Subjects: Fine Illustrated Natural History Books
Search results: Fine Illustrated Natural History Books(160 results)
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Included among the illustrations are cuts of a unicorn horn
De Qvadrvpedibvs Solidipedibvs volvmen integrvm.
I.C. Vterverivs ... collegit, & recensuit. H. Tambvrinvs in lucem edidit ... Cum indice copiosissimo. Bononiae, N. Tebaldini, 1639. Folio (340 x 23...
EUR 2,500
showing among others two splendid early woodcuts of a camel and a dromedary as well a rhinoceros, copying Durer's famous woodcut of 1515
Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia ...
Bononiae, I. Baptista Ferronius, 1642. Folio (340 x 230mm). pp. (6), 1040, (12), with engraved allegorical title-page and 89 (some full-page) woodc...
EUR 3,900
noble in conception and impressive in execution
Coloured Engravings of Heaths. The drawings taken from living plants only. With the appropriate specific character, full description, native place of growth, and time of flowering of each; in Latin and English. Each figure accompanied by accurate dissections of the several parts (magnified where necessary) upon which the specific distinction has been founded, according to the Linnaean System.
London, T. Bensley [vol I], R. Taylor [vols II-IV] for the Author, [1794-] 1802-1809 [-1830]. 4 vols bound in two. Folio (423 x 259 mm). With engra...
EUR 45,000
A large number of the plants depicted and described are from Australia and South Africa
The Botanist's Repository, comprising colour'd engravings of new and rare plants only, with botanical descriptions in Latin and English after the Linnaean system...
London, printed by T. Bensley and published by the author, 1797 (-1815). 10 volumes. 4to (265 x 210mm), with 10 engraved titles and 664 (many folde...
EUR 28,000
Of all the pomological publications, published around the middle of last century this is without doubt the most important one and also the most beautiful
publiées par la Commission Royale de Pomologie, instituée par S.M. le Roi des Belges. 8 volumes. Bruxelles, F. Parent 1853-1860. Large-4to (340 x...
EUR 24,000
the first flora of French Guiana, profusely illustrated with excellent plates
Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Françoise, rangées suivant la méthode sexuelle, avec plusieurs mémoires sur différens objects intéressans, relatifs à la Culture & au Commerce de la Guiane Françoise ...
Londres/ Paris, P.F. Didot jeune, 1775. 4 volumes (2 text volumes & 2 volumes of plates). 4to (250 x 194mm). pp. (4), 32, 1-621; (3), 622-976, 52, ...
EUR 17,000
the first flora of French Guiana, profusely illustrated with excellent plates
Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Françoise, rangées suivant la méthode sexuelle, avec plusieurs mémoires sur différens objects intéressans, relatifs à la Culture & au Commerce de la Guiane Françoise ...
Londres/ Paris, P.F. Didot jeune, 1775. 4 volumes (2 text volumes & 2 volumes of plates). 4to (250 x 194mm). pp. (4), 32, 1-621; (3), 622-976, 52, ...
EUR 15,500
Its plates, heightened with gold
Oiseaux Dorés ou à Reflets Métalliques. Histoire Naturelle et Générale des Colibris, Oiseaux-Mouches, Jacamars et Promerops/ Histoire Naturelle et Générale des Grimpéraux et des Oiseaux de Paradis.
Paris, AN XI- (1800-) 1802. 2 volumes. Small folio (335 x 245mm). With 190 (some folding) colour-printed engraved plates by Audebert, many heighten...
EUR 22,000
perhaps the most renowned and sought-after of all orchid books
The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala.
London, J. Richway & Sons. (1837)- 1843. Elephant folio (740 x 525 mm). One-page subscriber's list,addenda and corrigenda slip bound at back, litho...
EUR 75,000
First edition, with the especially rare third part, of Bauer's stunning depictions of Ericas grown at Kew from specimens collected by Francis Masson in the Cape Colony
Delineations of Exotick Plants cultivated in the Royal Garden at Kew. Drawn and coloured, and the botanical characters displayed according to the Linnean system, by Francis Bauer... Published by W.T. Aiton.
London, William Bulmer, 1796-1803. 3 volumes. Large-folio (65 x 52 cm.). pp. (iv); (iv), (ii), with30 hand-coloured etched plates; first title rema...
EUR 42,000
In all fairness, it must be added that each species treated... was skillfully and fully described, and Bergeret's illustrations were exceptionally good
Phytonomatotechnie Universelle, c'est-à-dire, l'art de donner aux plantes des noms tirés de leurs caractères; nouveau systême au moyen duquel on peut de soi-même, sans le secours d'aucun livre, nommer toutes les plantes qui croissent sur la surface de notre globe.
Paris, chez l'auteur/ Didot le jeune/ Poisson, 1783-1784 (-1786). 3 volumes in 26 (of 27) parts. Folio (420 x 275mm). With 310 (of 320) fine handco...
EUR 7,000
the rarest pomological work ever published
Album de Pomologie.
