Subjects: Butterflies / Lepidoptera
Search results: Butterflies / Lepidoptera(35 results)
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Histoire Naturelle des Lépidoptères Rhopalocères ou Papillons Diurnes, des départemens des Haut et Bas Rhin, de la Moselle, de la Meurthe et des Vosges.
Paris, Roret/ Levrault, 1834. 8vo (210 x 125mm). pp. 166, with 39 lithographed plates. Contemporaryred half calf, gilt ornamented and lettered spine.
EUR 550
celebrated as the first book on Exotic Butterflies arranged in accordance with the Linnean system and provided with coloured plates
Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique/ De uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie Waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America.
Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde/ N.T. Gravius, 1779-1791. 4 volumes & supplement (bound in 5). Large-4to (305 x 235mm). With 3 (2 handcoloured) engraved fro...
EUR 35,000
issued in a very small edition only
Noctuelles et Géomètres d'Europe. Iconographie complète de toutes les espèces européennes.
Genève, Villa-Les-Iris, 1909-1920. 4 volumes. Royal-8vo (245 x 165mm). pp. (2), 220; (2), 243, (1);(2), 269, (3); (6), 167, (3), with 152 (151 han...
EUR 2,500
The colored plates, or Nature Prints, used in this work, are direct transfers from the insects themselves
As Nature shows them. Moths and Butterflies of the United States East of the Rocky Mountains. With over 400 photographic illustrations in the text and many transfers of species from life.
Boston, Bradlee Whidden, (1897-) 1900. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo (245 x 170mm). pp. x, (6), 1-161; pp. xiv, (3), 164-361, with 56 transfers of species f...
EUR 2,900
The 'Insects of India' is the first illustrated publication dealing with the entomology of India
Natural History of the Insects of India, containing upwards of two hundred and twenty figures and descriptions.
A new edition by J.O. Westwood. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1842. 4to (300 x 240mm). pp. vi, 102, with 58 fine handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporar...
EUR 7,000
The number of new species figured by Doubleday is very considerable, and is even larger than appears at first sight
The genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera: comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus.
London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1846-1852. 2 volumes. Folio (375 x 270mm). pp. xi, (1), 1-250; (2), 251- 534, with 86 lithographed pla...
EUR 19,000
one of the most attractive English entomological works on exotic insects
Illustrations of exotic Entomology, containing upwards of six hundred and fifty figures and descriptions of foreign insects, interspersed with remarks and reflections on their nature and properties.
A new edition ... by J.O. Westwood. London, H.G. Bohn, 1837. 3 volumes. 4to (265 x 205 mm). With 150 handcoloured engraved plates and 1 plain engra...
EUR 6,000
one of the most ambitious entomological publications of the eighteenth century
Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature par M. Ernst, gravé par M. Gerardin et coloriés sous leur direction ... Décrits par le R.P. Engramelle.
Paris, Delaguette/ Basan & Poignant, 1779-1792 (-1793). 8 volumes, bound in 6. Large-4to (320 x 245mm). With 3 (2 hand-coloured) engraved frontispi...
EUR 21,000
one of the most ambitious entomological publications of the eighteenth century
Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature par M. Ernst, gravé par M. Gerardin et coloriés sous leur direction ... Décrits par le R.P. Engramelle.
Paris, Delaguette/ Basan & Poignant, 1779-1792 (-1793). 8 volumes, bound in 4. Large-4to (305 x 240mm). With 3 (2 hand-coloured) engraved frontispi...
EUR 19,500
the rarest and most beautifully produced work on Russian entomology
Entomographia Imperii Russici./ Entomographie de la Russie.
Moscou, Société Impériale des Naturalistes/ Imprimerie Semen, 1820-1828. Volumes I-III (of 5). 4to (260 x 210mm). With 4 hand-coloured engraved ...
EUR 7,500
one of the finest illustrated French works on Lepidoptera
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France.
