Fine Dutch Natural History & Travel Books

The first major work on the orchids of the Dutch East Indies and Japan

BLUME, C.L. Collection des Orchidées les plus remarquables de l'Archipel Indien et du Japon.

Ouvrage dédié à sa Majesté Guillaume I Roi de Wurtemberg. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1858. Folio (454 x 290mm). pp. (6), vi, 190, with hand-colour...

EUR 8,000

BOERHAAVE, H. Index alter Plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur.

Leiden, Jansson Vander Aa, 1727. 2 vols (bound in one). 4to (225 x 175 mm). pp. (xxxviii, without blank *4, as is always the case), 320; (ii), 270,...

EUR 3,500

the only 4to edition to rival the original French Imprimerie Royale edition

BUFFON, G.L.L. DE, DAUBENTON, LACÉPÈDE (and others). Histoire Naturelle, générale et particuliere, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi.

Amsterdam, Schneider/ Dordrecht, Blussé, 1766-1799. 38 parts, bound in 19 vols. 4to (267 x 210mm). With engraved portrait of Buffon, numerous engr...

EUR 7,500

interesting association copy with a warm and highly charming dedication from the author to his son

CASEMBROOT, F. DE. De Medusa in de Wateren van Japan, in 1863 en 1864.

s'Gravenhage, de gebroeders van Cleef, 1865. 8vo (220 x 135mm). pp. xii, (2), 150, with 5 folded coloured maps. Contemporary half red calf, gilt l...

EUR 11,000

celebrated as the first book on Exotic Butterflies arranged in accordance with the Linnean system and provided with coloured plates

CRAMER, P. & STOLL, C. Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique/ De uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie Waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America.

Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde/ N.T. Gravius, 1779-1791. 4 volumes & supplement (bound in 5). Large-4to (305 x 235mm). With 3 (2 handcoloured) engraved fro...

EUR 35,000

Dr. Sam Segal believes this work by Justus Danckerts is the first edition and predates the edition by Vauquer

DANCKERTS, J. Livres de Fleurs.

Amsterdam, c. 1680. Oblong small folio (350 x 190mm). Engraved title within a garland of flowers arranged on a pillar, and 9 engraved plates of bou...

EUR 15,000

DEN NEDERLANDSCHEN VERSTANDIGEN HOVENIER, over de xii. maenden van het jaer. Beschryvende hoe men op de beste en bekwaemste maniere Hoven, Tuynen, Lust-Hoven en Boomgaerden zal verordineren, bereyden, beplanten en

bezaeyen. In dezen Gendschen druk veel vermeerdert en verbetert... Den elfsten druk. Door F.V.S. Pbr, vermeerdert en verbetert. Gend, Weduwe Steven...

EUR 900

A masterwork what botany in the Dutch speaking countries is concerned

Printed for private circulation only

ES, N.J.A.P.H. VAN. De hippische sport en het Korps Rijdende Artillerie 1793-1908, I: DE VALKERIJ. Met illustratiën van Hoynck van Papendrecht, Krabbé, Staring en van Es en ornamentatie van Colenbrander en Roskam.

Arnhem, Coers & Roest - G.J. Thieme, (1908). Folio (370 x 290mm). pp. (16), 172, (18), with 45 plates of which 34 beautifully handcoloured, many of...

EUR 9,000

A precious and unique album with original watercolours by Willem Diederik Vincent de Graaf (1762-1846)

GRAAF, DE. W.D.V. Inlandsche Kapellen in beeld (Illustrations of native Butterflies). Album of 170 splendid original watercolours of Dutch Butterflies & Caterpillars, together with their feeding plants.

Circa 1800-1840. 4to (235 x 190mm). Each plate within a black framing line, with a silhouette drawing frontispiece of W.D.V de Graaf 1762-1846 and ...

EUR 45,000

HEERKENS, G.N. Aves Frisicae.