Bruxelles, Deprez-Parent, 1847-1851. 4 volumes. Oblong-folio (232 x 315mm). With 3 identical handcoloured lithographed additional titles with elabo...
EUR 32,000
The first major work on the orchids of the Dutch East Indies and Japan
Collection des Orchidées les plus remarquables de l'Archipel Indien et du Japon.
Ouvrage dédié à sa Majesté Guillaume I Roi de Wurtemberg. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1858. Folio (454 x 290mm). pp. (6), vi, 190, with hand-colour...
EUR 8,000
A magnificent work on the flora of the Dutch East Indies
Flora Javae nec non insularum adjacentium ... adjutore J.B. Fischer.
Bruxellis, J. Frank, 1828 (-1851). 10 parts, preserved in 4 folding boxes. Folio (448 x 285mm). With 1 frontispiece and 238 lithographed plates of ...
EUR 14,000
The handcoloured bird portraits are extremely fine
Iconographie des Pigeons non figurés par Mme Knip dans les deux volumes de MM. Temminck et Florent Prévost.
Paris, P. Bertrand, 1857-1858. Large-folio (560 x 370mm). With 55 beautifully handcoloured lithographed plates by Lemercier after drawings by P.L. ...
EUR 8,000
The cuts include the famous 'monk' and 'bishop' sea monster
De Natura Aquatilivm Carmen.
In vniuersam Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... quam de Piscibus marinis scripsit historiam: Cum viuis eorum imagnibus, Opusculu nunc primum in luce emissum. ...
EUR 4,000
Every shell, as far as possible, has been drawn from Nature, and generally from the largest and most beautiful specimens
Illustrations of the recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land, and fresh-water.
Second edition, greatly enlarged. London, Smith, Elder, and Co., (1844). Folio (315 x 255mm). pp. xiii, (1), 144, with 62 hand-coloured engraved pl...
EUR 1,500
A well preserved set, of this great classic on natural history, dealing almost exclusively with zoology
Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roy .
Paris, l' Imprimerie Royale, Hôtel de Thou, Plassan, 1749-1804. 44 volumes. 4to (245 x 192mm). With1 engraved portrait of Buffon, 4 folded tables,...
EUR 36,000
The present edition is the last one published during Buffon's lifetime and is considered one of the most charming and attractive editions of his works
Histoire Naturelle, générale et partriculière.
Aux Deux-Ponts, chez Sanson & Compagnie, 1785-1791. 54 volumes. 8vo (180 x 110mm). With one engraved portrait, 4 engraved maps and 324 engraved pla...
EUR 9,800
one of the most interesting colour-printed natural history works
Herbier de la France, ou Collection complette des Plantes Indigènes de ce Royaume; avec leurs détails anatomiques, leurs propriétés, et leurs usages en Médecine.
Paris, chez l'Auteur, Didot Jeune..., 1780-(1793). 15 volumes. Folio (345 x 255mm). With 1 colour-printed frontispiece and 602 colour-printed engra...
EUR 10,000
the first book dealing exclusively with shells
Recreatio Mentis et Oculi in observatione Animalium Testaceorum curiosis naturae inspectoribus ... nunc denuò ab eodem Latine oblata, centum additis Testaceorum Iconibus ...
Romae, Typographia Varesii, 1684. 4to (220 x 160 mm). 2 parts (in one volume). pp. (16), 270, (10),with engraved frontispiece, 7 engraved plates to...
EUR 4,500
Flora Medico-Farmaceutica compilata dal dottore in medicina e chirurgia Felice Cassone.
Torino, Tipografia di Giuseppe Cassone, 1847-1852. 6 volumes. Royal-8vo (230 x 150mm). pp. xxxv, 364; 391; 392; 383; 414; 394, with 600 fine handco...
EUR 5,000
The superb original watercolours, of which 43 are signed 'P. Duménil' are of a high artistic quality
Original 5 page manuscript by François Fulgis Chevallier; the prospectus for his 'Histoire des Hypoxylons description des genres et des espèces qui forment cette grande tribudes Végétaux et séparement en un volume, histoire des Graphidées'. (Together with:)
51 ORIGINAL WATERCOLOURS by P. Duménil to illustrate the above work and 3 proof plates and an engraved portrait of the author.
EUR 15,000
One of the rarest and finest books on algae
Hydrophytologiae Regni Neapolitani. Algarum Regni Neapolis descriptiones et Icones.
Neapoli, ex Typographia Cataneo et Fernandes, 1829. Folio (408 x 255mm). pp. (2), 16, 11, (1), withhand-coloured engraved title, and 100 hand-colou...
EUR 4,500
These Chinese export watercolours were made for the western market and produced in the port cities of China of which Canton was the most important one
A collection of 12 finely executed Chinese original drawings on rice paper around 1850.
All drawings are framed and glazed. The drawings (200 x 320mm) are superbly executed and exceptionally colourful and show the various stages of pic...
