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The first Latin and best edition

ZANONI, G. Rariorum Stirpium Historia ex parte olim edita. Nunc centum plus tabulis, ex commentariis auctoris ab ejusdem nepotibus ampliata opus universum digessit, latine reddidit, supplevitque Cajetanus Montius.

Bononiae, Ex Typographia Lealii a Vulpe, 1742. Folio (390 x 260mm). pp. (40), 247, with an engravedallegorical frontispiece and engraved portrait o...

EUR 3,900

Dealing exclusively with the Hymenoptera of the Ligurian region (Italy)

SPINOLA, M. Insectorum Liguriae species novae aut rariores, quas in agro Ligustico nuper detexit, descripsit, et iconibus illustravit.

Genuae, Y. Gravier, 1806-1808. 4 parts (bound in one). 4to (240 x 185mm). pp. (4), xvii, 159, (1); (6), ii, 262, v, (1), with 1 folded table and 7 ...

EUR 2,300

BATTARRA, G.A. Epistola selectas de re naturali observationes complectens. Accessere ex historia naturali curiosa nonnulla et tabulae elegantes.

Arimini, ex Typa Albertiniana, 1774. 4to (278 x 200mm). pp. xvii, (1), 25, (3), with 4 engraved plates and 1 charming engraved vignette on title. ...

EUR 1,900