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Berlin, Friedrich Wilhelm Birnstiel, [1733-] 1763. 2 volumes. Folio (375 x 240 mm). ff. 103, including 25 divisional titles, with engraved portrait...

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London, Taylor and Francis by the Author, [1862] - 1873. 5 volumes. Folio (545 x 370mm). With 367 fine hand-coloured lithographed plates, many heig...

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The first coloured illustrations of birds in a book which attempted to list and portray all the British species, many of them life-size

PENNANT, T. The British Zoology, Class I. Quadrupeds.

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ROESEL VAN ROSENHOF, A.J. De Natuurlyke Historie der Insecten; Voorzien met naar 't Leven getekende en gekoleurde Plaaten.

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One of the finest works on butterflies ever published

SEPP, J.C. Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minst geachte schepzelen.

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