
Here is an overview of your favorites. You add any number of books to your favorites list by clicking on the "favorites >" links next to any of the books on this website

INGEN-HOUSZ, J. Expériences sur les végétaux,

spécialement sur la propriété qu'ils possèdent à un haut degré, soit d'améliorer l'Air quand ils sont au soleil, soit de le corrompre la nui...

EUR 600

REICHENBACH, L. Icones Florae Germanicae et Helveticae simul Pedemontanae, ... Volumen V-VI.

Lipsiae, F. Hofmeister, 1841-1844. 2 volumes (bound in 1). 4to. pp. (4), 1-38; (4), 39-84, with 227engraved plates (numbered 129-198, 198B, 199-230...

EUR 450

LABILLARDIERE, J.J. DE. Icones Plantarum Syriae Rariorum, descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae. Decas Prima & Secunda.

Parisiis, impensis auctoris, 1791. part 1 & 2 (of 5). 4to. (I) pp. 22, with 10 engraved plates; (II) pp. 18, with 10 engraved plates. Contemporary ...

EUR 700

Bulbous plants predominate (daffodils, narcissi, jonquils, tulips, blue-bells, lilies and fritillaries)

DELAFLEUR,N.G. [Florilegium], Nicolaus Guillelmus a florae Lotharingus. Fecit Romae 1638.

[Paris], Pierre Mariette, 1638. Small oblong 4to (190 x 290mm). Engraved throughout, title-portraitwithin border of flowers, 12 plates of flowers, ...

EUR 10,000

He intensively surveyed the flora and fauna of Brazil from Jequitinhonha to Rio de la Plata for six years

SAINT-HILAIRE, A.F. DE. Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis.

Paris, A. Belin, 1824-1833. 24 parts. Large 4to (365 x 280mm). With 193 engraved plates. Publishers printed wrappers, uncut.

EUR 15,000

BIBRA, FREIHERR VON. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte von Chile.

Wien, W. Braumüller, 1853. 4to (310 x 245 mm) & atlas oblong-folio (307 x 405 mm). pp. 70, with 5 chromo-lithographed plates, 4 showing sceneries ...

EUR 1,600

Famous work on agriculture, gardening, cattle raising, as well as hunting and hawking

NYST, P.H. Description des Coquilles et des Polypiers Fossiles des terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique.

Bruxelles, M. Hayze, 1845. 4to (265 x 210mm). pp. 675, (1), 2 index, with 49 fine lithographed plates each with descriptive text leaf. Contempora...

EUR 1,200

LUCAS, H. Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères d'Europe.

Ouvrage orné de près de 400 figures peintes d'après nature par A. Noel et gravées sur acier par Pauquet. Paris, L. de Bure, 1845. Royal-8vo (23...

EUR 1,000

un des livres les plus precieux pour la Flore d'Orient

JAUBERT, H.F. & SPACH, E. Illustrationes Plantarum Orientalium.

Paris, Roret, 1842-1857. 5 volumes. Large-4to (350 x 260mm). With 500 engraved plates. Contemporaryhalf calf, spines with 2 black gilt lettered lab...

EUR 7,500

KERNER, J.S. Abbildung aller Oekonomischen Pflanzen. Siebenter Band.

Stuttgart, gedruckt in der Herzoglichen Buchdrukerei, 1794. 4to (290 x 235mm). With hand-coloured engraved title vignette and 100 fine hand-coloure...

EUR 1,000

beautifully produced work on poisonous fishes

SAVTSCHENKO, P. Atlas des Poissons Vénéneux descriptions des ravages produits par eux sur l'organisme humain, et des contre-poisons à employer,

St. Petersburg, Balasheva, 1886. 4to (345 x 250mm). pp. (10), 53, (2), with 10 (9 coloured) lithographed plates. Contemporary green cloth, spine wi...

EUR 1,200

the rare first 8vo-edition of the most famous book on roses

REDOUTE, P.J. & THORRY, C.A. Les Roses peintes par P.J. Redouté ... décrites par C.A. Thorry.

Paris, C.L.F. Panckoucke, 1824. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo (235 x 155mm). With 160 colour-printed engraved plates, partly finished by hand. Contemporary ...

EUR 15,000

The first work on coniferous trees and one of the first botanical books to cover a single species

BELON, P. De arboribus coniferis, resiniferis, aliis quoque nonnullis sempiterna fronde virentibus, cum earundem iconibus ad vivum expressis....

Paris, E. Corrozet, 1553. 4to (198 x 148mm). ff. (8), 32 with 8 woodcuts in the text. Recent marbled boards.

EUR 2,700

Leech described many species new to science in the present work

LEECH, H.J. Butterflies from China, Japan, and Corea.

London, R.H. Porter, 1892-1894. 3 volumes. 4to (285 x 220mm). pp. lv, (7), 1-298; (2), 297-681; (4), with 48 (43 chromo-) lithographed plates and 1...

EUR 6,500

The colouring is bright and splendid; the fine plates were drawn and engraved by the author himself, who was a miniature-painter, engraver and art-dealer at Nürnberg

deals with the application of the electricity to the growth of plants

BERTHOLON, P. De l'électricité des végétaux.

Ouvrage dans lequel on traite de l'électricité de l'atmosphère sur les plantes, de ses effects sur l'économie des végétaux, de leurs vertus m...

EUR 850

the most beautiful miniature entomological work ever published

PANZER, G.W. Faunae Insectorum Germanicae Initia oder Deutschlands Insecten.

Nürnberg, in der Felseckerschen Buchhandlung, 1793-1799. parts 1-67 (of 110), bound in 17 volumes. Oblong small-8vo (120 x 95mm). With 1 allegoric...

EUR 6,000

the first book dedicated to botany to include North American plants and according to Sabin of 'extreme rarity'

ROBIN, J. Histoire des plantes, nouvellement trouvées en l'isle Virgine et autres lieux, lesquelles ont esté prises et cultivées au jardin de Monsieur Robin Arboriste du Roy.

Paris, Guillaume Macé, 1620. 16mo (110 x 70mm.). 16 pp, title within woodcut printed border with plants and animals, with 14 woodcuts of flowering...

EUR 12,000