EUR 5,800
Stafleu lists only one complete copy in the United States
Plantarum Rariorum Regni Neapolitani Fasciculus Primus.
Neapoli 1788. Folio (375 x 245mm). pp. xxxix, (i), with woodcut vignette on title and 12 fine handcoloured engraved plates drawn by the author. Rec...
EUR 3,900
Copies of the above survey of the animal kingdom of Southern Italy are extremely rare
Fauna del regno di Napoli, ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali che abitano le diverse regioni di questo regno...
Napoli, Tramater, (1829) 1832-1859. 11 volumes. 4to (270 x 220mm). With 377 mostly hand-coloured engraved plates. Later half vellum, gilt ornamente...
EUR 25,000
The impressive 'Flora Londinensis' is much more comprehensive in scope than its title suggests, for it embraces most of the English flora
Flora Londinensis: containing a history of the Plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the natural size.
A new edition, enlarged by George Graves and William Jackson Hooker. London, Henry G. Bohn, [1817-]1835. 5 volumes. Large-folio (481 x 290mm). With...
EUR 15,000
Ad vivium exprimebat.
Bologna, Guiseppe Longhi and Franciscus Curtus, c.1644. Small folio (275 x 200mm). With engraved title within a garland of flowers and ribbons, 31 ...
EUR 18,000
Dalechamp is considered by some authorities to have been one of the most erudite of the French botanists of the 16th century
Histoire générale des plantes, contenant XVIII livres également départis en deux tomes: Tirée de l'exemplaire latin de la bibliothèque de M. Jacques Dalechamps, puis faite françoise par M. Jean Des Moulins... Dernière édition corrigée...
Lyon, P. Borde, L. Arnaud & C. Rigaud. 1653. 2 volumes. Folio (360 x 235mm). pp. (8), 960, (36); (120), 758, (30), with 2752 woodcuts. Contemporar...
EUR 4,900
Of all the herpetological treatises to emerge in France immediately following the French Revolution, the most comprehensive was Daudin's.
Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Ouvrage faisant suite à l'Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon et rédigée par C.S. Sonnini ...
Paris, Dufart, An X-XI (1801-1803). 8 volumes. Royal-8vo (210 x 135 mm). pp. 384; 432; 452; 397; 365; 447; 436; 439, with 100 engraved plates, apar...
EUR 3,900
One of the rarest and most beautiful iconographies on fruit with superb large plates
Le Jardin Fruitier du Muséum ou iconographie de toutes les espèces et variétés d'arbres fruitier cultivés dans cet établissement, avec leur description, leur histoire, leur synonymie.
Paris, F. Didot, 1862-1875. 9 volumes. Folio (315 x 225mm). With 508 (almost all) colour-printed engraved- or chromolithographed plates finished by...
EUR 15,000
P.F. Dejean was called 'the first great coleopterist'
Iconographie et histoire naturelle des Coléoptères d'Europe.
Paris, Méquignon-Marvis, 1829-1836 (-1838). 5 volumes. 8vo (230 x 150mm). pp. xiv, 400; 407, (1); 326; 486; 415, (1), with 270 handcoloured engrav...
EUR 3,500
Bulbous plants predominate (daffodils, narcissi, jonquils, tulips, blue-bells, lilies and fritillaries)
[Florilegium], Nicolaus Guillelmus a florae Lotharingus. Fecit Romae 1638.
[Paris], Pierre Mariette, 1638. Small oblong 4to (190 x 290mm). Engraved throughout, title-portraitwithin border of flowers, 12 plates of flowers, ...
EUR 10,000
the most important book to be published in England during the eighteenth century on the plant growing in a private garden
Horti Elthamensis plantarum rariorum icones et nomina Joh. Jac. Dillenio, M.D. descriptarum Elthami in Cantio, in Horto... Jacobi Sherard... additis denominationibus Linnaeanis.
Lugduni Batavorum, C. Haak, 1774. 2 volumes (bound in one). Folio (404 x 260mm). Leaves (6); 1, with 325 etched plates. New full mottled calf, spin...
EUR 9,000
A masterwork what botany in the Dutch speaking countries is concerned
Cruydt-Boeck ... volgens sijne laetste verbeteringe: Met Biivoegsels achter elck Capittel, vvt verscheyden Cruydtbeschryvers: Item in't laetste een Beschrijvinge vande Indiaensche Gewassen, meest getrocken wt de schriften van Carolus Clvsivs.
Leyden, inde Plantijnsche Druckerije van F. van Ravelingen, 1618. Folio (350 x 215mm). pp. (32), 1495, (56), with engraved pictorial title and 1470...
EUR 7,500
he made here an attempt to an explanation of the parts of the plants.
Stirpium Historia pemptades sex, sive libri XXX ...
Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, apud B. & I. Moretos, 1616. Folio (346 x 230mm). pp. (16), 872, (66), with fine engraved title and 1341 woodcu...
EUR 5,500
The 'Insects of India' is the first illustrated publication dealing with the entomology of India
Natural History of the Insects of India, containing upwards of two hundred and twenty figures and descriptions.
