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early work on botanical theory, reflecting the influence of Theophrastus

COSTEO, G. De Universali Stirpium natura libri duo...

Turin, heirs of Nicolo Bevilacqua, 1578. 4to (208 x 145mm). pp. (viii), 496, (16), with printer's device on title, small wormhole from binding just...

EUR 2,000

un des livres les plus precieux pour la Flore d'Orient

JAUBERT, H.F. & SPACH, E. Illustrationes Plantarum Orientalium.

Paris, Roret, 1842-1857. 5 volumes. Large-4to (350 x 260mm). With 500 engraved plates. Contemporaryhalf calf, spines with 2 black gilt lettered lab...

EUR 7,500

Nissen in his publication 'Die botanische Buchillustration' speaks highly of him 'seine Tafeln... verdienen volles Lob'.

DREVES, J.F. & HAYNE, F.G. Choix de Plantes d'Europe, décrites et dessinées d'après nature.

Leipzig, Voss et Compagnie, 1802. 5 volumes. 4to (295 x 230mm). pp. xii, 40; xii, 44; xii, 44; xii,40; x, 38, with 125 fine hand-coloured engraved ...

EUR 4,200