Splendid Botanical Books #1

A large number of the plants depicted and described are from Australia and South Africa

ANDREWS, H.C. The Botanist's Repository, comprising colour'd engravings of new and rare plants only, with botanical descriptions in Latin and English after the Linnaean system...

London, printed by T. Bensley and published by the author, 1797 (-1815). 10 volumes. 4to (265 x 210mm), with 10 engraved titles and 664 (many folde...

EUR 28,000

Of all the pomological publications, published around the middle of last century this is without doubt the most important one and also the most beautiful


publiées par la Commission Royale de Pomologie, instituée par S.M. le Roi des Belges. 8 volumes. Bruxelles, F. Parent 1853-1860. Large-4to (340 x...

EUR 24,000

perhaps the most renowned and sought-after of all orchid books

BATEMAN, J. The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala.

London, J. Richway & Sons. (1837)- 1843. Elephant folio (740 x 525 mm). One-page subscriber's list,addenda and corrigenda slip bound at back, litho...

EUR 75,000

The first major work on the orchids of the Dutch East Indies and Japan

BLUME, C.L. Collection des Orchidées les plus remarquables de l'Archipel Indien et du Japon.

Ouvrage dédié à sa Majesté Guillaume I Roi de Wurtemberg. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1858. Folio (454 x 290mm). pp. (6), vi, 190, with hand-colour...

EUR 8,000

CASSONE, F. Flora Medico-Farmaceutica compilata dal dottore in medicina e chirurgia Felice Cassone.

Torino, Tipografia di Giuseppe Cassone, 1847-1852. 6 volumes. Royal-8vo (230 x 150mm). pp. xxxv, 364; 391; 392; 383; 414; 394, with 600 fine handco...

EUR 5,000

These Chinese export watercolours were made for the western market and produced in the port cities of China of which Canton was the most important one

CHINA- TEA CULTURE AND CULTIVATION. A collection of 12 finely executed Chinese original drawings on rice paper around 1850.

All drawings are framed and glazed. The drawings (200 x 320mm) are superbly executed and exceptionally colourful and show the various stages of pic...

EUR 5,800

The impressive 'Flora Londinensis' is much more comprehensive in scope than its title suggests, for it embraces most of the English flora

CURTIS, W. Flora Londinensis: containing a history of the Plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the natural size.

A new edition, enlarged by George Graves and William Jackson Hooker. London, Henry G. Bohn, [1817-]1835. 5 volumes. Large-folio (481 x 290mm). With...

EUR 15,000

the most important book to be published in England during the eighteenth century on the plant growing in a private garden

DILLENIUS, J.J. Horti Elthamensis plantarum rariorum icones et nomina Joh. Jac. Dillenio, M.D. descriptarum Elthami in Cantio, in Horto... Jacobi Sherard... additis denominationibus Linnaeanis.

Lugduni Batavorum, C. Haak, 1774. 2 volumes (bound in one). Folio (404 x 260mm). Leaves (6); 1, with 325 etched plates. New full mottled calf, spin...

EUR 13,000

the most beautiful dendrological work published

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, H.L. Traité des Arbres et Arbustes que l'on cultive en pleine terre en Europe, et paticulièrement en France.

Paris, Librairie encyclopédique Roret, (1852?). 7 volumes. Folio (503 x 325mm). With 1 engraved title-vignette and 498 engraved plates, of which 4...

EUR 50,000

one of the most notable botanical English artists of the 18th century

illustrated with chromolithographs, designed, printed and sometimes "rebouché au pinceau" in the large printing office situated in the middle of van Houtte's gardens

FLORE DES SERRES ET DES JARDINS DE L'EUROPE, ou descriptions des plantes les plus rares et les plus méritantes ... Rédigé par C. Lemaire, Scheidweiler & Van Houtte e.a.

Gand, van Houtte, 1845-1880. 23 volumes. Royal-8vo (252 x 180mm). With over 2500, nearly all coloured plates. Contemporary brown half calf, spines ...

EUR 15,000

The plates are finely coloured and show flowers, fruit, vegetables and green houses

GREEN, T. The Universal Herbal; or, Botanical, Medical, and Agricultural Dictionary, containing an account of all the known plants in the world, arranged according to the Linnean system. Second

edition, revised and improved. London, Caxton Press, 1824 (-28). 2 volumes. 4to (260 x 206mm). pp. (4), 790; 885, 56, with 3 stipple-engraved handc...

EUR 2,000

it contains descriptions and plates of many of the best garden Rhododendron species which can be grown in this country

One of the rarest and most splendid publications on South American botany

KARSTEN, H. Florae Columbiae terrarumque adiacentium specimina selecta in peregrinatione duodecim annorum observata delineavit et descripsit.

Berolini, apud Ferdinandi Duemmleri successores, 1858-1869. 2 volumes. Folio (500 x 350 mm.). pp. (6), 200, (2, index); pp. (2), 188, (2, index) wi...

EUR 40,000

First major publication on the orchids of the Himalaya

KING, G. & PANTLING, R. The Orchids of Sikkim Himalaya.

Calcutta, printed at the Bengal Secretariat Press, 1898. 4 volumes. Folio (348 x 275mm). pp. (14), iii, iv, 342, 11, with 453 lithographed plates o...

EUR 6,000

the most beautiful flora of the Netherlands

KOPS, J. Flora Batava, afgebeeld door en van wegens J.C. Sepp en zoon; beschreven door Jan Kops.

Amsterdam, Leiden, Haarlem, s'Gravenhage, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, and others, (1800)-1920. Volumes 1-25 (of 28) & 1 index volume. 4to (295 x 240mm). Wit...

EUR 18,500

the most attractive work on fruit published in Germany

The only other copy known is in the British Museum

NOVÆ FLORUM ICONES Hujus generis atrium cultoribus perutiles, maximâ curâ deliniatæ, et tabulis æneis incisæ. Ex Officina Nicol: Visscher.

A series of 16 copper engravings, numbered lower right, 257 x 175 mm, within the borders c. 229 x 146 mm.

EUR 7,500

both Napoleon III and Queen Victoria subscribed to its first edition

RAVENSCROFT, E. J. The Pinetum Britannicum. A descriptive account of Hardy Coniferous Trees, cultivated in Great Britain.

Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood & Son, (1863)-1884. 3 volumes. Folio (555 x 417mm). pp. (6), errata leaf, 1-110; (2), 111-216; (2), 217-330 with...

EUR 15,000

the first great survey of the flora of the East-Indies

He intensively surveyed the flora and fauna of Brazil from Jequitinhonha to Rio de la Plata for six years

SAINT-HILAIRE, A.F. DE. Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis.

Paris, A. Belin, 1824-1833. 24 parts. Large 4to (365 x 280mm). With 193 engraved plates. Publishers printed wrappers, uncut.

EUR 15,000

highly finished watercolours of the fungi of the Loire valley

SÉJOURNÉ, A. Champignons des environs de Blois.

Blois circa 1880. 2 volumes. Folio (360 x 270mm). A collection of 161 very fine watercolours of mushrooms of the Blois area (Loire valley). Loose i...

EUR 12,000

The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology

SOWERBY, J. Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.

London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1815). 3 volumes, bound in 2. Folio(320 x 200mm). With 440 hand-coloured engraved p...

EUR 12,000

the first separate general work on fungi, describing edible and poisonous varieties

the first botanical book to utilise colour-printed mezzotint successfully