This contains a number of plates of beetles, some very splendid
MARTYN, T. The English Entomologist, exhibiting all the Coleopterous Insects found in England; including upwards of 500 different Species, the Figures which have never before been givento the Public. The whole accurately drawn & painted after Nature, Arranged and named according to the Linnaean System./ Entomologist Anglois ouvrage où l'on a rassemblé tous les Insectes Coleoptères qui se trouvent en Angleterre et qui forment plus de 500 espèces différentes d'insectes... London, His Academy for Illustrating and painting Natural History, 1792. Folio (345 x 272mm). pp. (8), 33, with 2 medallion engraved plates and 42 ... EUR 2,200