A new edition by J.O. Westwood. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1842. 4to (300 x 240mm). pp. vi, 102, with 58 fine handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporar...
EUR 7,000
The number of new species figured by Doubleday is very considerable, and is even larger than appears at first sight
The genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera: comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus.
London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1846-1852. 2 volumes. Folio (375 x 270mm). pp. xi, (1), 1-250; (2), 251- 534, with 86 lithographed pla...
EUR 19,000
Monumental work on the European avifauna
A history of the birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the western palaearctic region.
London, published by the author, 1871-1896. 9 volumes (including the supplement). Large-4to (315 x 245mm). With 723 (721 handcoloured) lithographic...
EUR 15,000
Nissen in his publication 'Die botanische Buchillustration' speaks highly of him 'seine Tafeln... verdienen volles Lob'.
Choix de Plantes d'Europe, décrites et dessinées d'après nature.
Leipzig, Voss et Compagnie, 1802. 5 volumes. 4to (295 x 230mm). pp. xii, 40; xii, 44; xii, 44; xii,40; x, 38, with 125 fine hand-coloured engraved ...
EUR 4,200
one of the most attractive English entomological works on exotic insects
Illustrations of exotic Entomology, containing upwards of six hundred and fifty figures and descriptions of foreign insects, interspersed with remarks and reflections on their nature and properties.
A new edition ... by J.O. Westwood. London, H.G. Bohn, 1837. 3 volumes. 4to (265 x 205 mm). With 150 handcoloured engraved plates and 1 plain engra...
EUR 6,000
one of the finest works on fishing and fisheries in any language
Traité Général des Pesches, et histoire des Poissons qu'elles fournissent, tant pour la subsistance des hommes, que pour plusieurs autres usages qui ont rapport aux arts et au commerce.
Paris, Saillant & Nyon/ Desaint, 1769-1782. 4 volumes bound in 12. Folio (445 x 290mm). With 250 folding engraved plates. Later half calf, gilt orn...
EUR 18,000
great French classic on trees and shrubs with the famous Matthiolus woodcuts
Traité des Arbres et Arbustes qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre.
Paris, H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, 1755. 2 volumes. 4to (270 x 210mm). pp. (4), lxii, 368; (2), 387, with 4 (3 folded) engraved plates, 250 full-p...
EUR 3,500
one of the most notable botanical English artists of the 18th century
A selection of 100 plates; consisting of the most beautiful exotic and British flowers which blow in our English Gardens, accurately drawn and coloured from Nature, with their Botanic Characters, and a short account of their Culyivation, their uses in medicine, with their Latin and English names.
London, S. Hooper, 1775. Folio (420 x 265mm). pp. (2), 50, (2, index) with 100 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary calf, gilt ornamented spi...
EUR 22,000
the most splendid monograph ever made on this group of animals (Cats, Lions, Pumas, Tigers, Panthers)
A Monograph of the Felidae or Family of Cats.
London, by the Author, (1878-) 1883. Large folio (597 x 477mm). With 43 splendid handcoloured lithographed plates from drawings by Joseph Wolf and ...
EUR 95,000
one of the most ambitious entomological publications of the eighteenth century
Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature par M. Ernst, gravé par M. Gerardin et coloriés sous leur direction ... Décrits par le R.P. Engramelle.
Paris, Delaguette/ Basan & Poignant, 1779-1792 (-1793). 8 volumes, bound in 6. Large-4to (320 x 245mm). With 3 (2 hand-coloured) engraved frontispi...
EUR 21,000
one of the most ambitious entomological publications of the eighteenth century
Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature par M. Ernst, gravé par M. Gerardin et coloriés sous leur direction ... Décrits par le R.P. Engramelle.
Paris, Delaguette/ Basan & Poignant, 1779-1792 (-1793). 8 volumes, bound in 4. Large-4to (305 x 240mm). With 3 (2 hand-coloured) engraved frontispi...
EUR 19,500
Printed for private circulation only
De hippische sport en het Korps Rijdende Artillerie 1793-1908, I: DE VALKERIJ. Met illustratiën van Hoynck van Papendrecht, Krabbé, Staring en van Es en ornamentatie van Colenbrander en Roskam.
Arnhem, Coers & Roest - G.J. Thieme, (1908). Folio (370 x 290mm). pp. (16), 172, (18), with 45 plates of which 34 beautifully handcoloured, many of...
EUR 9,000
Printed for private circulation only
De hippische sport en het Korps Rijdende Artillerie 1793-1908, I: DE VALKERIJ. Met illustratiën van Hoynck van Papendrecht, Krabbé, Staring en van Es en ornamentatie van Colenbrander en Roskam.
Arnhem, Coers & Roest - G.J. Thieme, (1908). Folio (370 x 290mm). pp. (16), 172, (18), with 45 plates of which 34 beautifully handcoloured, many of...
