Subjects: Reptiles / Snakes / Amphibians
Search results: Reptiles / Snakes / Amphibians(15 results)
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(Prince of Canino). Iconografia della Fauna Italica per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati.
Mammiferi e Uccelli, Amfibi, Pesci. Roma, Tipografia Salviucci, 1832-1841. 3 volumes. Folio (385 x 275m). pp. (1104), with 180 very fine handcolour...
EUR 25,000
Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature: ERPÉTOLOGIE.
Paris, Panckoucke, 1789. 4to (280 x 215mm). pp. xxviii, 70, (2), with 26 engraved plates. 19th century half cloth, marbled sides.
EUR 1,100
A well preserved set, of this great classic on natural history, dealing almost exclusively with zoology
Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roy .
Paris, l' Imprimerie Royale, Hôtel de Thou, Plassan, 1749-1804. 44 volumes. 4to (245 x 192mm). With1 engraved portrait of Buffon, 4 folded tables,...
EUR 36,000
Rerum naturalium historia, nempe Quadrupedum Insectorum Piscium variorumque marinorum Corporum Fossilium Plantarum exoticarum ac praesertim Testaceorum exsistentium in Museo Kircheriano, edita ... A P. Philippo Bonannio ... novisque observationibus locupletata a J.A. Battarra. PARS PRIMA.
Roma, Zempelliano, 1773. Folio (380 x 255mm). pp. xl, 260, with 1 fine engraved allegorical frontispiece, 1 engraved title vignette showing a cabin...
EUR 7,500
Of all the herpetological treatises to emerge in France immediately following the French Revolution, the most comprehensive was Daudin's.
Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Ouvrage faisant suite à l'Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon et rédigée par C.S. Sonnini ...
Paris, Dufart, An X-XI (1801-1803). 8 volumes. Royal-8vo (208 x 135 mm). pp. 384; 432; 452; 397; 365; 447; 436; 439, with 100 engraved plates and 2...
EUR 1,500
Of all the herpetological treatises to emerge in France immediately following the French Revolution, the most comprehensive was Daudin's.
Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Ouvrage faisant suite à l'Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon et rédigée par C.S. Sonnini ...
Paris, Dufart, An X-XI (1801-1803). 8 volumes. Royal-8vo (210 x 135 mm). pp. 384; 432; 452; 397; 365; 447; 436; 439, with 100 engraved plates, apar...
EUR 3,900
Synopsis Reptilium; or short descriptions of the species of reptiles. Part I. Cataphracta. Tortoises, Crocodiles and Enaliosaurians.
London, Treuttel, Wurtz, and Co., 1831. 8vo. pp. 85, with 11 plates. Disbound.
EUR 500
The excellent woodcuts show snakes, amphibia, scorpions, fish, a dog suffering from rabies, poisonous plants etc.
De venenis libri due. Gallice primum ab eo scripti, et à multis hactenus Latini desiderati, & nunc tandem opera & labore Hieremiae Martij Augustanae Reipublicae medici, in Latinum sermonem, summa fide & dilligentia, in rei medicae studiosorum utitlitatem atque commodum conversi. Quibus adiunctus est praetereà eiusdem auctoris de antimonio tractatus, eodem interprete, unà cum rerum memorabilium, praecipuè ad operis calcem, Indice.
Antweriae, ex officina Chistophori Plantini, 1571. 4to (223 x 155mm). pp. (20), 332, (10), with 92 woodcuts in the text. Contemporary limp vellum (...
EUR 3,800
Zoophylacii Gronoviani Fasciculus Primus exhibens Animalia Quadrupeda, Amphibia atque Pisces, quae in Museo suo adservat... [Together with:] Zoophylacii Gronoviani FasciculusSecundus exhibens enumerationem Insectorum quae in Museo suo adservat....
Lugduni Batavorum, sumptibus auctoris, 1763-1764. 2 parts bound in one. Folio (418 x 264mm). pp. (4), 1-136, (4), with 14 engraved plates of fishes...
EUR 2,500
Beobachtungen aus der Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie, gesammelt auf einer Reise nach den Tropen-Ländern des neuen Kontinents, in den Jahren 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803und 1804. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von dem Erstern.
Tübingen, bey F.C. Cotta/ Paris, bey Levrault, Schoell und Compagnie, 1806. 4to (342 x 250mm). pp. x, 212. Contemporary blue boards (a bit worn).
EUR 1,000
the first comprehensive world summary of amphibians and reptiles and contains still-useful historical information
Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens.
Paris, Hôtel de Thou, 1788-1789. 2 volumes. 4to (255 x 190mm). pp. 17, (1), 651, with 2 large folded tables and 41 engraved plates; pp. 8, 19, (1)...
EUR 2,100
Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens. Tome Premier: Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares.
Paris, Hôtel de Thou, 1788. 4to (255 x 190mm). pp. 17, (1), 651, with 1 (of 2) large folded tables,1 engraved vignette and 41 engraved plates. Con...
EUR 750
the first book dedicated to botany to include North American plants and according to Sabin of 'extreme rarity'
Histoire des plantes, nouvellement trouvées en l'isle Virgine et autres lieux, lesquelles ont esté prises et cultivées au jardin de Monsieur Robin Arboriste du Roy.
Paris, Guillaume Macé, 1620. 16mo (110 x 70mm.). 16 pp, title within woodcut printed border with plants and animals, with 14 woodcuts of flowering...
EUR 12,000
General Zoology or Systematic Natural History. Volume III: AMPHIBIA.
London, G. Kearsley/ Thomas Davison, 1802. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo (230 x 160mm). With 2 engraved titles and 140 engraved plates. Contemporary calf, s...
EUR 1,200
Des Tortues Fossiles conservées dans le Musée Teyler et dans quelques autres musées.
Haarlem, Loosjes, 1869. Royal-8vo. pp. 151, with 33 tinted folding plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gilt spine.
EUR 450