Rotterrodami, apud C.R. Hake, 1788. 8vo. pp. 298, (1), with a charming engraved title showing a bird (Alauda) by J.L. Anselin. Contemporary marbled...

EUR 1,200

KLEYNHOFF, C.F. Bedenkingen over het einde, waartoe de Insecten vermoedelyk geschapen zyn. Voorgedraagen in de Maatschappy Felix Meritis.

Amsterdam, P.J. Uylenbroek, 1805. 8vo (217 x 130mm). pp. (6), 300, (12), with 1 engraved plate. Contemporary half calf, spine with red gilt lettere...

EUR 500

Famous work on pomology and fruit trees, the first monographs published with colour plates on this subject

KNOOP, J.H. Beschrijving en afbeeldingen van de beste soorten van Appelen en Peeren ...

(together with:) Beschryving der vruchtbomen en vruchten die men in de hoven plant en onderhoud ...(together with:) Beschryving der plantagie-gewas...

EUR 2,700

the most beautiful flora of the Netherlands

KOPS, J. Flora Batava, afgebeeld door en van wegens J.C. Sepp en zoon; beschreven door Jan Kops.

Amsterdam, Leiden, Haarlem, s'Gravenhage, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, and others, (1800)-1920. Volumes 1-25 (of 28) & 1 index volume. 4to (295 x 240mm). Wit...

EUR 18,500

Letter of G. Bidloo to Antony van Leeuwenhoek; concerning the animals, which are sometimes found in the liver of sheep and other beasts

LEEUWENHOEK, A. Van.- BIDLOO, G. Brief van G: Bidloo aan Antony van Leeuwenhoek; Wegens de dieren, welke men zomtyds in de lever der Schaapen en andere beesten vind.

Delft, by Hendrik van Kroonevelt, 1698. 4to (187 x 150mm). pp. (2), 34, with 1 engraved plate and 3engravings in the text.

EUR 2,500

The attractive frontispiece by J. Goeree shows the portrait of Leeuwenhoek held by an angel

The work lists 110 foreign plants which Linneaus had introduced, among them many Siberian plants

is concerned chiefly with the author's observations of life and conditions in Nagasaki

MEIJLAN, G.F. Japan. Voorgesteld in schetsen over de zeden en gebruiken van dat rijk, bijzonder over de ingezetenen der stad Nagasaky, door C.F. Meijlan Opperhoofd aldaar. Uitgegeven door Mr. J.H. Tobias.

Amsterdam, M. Westerman & Zoon, 1830. 8vo (210 x 125mm). pp. (14), 190, with charming handcolouredtitle-vignette heightened with gold and 2 folded...

EUR 3,500

one of the rarest and most attractive Dutch flower books

NEDERLANDSCH BLOEMWERK. Door een gezelschap geleerden.

Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1794. 4to (285 x 220mm). pp. (4), 128, (3), with handcoloured engraved title-page (a large bouquet of flowers in a vase) and ...

EUR 15,000

beautifully illustrated work on China

The very fine illustrations depict flowers and fruit growing in the Netherlands

OTTOLANDER, K.J.W., KOSTER, A. & DE VOS, C. (Eds.). Nederlandsche Flora en Pomona, beschreven en uitgegeven door het Bestuur der Pomologische Vereeniging te Boskoop. Met platen naar de natuur geteekend door A.J. Wendel

Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1879. 2 volumes. Folio (320 x 250 mm). pp. ix, xii , (4), 235, with 81 chromolithograped plates of fruit and flowers. Publ...

EUR 3,800

Most plates show Japanese people in costumes, the frontispiece in vol. 1 shows the bay of Nagasaki

POMPE VAN MEERDERVOORT, J.L. Vijf jaren in Japan. (1857-1863). Bijdragen tot de kennis van het Japansche Keizerrijk en zijne bevolking.

Leiden, Van den Heuvell & Van Santen, 1867-1868. 2 volumes. 8vo (245 x 160mm). pp. xii, 335, (i); pp. vi, 357, (i), with 2 coloured frontispieces, ...