EUR 9,000
The manuscript therefore constitutes an important documentation for the history of olive cultivation
[Manuscript on Olive Trees and Olive Oil of Tuscany and some adjacent areas, by Count Luigi Fantoni].
Delle specie diverse d'Olivi che si trovano ne Monti della Fattoria d'Agnano Territorio Pisano, spettante a S(ua) A(ltezza) S(erenissima) etc. Con...
EUR 38,000
The folio edition of probably the most attractive work published on volcanology
Recherches sur les Volcans éteints du Vivarais et du Velay; avec un discours sur les volcans brûlans, des mémoires analytiques sur les Schorls, la Zéolite, le Basalte, la Pouzzolane, les Laves & les différentes substances qui s'y trouvent engagées, &c.
Grenoble, J. Cuchet, 1778. Folio (460 x 300 mm). pp. (4), xviii, (2), 460, with 1 engraved title-vignette, 2 engraved vignettes, 2 engraved initial...
EUR 3,800
one of the finest examples of French colour-printing by Langlois
Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ...
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1820-1851. 4 volumes. Folio (420 x 275mm). With 248 engraved plates, almost all printed in colours and finished by hand. Re...
EUR 15,500
one of the finest examples of French colour-printing by Langlois
Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ...
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1820-1851. 4 volumes. Folio (430 x 300mm). pp. viii, 402; (4), xvi, 1-184 (60 pages of 96 bis), 260, 22 (explication des pl...
EUR 22,000
the rarest and most beautifully produced work on Russian entomology
Entomographia Imperii Russici./ Entomographie de la Russie.
Moscou, Société Impériale des Naturalistes/ Imprimerie Semen, 1820-1828. Volumes I-III (of 5). 4to (260 x 210mm). With 4 hand-coloured engraved ...
EUR 7,500
illustrated with chromolithographs, designed, printed and sometimes "rebouché au pinceau" in the large printing office situated in the middle of van Houtte's gardens
ou descriptions des plantes les plus rares et les plus méritantes ... Rédigé par C. Lemaire, Scheidweiler & Van Houtte e.a.
Gand, van Houtte, 1845-1880. 23 volumes. Royal-8vo (252 x 180mm). With over 2500, nearly all coloured plates. Contemporary brown half calf, spines ...
EUR 15,000
"One of the most enjoyable of all bird books but rare" (Fine Bird Books p. 76).
Vorstellung der Vögel Deutschlandes und beyläufig auch einiger Fremden... in Kupfer gebracht, und nach ihren natürlichen Farben dargestellt von Ferdinand Helfreich Frisch...
Berlin, Friedrich Wilhelm Birnstiel, [1733-] 1763. 2 volumes. Folio (375 x 240 mm). ff. 103, including 25 divisional titles, with engraved portrait...
EUR 125,000
the most important scientific expedition to Scandinavia
Voyage en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Feröe pendant les années 1838-1840 sur la corvette La Recherche, commandée par M. Fabvre. Publiés par ordre du Roi sousla direction de M. Paul Gaimard.
Paris, A. Bertrand, (1842-1855). 17 text-volumes (bound in 16). 8vo (220 x 140mm). & 5 atlases (bound in 3), with 449 (76 hand-coloured) plates. Fo...
EUR 39,000
The plates of the present work are all engraved by Garsault
Description, Vertus et Usages de sept cents dix-neuf Plantes, tant étrangères que de nos climats; et de cent trente-quatre animaux, en sept cents trente planches. Gravées en taille-douce, sur les desseins d'après nature, de M. de Garsault, par MM. de Fehrt, Prevost, Duflos, Martinet, &cc. Et rangées suivant l'ordre du livre intitulé Matière Médicale de M. Geoffroy. Ouvrage utile à toutes Matières Médicales, aux Artistes, aux Personnes charitables, & à tous ceux qui préparent eux-mêmes leurs Médicaments.
Paris, P. Fr. Didot Le Jeune, 1767. 6 volumes. 8vo (215 x 140 mm). pp. xiv, (2), 472, 20, with 3 engraved titles and 729 engraved plates. Contempor...
EUR 4,500
a work on the value of American (primarily South American) cultivated plants
Osservazioni fitologiche sopra alcune piante esotiche introdotte in Roma fatte nell'Anno 1788, 1789, 1790.
Roma, Stamperia di Arcangelo/ Stamperia Giunchiana, 1789-1792. 3 volumes, bound in one. 4to (245 x 180mm). pp. 64; (2), viii, 99, (1, blank); (4), ...
EUR 9,500
a rare privately printed flower book
The Beauties of Flora with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature, arranged emblematically with directions for colouring them.
Heath Hall near Wakefield, E.E. Gleadall, 1834-36. 2 volumes. 4to (335 x 250mm). With 2 hand-coloured lithographed titles and 41 hand-coloured lith...
EUR 7,000
one of the finest illustrated French works on Lepidoptera
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France.
Paris, Crevot/Méquignon-Marvis Fils, 1821-1842. 11 volumes & 4 supplements (bound in 17). 8vo (215 x 130mm). With 546 (545 hand-coloured) engraved...