Paris, Crevot/Méquignon-Marvis Fils, 1821-1842. 11 volumes & 4 supplements (bound in 17). 8vo (215 x 130mm). With 546 (545 hand-coloured) engraved...
EUR 7,800
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France.
Tome troisième: DIURNES. Crépusculaires. Paris, Crevot, 1822. 8vo. pp. (4), 192, with 12 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary half cloth, s...
EUR 250
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France.
Tome troisième: DIURNES. Crépusculaires. Paris, Crevot, 1822. 8vo. pp. (4), 192, with 12 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary half cloth, s...
EUR 200
A precious and unique album with original watercolours by Willem Diederik Vincent de Graaf (1762-1846)
Inlandsche Kapellen in beeld (Illustrations of native Butterflies). Album of 170 splendid original watercolours of Dutch Butterflies & Caterpillars, together with their feeding plants.
Circa 1800-1840. 4to (235 x 190mm). Each plate within a black framing line, with a silhouette drawing frontispiece of W.D.V de Graaf 1762-1846 and ...
EUR 45,000
The following figures were selected from General Hardwicke's Collection of Drawings
Descriptions and Figures of some new Lepidopterous Insects chiefly from Nepal.
London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1846. 8vo (215 x 135mm). pp. 16, with 16 engraved plates of which 14 beautifully hand-coloured. Contem...
EUR 1,900
rare work on exotic butterflies
Rhopalocera Exotica, being Illustrations of New, Rare, and Unfigured Species of Butterflies.
London, Gurney & Jackson, 1887-1902. 3 volumes. Large-4to (284 x 220mm). With 180 hand-coloured lithographed plates and descriptive text. Contempor...
EUR 9,500
Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Sicilianischer Schmetterlinge.
Wien, J.P. Sollinger, 1838. 4to (280 x 220mm). pp. 7, with 1 hand-coloured lithographed plate. Publisher's printed wrappers.
EUR 500
Catalogue of the collection of diurnal Lepidoptera formed by the late W.C. Hewitson and bequeathed by him to the British Museum.
London, John van Voorst, 1879. 4to (273 x 215mm). pp.iv, 246. Contemporary black calf, gilt ornamented and lettered spine.
EUR 500
Leech described many species new to science in the present work
Butterflies from China, Japan, and Corea.
London, R.H. Porter, 1892-1894. 3 volumes. 4to (285 x 220mm). pp. lv, (7), 1-298; (2), 297-681; (4), with 48 (43 chromo-) lithographed plates and 1...
EUR 6,500
Histoire Naturelle des Lépidoptères d'Europe, ouvrage orné de près de 400 figures, peintes d'après nature par A. Noel.
Paris, Paquet/ L. Debure, 1834. 8vo (225 x 135mm). pp. (4), 216, with 80 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary half calf (joints splitti...
EUR 700
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères d'Europe.
Ouvrage orné de près de 400 figures peintes d'après nature par A. Noel et gravées sur acier par Pauquet. Paris, L. de Bure, 1845. Royal-8vo (23...
EUR 1,000
Etudes de Lépidoptérologie comparée, Fasc.
XIbis: OBERTHUER, C., HOULBERT, C. & DODD, F.P. Contributions à l'étude des Grands Lépidoptères d'Australie (Genres Coscinocera et Xyleutes). R...
EUR 250
Études d'Entomologie. Deuxième livraison: NOUVEAUX LÉPIDOPTÈRES DE LA CHINE.
Rennes, Imp. Oberthür et fils, 1876. 8vo (300 x 205mm). pp. 34, with 4 lithographed plates. Publisher's printed wrappers.
EUR 850
The beautifully drawn watercolour drawings of caterpillars are of a superb quality
Entomological archives, manuscripts and watercolours of the 18th and early 19th century, from the Rémond family, of Semur en Auxois (Burgundy). The authors are Louis Rémond, physician at Semur during the 18th century, F.M. Rémond likewise physician and author of 'Avis aux pères et aux mères sur la vaccine', Dyon & Semur 1818, and his son Maurice Rémond, lawyer at Semur. The greater part of the collection concerns the latter two who both were keen entomologists. The main objects in the collection are 125 watercolour drawings of caterpillars and their cocoons and a full translation into French of Roesel von Rosenhof's 'Der monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten-Belustigungen'.
