Stuttgart Antiquarian Bookfair

A large number of the plants depicted and described are from Australia and South Africa

ANDREWS, H.C. The Botanist's Repository, comprising colour'd engravings of new and rare plants only, with botanical descriptions in Latin and English after the Linnaean system...

London, printed by T. Bensley and published by the author, 1797 (-1815). 10 volumes. 4to (265 x 210mm), with 10 engraved titles and 664 (many folde...

EUR 28,000

The diary in form of a sketchbook in chronological order of Freiherr Ernst von Bibra's well-known voyage to South America

[BIBRA, ERNST VON.] Zur Südamerikanischen Reise. 1849-1850.

German manuscript, title with motto and 139 illustrated leaves, mostly pencil or brown pen drawings, about 20 with handcolouring, some grey-, brown...

EUR 28,000

celebrated as the first book on Exotic Butterflies arranged in accordance with the Linnean system and provided with coloured plates

CRAMER, P. & STOLL, C. Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique/ De uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie Waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America.

Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde/ N.T. Gravius, 1779-1791. 4 volumes & supplement (bound in 5). Large-4to (305 x 235mm). With 3 (2 handcoloured) engraved fro...

EUR 35,000

A beautiful uniformly bound copy of the only major Prussian flora

DIETRICH, A. Flora Regni Borussici. Flora des Königreichs Preussen oder Abbildungen und Beschreibung der in Preussen wildwachsenden Pflanzen.

Berlin, L. Oehmigke, 1833-1844. 12 volumes. Royal-8vo (255 x 165mm). With 864 fine handcoloured lithographed plates and descriptive text. Contempor...

EUR 18,500

one of the most attractive English entomological works on exotic insects

DRURY, D. Illustrations of exotic Entomology, containing upwards of six hundred and fifty figures and descriptions of foreign insects, interspersed with remarks and reflections on their nature and properties.

A new edition ... by J.O. Westwood. London, H.G. Bohn, 1837. 3 volumes. 4to (265 x 205 mm). With 150 handcoloured engraved plates and 1 plain engra...

EUR 6,000

one of the most beautiful bird books of this period

EDWARDS, G. A Natural History of Uncommon Birds, and of some other Rare and Undescribed Animals, Quadrupedes, Reptiles, Fishes, Insects, &c.

London, for the Author, (1739-), 1743-1751. 4 volumes. 4to (295 x 235mm). With handcoloured engraved frontispiece, 1 engraved portrait, and 210 bea...

EUR 22,000

Famous work on agriculture, gardening, cattle raising, as well as hunting and hawking

One of the rarest lepidopterological iconographies, published in 120 parts over a period of 25 years

FREYER, C.F. Neuere Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde mit Abbildungen nach der Natur.

Augsburg, beim Verfasser/ in Kommission bei der C. Kollmann'schen Buchhandlung/ in Kommission bei der Matth. Rieger'schen Buchhandlung, (1827) 1833...

EUR 23,000

"One of the most enjoyable of all bird books but rare" (Fine Bird Books p. 76).

FRISCH, J.L. Vorstellung der Vögel Deutschlandes und beyläufig auch einiger Fremden... in Kupfer gebracht, und nach ihren natürlichen Farben dargestellt von Ferdinand Helfreich Frisch...

Berlin, Friedrich Wilhelm Birnstiel, [1733-] 1763. 2 volumes. Folio (375 x 240 mm). ff. 103, including 25 divisional titles, with engraved portrait...

EUR 125,000

A precious and unique album with original watercolours by Willem Diederik Vincent de Graaf (1762-1846)

GRAAF, DE. W.D.V. Inlandsche Kapellen in beeld (Illustrations of native Butterflies). Album of 170 splendid original watercolours of Dutch Butterflies & Caterpillars, together with their feeding plants.

Circa 1800-1840. 4to (235 x 190mm). Each plate within a black framing line, with a silhouette drawing frontispiece of W.D.V de Graaf 1762-1846 and ...

EUR 45,000

a monument of the grand Austrian botanical era which royal patronage made possible

JACQUIN, N.J. Florae Austriacae, sive plantarum selectarum in Austriae Archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae.

Viennae, L.J. Kaliwoda (& J.M. Gerold), 1773-1778. 5 volumes. Folio (470 x 285mm). With 5 large handcoloured engraved title-vignettes (views) and 5...

EUR 48,000

Classic works by "the father of forest entomology"

The rare coloured issue of this extensive and important floristic work

A rare complete set of the most important and finest entomological German publication of the 18th century

ROESEL VON ROSENHOF, A.J. Der monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten-Belustigung ...

Nürnberg, Raspischen Buchhandlung/ J.J. Fleischmann/ C.F.C. Kleemann, (1746-1761). 4 volumes. 4to (212 x 168mm). With 1 engraved portrait of Roese...

EUR 9,800

the finest work published in Germany on fungi

SCHAEFFER, J.C. Fungorum qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu circa Ratisbonam nascuntur Icones nativis coloribus expressae. Edition Secunda.

Ratisbonae, impensis auctoris, 1772. 4 volumes bound in 2. Large-4to (270 x 225mm). With 2 engravedfrontispieces and 330 beautifully hand-coloured ...

EUR 14,000

TAX ODER PREIS DER SOWOHL EINFACHEN ALS ZUSAMMENGESEZTEN ARZNEYEN, welche in der Würtenbergischen Parmacopoea beschrieben, und in denen Apothecken zu finden sind.

Stuttgart, J.C. Erhard, 1755. Small-4to. pp. (2), 132, title-page with engraved vignette. Contemporary half calf (worn).

EUR 850