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Subjects: Hydrobiology / Marine Biology

Search results: Hydrobiology / Marine Biology(9 results)
page 1, displaying items 1 to 9

BATTARRA, G.A. Epistola selectas de re naturali observationes complectens. Accessere ex historia naturali curiosa nonnulla et tabulae elegantes.

Arimini, ex Typa Albertiniana, 1774. 4to (278 x 200mm). pp. xvii, (1), 25, (3), with 4 engraved plates and 1 charming engraved vignette on title. ...

EUR 1,900

The diary in form of a sketchbook in chronological order of Freiherr Ernst von Bibra's well-known voyage to South America

[BIBRA, ERNST VON.] Zur Südamerikanischen Reise. 1849-1850.

German manuscript, title with motto and 139 illustrated leaves, mostly pencil or brown pen drawings, about 20 with handcolouring, some grey-, brown...

EUR 28,000

A rare early work on Bryozoa

CAVOLINI, F. Memorie per servire alla storia de' Polipi Marini.

Napoli 1785. 4to (265 x 220mm). pp. 279, with 9 engraved plates. Later half calf, gilt lettered spine.

EUR 1,500

on the aquatic plants of the Adriatic sea.

GINANNI, G. Opere postume del Conte Giuseppe Ginanni Ravennate. Tomo primo nel quale si contengono cento quattor dici piante che vegetano nel mare Adriatico.

Venezia, dalle Stampe di Giorgio Fossati, 1755. Folio (385 x 265mm). pp. (10), 19, (1), 63, (3), with an engraved title, 1 engraved medallion plate...

EUR 1,500

GIROD-CHANTRANS, J. Recherches chimiques et microscopiques sur les Conferves, Bisses, Tremelles, etc.

Paris, Bernard, An X (1802). 4to (244 x 185 mm). pp. viii, 254, (2), iv, (4), with 36 handcolouredengraved plates. Contemporary half calf, gilt le...

EUR 700

LAMOUROUX, J.V.F. Dissertations sur plusieurs espèces de Fucus, peu connues ou nouvelles, avec leur description en Latin et en Français: I.er Fascicule (all published).

Paris, Treuttel et Würtz, An XIII.=1805. 4to (315 x 250 mm). pp. xxiv, 83, (1), with 36 fine engraved plates. Contemporary green half calf, gilt l...

EUR 1,200

MÜLLER, O.F. Hydrachnae, quas in aquis Daniae palustribus detexit, descripsit...

Lipsiae, S.L. Crusius, 1781. 4to (255 x 200mm). pp. lxxxviii, with engraved title-vignette and 11 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary boards...

EUR 800

NOVARA- Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 (B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair). ZOOLOGISCHER THEIL, Zweiter Band.

Wien, Kaiserlich-Königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1868. 4to (285 x 230mm). [Contains:] Heller,C. Crustaceen. pp. 280, with 25 engraved plates...

EUR 1,000

VANDELLI, D. Dissertationes Tres. De Aponi Thermis: de nonnullis Insectis terrestribus, & Zoophytes marinis, & de vermium terrae reproductione, atque Taenia Canis.

Patavii, J. Batistae Conzatti, 1758. 8vo (220 x 140mm). pp. vi, (2), 167, (1), (12, index), with engraved frontispiece, engraved title vignette an...

EUR 650