EUR 7,800
A fine and beautifully bound copy of the most splendid work on the birds of Great Britain
The Birds of Great Britain.
London, Taylor and Francis by the Author, [1862] - 1873. 5 volumes. Folio (545 x 370mm). With 367 fine hand-coloured lithographed plates, many heig...
EUR 85,000
A precious and unique album with original watercolours by Willem Diederik Vincent de Graaf (1762-1846)
Inlandsche Kapellen in beeld (Illustrations of native Butterflies). Album of 170 splendid original watercolours of Dutch Butterflies & Caterpillars, together with their feeding plants.
Circa 1800-1840. 4to (235 x 190mm). Each plate within a black framing line, with a silhouette drawing frontispiece of W.D.V de Graaf 1762-1846 and ...
EUR 45,000
The drawings, the majority concern scale insects, are extremely precise and detailed
A collection of 265 fine original drawings published in various entomological journals from about 1900-1936.
Oblong folio (305 x 425mm). Half leather.
EUR 2,800
The plates are finely coloured and show flowers, fruit, vegetables and green houses
The Universal Herbal; or, Botanical, Medical, and Agricultural Dictionary, containing an account of all the known plants in the world, arranged according to the Linnean system. Second
edition, revised and improved. London, Caxton Press, 1824 (-28). 2 volumes. 4to (260 x 206mm). pp. (4), 790; 885, 56, with 3 stipple-engraved handc...
EUR 2,000
Greville (1794-1866) was a Scottish mycologist and made important contributions to Scottish mycology
Scottish Cryptogamic Flora, or coloured figures and descriptions of cryptogamic plants, belonging chiefly to the order Fungi; and intended to serve as a continuation of English botany.
Edinburgh, Maclachlan & Stewart, 1823-1828. 6 volumes. Royal-8vo (240 x 150mm). With 360 fine hand-coloured engraved plates and descriptive text. C...
EUR 3,200
rare work on exotic butterflies
Rhopalocera Exotica, being Illustrations of New, Rare, and Unfigured Species of Butterflies.
London, Gurney & Jackson, 1887-1902. 3 volumes. Large-4to (284 x 220mm). With 180 hand-coloured lithographed plates and descriptive text. Contempor...
EUR 9,500
The present work shows Gualtieri's collection and is one of the most curious and beautiful books on shells ever published
Index Testarum Conchyliorum quae adservantur in Museo Nicolai Gualtieri... et methodice distributae exhibentur tabulae CX.
Florence, C. Albizzini, 1742. Folio (464 x 325mm). pp xxiii [including frontispiece], (1); ff. 126,with engraved frontispiece, portrait, 110 number...
EUR 7,000
One of the very few copies with superb gouache handcolouring of the plates
Eden: or, a complete body of gardening. Containing plain and familiar directions for raising the several useful products of garden, fruit, roots and herbage; from the practice of the most successful gardeners, and the result of a long experience. Together with the culture of all kinds of flowers... Including the care and culture of the pleasure-garden.
London, T. Osborne, S. Crowder, H. Woodgate, (1756-) 1757. Folio (422 x 255 mm). pp. (2), iv, ii, 714, with handcoloured engraved frontispiece and...
EUR 18,000
It was produced by Count Hoffmannsegg, contemporary of Redouté, whose work it rivals
Flore Portugaise ou description de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en Portugal.
Berlin, Charles Fréderic Amelang for the authors, 1809-1820 (-1840). Folio (485 x 335mm, 2 text vols & 525 x 355mm, atlas). 22 parts bound in 3 vo...
EUR 7,500
The illustrations are splendid and belong to the finest made of the period.
Davidischer Lust und Blumen Garten das ist 150 der fürtrefflichsten Blumen/ Kräuter und Garten-Gewächse nicht nur nach ihrer natürlichen Beschaffenheit, Würzel, Kraut und Blumen auf das eigentlichste abgebildet?. Nun aber auf das neue in diesem format heraus gegeben.
Nürnberg J.Ch. Weigel, circa 1710. Small oblong 4to ( 195 x 263mm). Engraved title and and 150 engraved plates (2 to a page). Contemporary vellum,...
EUR 14,000
The original drawings for the present work were done by native artists
Illustrations of Himalayan plants.
London, L. Reeve, 1855. Folio (508 x 380mm). With 1 pictorial handcoloured lithographed title and 24 handcoloured lithographed plates, each with an...
EUR 19,000
it contains descriptions and plates of many of the best garden Rhododendron species which can be grown in this country
The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya; being an account, botanical and geographical, of the Rhododendrons recently discovered in the mountains of Eastern Himalaya, from drawings and descriptions made on the spot, during a government botanical mission to that country ... Edited by Sir W.J. Hooker.
London, Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, 1849 (-1851). 3 parts (bound in one). Folio (495 x 370mm). With ahandcoloured vignette, showing the Himalayan mou...
