the methods employed by fowlers in the beginning of the 17th century

OLINA, G.P. Uccelliera overo discorso della natura, e proprieta di diversi uccelli, e in particolare di que'che cantano, con il modo di prendergli, conoscergli... E con le Figure... dal Tempesta, e dal Villamena.

Roma, Angelo de Rossi, 1684. 4to (270 x 210mm). Leaves 5, including engraved title, pp. 77, (1), leaves 6 (index), engraved title, enclosed in broa...

EUR 3,500

The first coloured illustrations of birds in a book which attempted to list and portray all the British species, many of them life-size

PENNANT, T. The British Zoology, Class I. Quadrupeds.

II. Birds. Published under the inspection of the Cymmrodion Society, instituted for the Promoting Useful Charities, and the Knowledge of Nature, am...

EUR 48,000

a model faunal work for its day, comprehensive, authoritative, and well illustrated

PETERS, W. C.H. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique... in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgeführt.

Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1852-1882. 6 parts bound in 10 volumes. 4to (330 x 240mm) & folio (470 x 330mm). With 210 (54 fine handcoloured) lithographed...

EUR 8,500

the first book dedicated to botany to include North American plants and according to Sabin of 'extreme rarity'

ROBIN, J. Histoire des plantes, nouvellement trouvées en l'isle Virgine et autres lieux, lesquelles ont esté prises et cultivées au jardin de Monsieur Robin Arboriste du Roy.

Paris, Guillaume Macé, 1620. 16mo (110 x 70mm.). 16 pp, title within woodcut printed border with plants and animals, with 14 woodcuts of flowering...

EUR 12,000

these birds were seen by Van Royen in the collection of the eminent Amsterdam merchant, Theodorus de Leeuw (1679-1744), at his country house of Elsenburg, on the river Vecht, near Maarssen

ROYEN, WILLEM II VAN. Two Silver Pheasants and a Black-crowned Night Heron in a landscape.

Signed and dated, lower right W V ROYEN 1735, also dated lower left: 1735, inscribed in brown ink on verso: 'dese vogels sijn bij d: edl: aghtb: He...

EUR 15,000

The best modern book in English on the art and practice of Falconry

SALVIN, F.H. & W. BRODRICK. Falconry in the British Isles. Second edition, revised and enlarged.

London, Jan van Voorst, 1873. Royal 8vo (283 x 185mm). pp. viii, (2), 171, (1), with 28 fine handcoloured lithographed plates. Later green half cal...

EUR 4,500


SEBA, A. Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam.

Amsterdam, J. Wetsten, Gul. Smith, and Jansson-Waesberg (volumes 1 and 2); Jansson-Waesberg (volume3); H. C. Arkesteum and H. Merkum, Peter Schoute...

EUR 115,000

34 booklets describing exotic animals

VOSMAER, A. Regnum Animale.

Natuurkundige beschryving eener uitmuntende verzameling van zeldsaame gedierten, bestaande in Oost-en Westindische Viervoetige dieren, vogelen en s...

EUR 7,500

the first work dealing exclusively with birds' eggs and birds' nests

ZINANNI, G. Delle uova e dei nidi degli uccelli libro primo del Conte Giuseppe Zinanni.

Aggiunte in fine alcune osservazioni, con una dissertazione sopra varie spezie di Cavalette. Venezia, A. Bortoli, 1737. 4to (285 x 204 mm). pp. (8)...

EUR 3,900