EUR 35,000
The colouring of the present sumptuously bound copy is the best we have ever seen of this book
De Natuurlyke Historie der Insecten; Voorzien met naar 't Leven getekende en gekoleurde Plaaten.
Volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven, ... Met zeer nutte en fraaie Aanmerkingen verrykt, door C.F. Kleemann. Uit den echten Hoogduitschen Druk .....
EUR 15,000
Thomas Say (1787-1834), was one of the premier native born American naturalists of the early nineteenth century
American Entomology. A description of the Insects of North America. Edited by John L. Le Conte, M.D. with a memoir of the author, by Georg Ord.
New York, J.W. Bouton, 1869. 2 volumes. Royal-8vo. pp. xxiv, 412; iv, 814, with 54 handcoloured lithographed plates. Publisher's green cloth.
EUR 1,700
Schmetterlingskalender oder systematisches Verzeichnis aller Schmetterlinge, welche in Deutschland bekannt sind.
Frankfurt am Main, P.S. Guilhauman, 1830. 8vo (218 x 135mm). pp. vi, (2), 500, 52, with 7 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary boards .
EUR 300
rare French edition of Seitz' 'Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde'
Les Macrolépidoptères du Globe. Révision systématique des Macrolépidoptères connus jusqu' à ce jour.
Stuttgart, Kernen, 1911-1945. 20 volumes (bound in 27). Large 4to (320 x 248mm). With 1364 chromo-lithographed plates. 21 volumes uniformly bound i...
EUR 7,500
The fine plates are made by process of 10-14 colour lithography, and its excellent quality has remained unsurpassed
The Macrolepidoptera of the world.
Stuttgart, Kernen Verlag, 1909-1954. 20 volumes (bound in 29). 4to. With 1458 chromolithographed plates. Publisher's half calf, gilt and unbound in...
EUR 12,000
One of the finest works on butterflies ever published
Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen.
Of Nederlandsche Insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden ... Amste...
EUR 20,000
One of the finest works on butterflies ever published.
Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen. Of Nederlandsche Insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelijke huishouding, verwonderlijke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige bijzonderheden ...
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1762-1860. 8 volumes. 4to (250 x 190mm). With 8 hand-coloured engraved frontispieces and 400 hand-coloured engraved plates. C...
EUR 15,000
Illustrations of British Entomology; or, a synopsis of indigenous insects: containing their generic and specific distinctions; with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food, and economy, as far as practicable.
Haustellata (&) Mandibulata. London, Baldwin and Cradock/ Henry G.Bohn, 1827-1846. 12 volumes (including supplement), bound in 8. Royal-8vo (225 x ...
EUR 2,200
c'est un magnifique travail, remarquablement illustré
Rhopalocera Palaearctica, iconographie et description des Papillons Diurnes de la région paléarctique.
Florence, Roger Verity, 1905-1911. Folio (338 x 245 mm). 2 volumes. pp. lxxxvi, (2), 368; xii, with86 (41 coloured) plates and 2 (1 coloured) maps....
EUR 2,400
my copy is an unicum as it includes a third part quite unknown till today
African Lepidoptera, being descriptions of new species.
London, Longmans, Green & Co. (1873-1875 ?). 3 parts. 4to. pp. 16, with 18 (12 handcoloured) plates. Unbound in original printed wrappers.
EUR 1,500
my copy is an unicum as it includes a third part quite unknown till today
African Lepidoptera, being descriptions of new species.
London, Longmans, Green & Co. (1873-1875 ?). 3 parts. 4to (295 x 230mm). pp. 16, with 18 (12 hand-coloured) plates. Unbound in original printed wra...
EUR 1,500