EUR 6,000

The colouring of the present sumptuously bound copy is the best we have ever seen of this book

ROESEL VAN ROSENHOF, A.J. De Natuurlyke Historie der Insecten; Voorzien met naar 't Leven getekende en gekoleurde Plaaten.

Volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven, ... Met zeer nutte en fraaie Aanmerkingen verrykt, door C.F. Kleemann. Uit den echten Hoogduitschen Druk .....

EUR 15,000

these birds were seen by Van Royen in the collection of the eminent Amsterdam merchant, Theodorus de Leeuw (1679-1744), at his country house of Elsenburg, on the river Vecht, near Maarssen

ROYEN, WILLEM II VAN. Two Silver Pheasants and a Black-crowned Night Heron in a landscape.

Signed and dated, lower right W V ROYEN 1735, also dated lower left: 1735, inscribed in brown ink on verso: 'dese vogels sijn bij d: edl: aghtb: He...

EUR 15,000

the first great survey of the flora of the East-Indies

the first modern work on tropical fauna

RUMPHIUS, G.E. Thesaurus imaginum Piscium Testaceorum; Quales sunt Cancri, Echini, Echinometra, Stellae Marinae,&c. ut et Conchlearum...

Hagae, P. de Hondt, 1739. Folio (400 x 245mm). pp. (4), 14, 8, with engraved title, engraved portrait of Rumphius and 60 engraved plates. Contempor...

EUR 4,500

the most important work on hyacinths published in the 18th century

(SAINT SIMON, M.H. DE). Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, réproduction et culture.

Amsterdam, 1768. 4to (282 x 225mm). pp. (iv), 164, (4), 15, (1), with 10 folding engraved plates [bound up with:] Discours addressé à l'Académie...

EUR 950

One of the finest works on butterflies ever published

SEPP, J.C. Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen.

Of Nederlandsche Insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden ... Amste...

EUR 20,000

One of the finest works on butterflies ever published.

SEPP, J.C. Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen. Of Nederlandsche Insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden ...

Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1762-1860. 8 volumes. 4to (250 x 190mm). With 8 hand-coloured engraved frontispieces and 400 hand-coloured engraved plates. C...

EUR 15,000

Siebold was the first western scientist to fully explore the fauna of Japan

SIEBOLD, P.F. VON. Fauna Japonica: TEMMINCK, C.J. Aperçu générale et spécifique sur les Mammifères qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dépendent (bound up with:) Les Mammifères Marins.

Lugduni Batavorum, Arnz, (1842-1844). Folio (370 x 305mm). pp. (4), 59; 26, with 30 (23 finely hand-coloured) lithographed plates. Later blue cloth...

EUR 7,500

Siebold was the first western scientist to fully explore the fauna of Japan

SIEBOLD, P.F. VON. Fauna Japonica: TEMMINCK, C.J. Aperçu générale et spécifique sur les Mammifères qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dépendent (bound up with:) Les Mammifères Marins.

Lugduni Batavorum, Arnz, (1842-1844). Folio (415 x 305mm). pp. (4), 1-41 (of 59); 26, with 30 (23 finely hand-coloured) lithographed plates. Disbou...

EUR 6,500

magnificent publication depicting for the first time on a large scale the ethnography and geography of Japan

34 booklets describing exotic animals

VOSMAER, A. Regnum Animale.

Natuurkundige beschryving eener uitmuntende verzameling van zeldsaame gedierten, bestaande in Oost-en Westindische Viervoetige dieren, vogelen en s...

EUR 7,500

very rare thesis of this famous Dutch scientist

WINKLER, T.C. Des Tortues Fossiles conservées dans le Musée Teyler et dans quelques autres musées.

Haarlem, Loosjes, 1869. Royal-8vo. pp. 151, with 33 tinted folding plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gilt spine.

EUR 450