EUR 18,000
it contains descriptions and plates of many of the best garden Rhododendron species which can be grown in this country
The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya; being an account, botanical and geographical, of the Rhododendrons recently discovered in the mountains of Eastern Himalaya, from drawings and descriptions made on the spot, during a government botanical mission to that country ... Edited by Sir W.J. Hooker.
London, Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, 1849 (-1851). 3 parts (bound in one). Folio (490 x 380mm). With ahandcoloured vignette, showing the Himalayan mou...
EUR 15,500
The plates of the present work are probably the finest ever made for a work on coleoptera
Manuel Entomologique. Genera des Coléoptères d'Europe comprenant leur classification en familles naturelles, la description de tous les genres, des tableaux dichotomiques destinés à faciliter l'étude, le catalogue de toutes les espèces, de nombreux dessins au trait de caractères.
Paris, A. Deyrolle, 1857-1868. 4 volumes. 4to (275 x 175mm). With 303 (292 fine handcoloured) engraved plates. Recent red cloth, spines with gilt l...
EUR 3,300
un des livres les plus precieux pour la Flore d'Orient
Illustrationes Plantarum Orientalium.
Paris, Roret, 1842-1857. 5 volumes. Large-4to (350 x 260mm). With 500 engraved plates. Contemporaryhalf calf, spines with 2 black gilt lettered lab...
EUR 7,500
French artists such as Jaume St. Hilaire, Bessa, Turpin and Redouté rose almost immediately to world pre-eminence
La Flore et la Pomone Françaises, ou histoire et figure en couleur, des fleurs et des fruits de France ou naturalisés sur le sol français.
Paris, chez l'auteur, 1828 (-1835). 4 volumes. Royal-8vo (260 x 170mm). With 540 (of 544) fine engraved plates printed in colours with handfinishin...
EUR 5,800
The rare 4to issue printed on 'Velin'.
La Flore et la Pomone Françaises, ou histoire et figure en couleur, des fleurs et des fruits de France ou naturalisés sur le sol français.
Paris, chez l'auteur, 1828-1833 (-1835). 5 volumes. 4to (270 x 210mm). With 544 fine engraved plates by the author, printed in colours with hand-fi...
EUR 6,500
profusely illustrated flora of France
Plantes de la France, décrites et peintes d'après nature.
Paris, chez l'Auteur, 1819-22. 10 volumes. Royal-8vo (257 x 200mm). With 10 lithographed portraits of botanists and 1000 fine stipple engraved plat...
EUR 14,000
The drawings? are also admirable, and from a botanical point of view beyond praise
Icones ad floram Europae novo fundamento instaurandam spectantes.
Paris, Savy, 1866-1903. 3 volumes. Folio (400 x 305mm). With 501 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform half calf, spines in 5 ...
EUR 15,000
Nihon Sankai Meisan Zue [Illustrations of the Noted Products of Mountain and Sea].
Osaka, Shioya Chobei, 11th year of Kansei, 1799. 5 volumes. 8vo (250 x 175mm). With double-page woodblock illustrations throughout. Contemporary st...
EUR 4,500
one of the most beautiful shell books ever made
Spécies Général et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes, comprenant la collection du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, la collection Lamarck, celle du Prince Masséna et les découvertes récentes des Voyageurs.
Paris, Rousseau/ Baillière, (1834)-1880. 11 volumes. Royal-8vo (240 x 155mm). With 903 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Later half blue calf, s...
EUR 16,000
First major publication on the orchids of the Himalaya
The Orchids of Sikkim Himalaya.
Calcutta, printed at the Bengal Secretariat Press, 1898. 4 volumes. Folio (348 x 275mm). pp. (14), iii, iv, 342, 11, with 453 lithographed plates o...
EUR 6,000
Famous work on pomology and fruit trees, the first monographs published with colour plates on this subject
Beschrijving en afbeeldingen van de beste soorten van Appelen en Peeren ...
(together with:) Beschryving der vruchtbomen en vruchten die men in de hoven plant en onderhoud ...(together with:) Beschryving der plantagie-gewas...
EUR 2,700
the most beautiful flora of the Netherlands
Flora Batava, afgebeeld door en van wegens J.C. Sepp en zoon; beschreven door Jan Kops.
Amsterdam, Leiden, Haarlem, s'Gravenhage, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, and others, (1800)-1920. Volumes 1-25 (of 28) & 1 index volume. 4to (295 x 240mm). Wit...
EUR 18,500
scarce work portraying the flora of Greenland
Icones florae Groenlandicae, Tabulae ex opere 'Icones florae Danicae' inscripto selectae.
Copenhagen, Bianco Luno, 1883. 3 atlas volumes and 1 index volume. Folio (392 x 255mm). pp. 11, with 336 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates....
EUR 12,000
Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière, des Crustacés et des Insectes. Ouvrage faisant suite aux oeuvres de Leclerc de Buffon, et partie du Cours complet d'Histoire Naturelle rédigé par C.S. Sonnini...
Paris, F. Dufart, An X-XIII (1802-1805). 14 volumes. 8vo (217 x 135mm). With 112 engraved plates, almost all coloured apart from a few anatomical p...
EUR 3,800
The beautiful plates are all engraved by Nodder and depict a great number of new species
The Zoological Miscellany, being descriptions of new and interesting animals.
London, R.P. Nodder & Son, 1814-1817. 3 volumes. 8vo (250 x 155mm). pp. 144; 154, (8); (6), 152, with 150 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporar...
EUR 2,800
Leech described many species new to science in the present work
Butterflies from China, Japan, and Corea.
London, R.H. Porter, 1892-1894. 3 volumes. 4to (285 x 220mm). pp. lv, (7), 1-298; (2), 297-681; (4), with 48 (43 chromo-) lithographed plates and 1...
EUR 6,500
Most of the excellent plates are by Prêtre and Bévalet, the best French natural history artists of the period
Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux-Mouches, ouvrage orné de planches dessinées et gravées par les meilleurs artistes.
Paris, A. Bernard, (1829-30). 8vo (240 x152mm). pp. xlvi, 223, with 86 very fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Loose sheets in contemporary cloth...
EUR 2,800
one of the rarest iconographies published on Orchids
edited by L. Linden (J. Linden & E. Rodigas a.o.).
Ghent/ Bruxelles 1855-1903. 17 volumes. Folio (350 x 260 mm). With 798 chromolithographed plates and 1 plain plate. Contemporary half cloth, gilt l...
EUR 38,000
A fine large paper copy of the scarce second edition, edited by Huddesford, of the first great English work on Conchology
Historiae sive synopsis methodicae Conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum.
Editio altera. Oxonii, typogr. Clarendoniano, 1770. Folio (378 x 240mm). pp. iv, 6, 7, (4), 12, 77,with 439 engraved plates (depicting 1083 figures...
EUR 12,000
A superbly bound large paper copy
Historiae sive synopsis methodicae Conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum.
Editio altera. Oxonii, typogr. Clarendoniano, 1770. 4 parts & appendix (bound in 1 volume). Folio (365 x 245mm). pp. iv, (4), 12, 77, 6, 7, with 43...
EUR 28,000
the best monograph on the woodpeckers of the world
Monographie des Picidées ou histoire naturelle des Picidés, Picumninés, Yuncinés ou Torcols.
Metz, Jules Verronnais, 1861-62. 4 volumes (including 2 plate volumes). Folio (355 x 535mm). pp. (2), lxx, 214; (2), 325; (12), 8, (2), 6, with 123...
EUR 65,000
A fine copy of one of the most attractive shell books ever produced
Figures of non-descript Shells collected in the different Voyages to the South Seas since the year 1764 ... [Vols. I and II:] The Universal Conchologist, exhibiting the Figure of every known Shell, accurately drawn and painted after Nature: with a new systematic arrangement by the Author... [Vols. III and IV:].
London, sold at his house no. 16 Great Marlborough Street, [1784-] 1789 [-1812]. 4 volumes. 4to (335 x 273mm), vol. I with engraved frontispiece of...
EUR 88,000
This contains a number of plates of beetles, some very splendid
The English Entomologist, exhibiting all the Coleopterous Insects found in England; including upwards of 500 different Species, the Figures which have never before been givento the Public.
The whole accurately drawn & painted after Nature, Arranged and named according to the Linnaean System. London, His Academy for Illustrating and pa...
EUR 2,200
This contains a number of plates of beetles, some very splendid
The English Entomologist, exhibiting all the Coleopterous Insects found in England; including upwards of 500 different Species, the Figures which have never before been givento the Public. The whole accurately drawn & painted after Nature, Arranged and named according to the Linnaean System./ Entomologist Anglois ouvrage où l'on a rassemblé tous les Insectes Coleoptères qui se trouvent en Angleterre et qui forment plus de 500 espèces différentes d'insectes...
London, His Academy for Illustrating and painting Natural History, 1792. Folio (345 x 272mm). pp. (8), 33, with 2 medallion engraved plates and 42 ...
EUR 2,200
rightly famous for its large decorative plates showing flowers only
A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening: comprehending all the modern improvements in the art; whether in the raising of the various esculent vegetables, or in the forcing and managing of different sorts of fruits and plants ... from original drawings by Sydenham Edwards.
London, G. Kearsley, 1807. 2 volumes. 4to (265 x 205mm). With 61 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates and 13 engraved plates of instruments etc...
EUR 4,200
rare suite of very beautiful bouquets in ornamental vases with grotesques
MESSAGER, J. (ca. 1580 - Paris - 1649) & PICQUET, J. (Troyes ca. 1600 - ca. 1650 Paris).
Series of six copper engravings of floral bouquets in vases.
[Paris, 1620s]. 245 x 175 mm. Half calf, gilt spine with floral ornaments and red gilt lettered label, marbled boards.
EUR 8,400
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