50 Folio size Botanical Illustrated Books

noble in conception and impressive in execution

perhaps the most renowned and sought-after of all orchid books

BATEMAN, J. The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala.

London, J. Richway & Sons. (1837)- 1843. Elephant folio (740 x 525 mm). One-page subscriber's list,addenda and corrigenda slip bound at back, litho...

EUR 75,000

First edition, with the especially rare third part, of Bauer's stunning depictions of Ericas grown at Kew from specimens collected by Francis Masson in the Cape Colony

BAUER, F. A. Delineations of Exotick Plants cultivated in the Royal Garden at Kew. Drawn and coloured, and the botanical characters displayed according to the Linnean system, by Francis Bauer... Published by W.T. Aiton.

London, William Bulmer, 1796-1803. 3 volumes. Large-folio (65 x 52 cm.). pp. (iv); (iv), (ii), with30 hand-coloured etched plates; first title rema...

EUR 42,000

In all fairness, it must be added that each species treated... was skillfully and fully described, and Bergeret's illustrations were exceptionally good

the rarest pomological work ever published

BIVORT, A.J.D. & BAVAY, L.S.J. DE. Album de Pomologie.

Bruxelles, Deprez-Parent, 1847-1851. 4 volumes. Oblong-folio (232 x 315mm). With 3 identical handcoloured lithographed additional titles with elabo...

EUR 32,000

The first major work on the orchids of the Dutch East Indies and Japan

BLUME, C.L. Collection des Orchidées les plus remarquables de l'Archipel Indien et du Japon.

Ouvrage dédié à sa Majesté Guillaume I Roi de Wurtemberg. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1858. Folio (454 x 290mm). pp. (6), vi, 190, with hand-colour...

EUR 8,000

A magnificent work on the flora of the Dutch East Indies

BLUME, C.L. Flora Javae nec non insularum adjacentium ... adjutore J.B. Fischer.

Bruxellis, J. Frank, 1828 (-1851). 10 parts, preserved in 4 folding boxes. Folio (448 x 285mm). With 1 frontispiece and 238 lithographed plates of ...

EUR 14,000

one of the most interesting colour-printed natural history works

BULLIARD, P. Herbier de la France, ou Collection complette des Plantes Indigènes de ce Royaume; avec leurs détails anatomiques, leurs propriétés, et leurs usages en Médecine.

Paris, chez l'Auteur, Didot Jeune..., 1780-(1793). 15 volumes. Folio (345 x 255mm). With 1 colour-printed frontispiece and 602 colour-printed engra...

EUR 10,000

The impressive 'Flora Londinensis' is much more comprehensive in scope than its title suggests, for it embraces most of the English flora

CURTIS, W. Flora Londinensis: containing a history of the Plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the natural size.

A new edition, enlarged by George Graves and William Jackson Hooker. London, Henry G. Bohn, [1817-]1835. 5 volumes. Large-folio (481 x 290mm). With...

EUR 15,000

Dalechamp is considered by some authorities to have been one of the most erudite of the French botanists of the 16th century

One of the rarest and most beautiful iconographies on fruit with superb large plates

DECAISNE, J. Le Jardin Fruitier du Muséum ou iconographie de toutes les espèces et variétés d'arbres fruitier cultivés dans cet établissement, avec leur description, leur histoire, leur synonymie.

Paris, F. Didot, 1862-1875. 9 volumes. Folio (315 x 225mm). With 508 (almost all) colour-printed engraved- or chromolithographed plates finished by...

EUR 15,000

the most important book to be published in England during the eighteenth century on the plant growing in a private garden

DILLENIUS, J.J. Horti Elthamensis plantarum rariorum icones et nomina Joh. Jac. Dillenio, M.D. descriptarum Elthami in Cantio, in Horto... Jacobi Sherard... additis denominationibus Linnaeanis.

Lugduni Batavorum, C. Haak, 1774. 2 volumes (bound in one). Folio (404 x 260mm). Leaves (6); 1, with 325 etched plates. New full mottled calf, spin...

EUR 9,000

A masterwork what botany in the Dutch speaking countries is concerned

Many of the woodcuts were copies of the 8vo edition of Fuchs' herbal

DODONAEUS, R. Histoire des Plantes, en laquelle est contenue la description entiere des herbes, c'est à dire, leurs especes, forme, noms, temperament, vertus... nouvellement traduite de bas Aleman en François par Charles de l'Escluse.

Anvers, Iean Loë, 1557. Folio (280 x 195mm). pp. (24), 584. (36), with c. 800 woodcuts in the text.Early 18th century full red morocco, sides with...

EUR 9,000

he made here an attempt to an explanation of the parts of the plants.

DODONAEUS, R. Stirpium Historia pemptades sex, sive libri XXX ...

Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, apud B. & I. Moretos, 1616. Folio (346 x 230mm). pp. (16), 872, (66), with fine engraved title and 1341 woodcu...

EUR 5,500

the most beautiful dendrological work published

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, H.L. Traité des Arbres et Arbustes que l'on cultive en pleine terre en Europe, et paticulièrement en France.

Paris, Librairie encyclopédique Roret, (1852?). 7 volumes. Folio (503 x 325mm). With 1 engraved title-vignette and 498 engraved plates, of which 4...

EUR 50,000

one of the most notable botanical English artists of the 18th century

The manuscript therefore constitutes an important documentation for the history of olive cultivation

FANTONI, COUNT LUIGI. [Manuscript on Olive Trees and Olive Oil of Tuscany and some adjacent areas, by Count Luigi Fantoni].

Delle specie diverse d'Olivi che si trovano ne Monti della Fattoria d'Agnano Territorio Pisano, spettante a S(ua) A(ltezza) S(erenissima) etc. Con...

EUR 38,000

One of the very few copies with superb gouache handcolouring of the plates

It was produced by Count Hoffmannsegg, contemporary of Redouté, whose work it rivals

HOFFMANNSEGG, J.C. & H.F. LINK. Flore Portugaise ou description de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en Portugal.

Berlin, Charles Fréderic Amelang for the authors, 1809-1820 (-1840). Folio (485 x 335mm, 2 text vols & 525 x 355mm, atlas). 22 parts bound in 3 vo...

EUR 7,500

A collection of plates of this rare and beautifully produced work

HOFFMANNSEGG, J.C. & H.F. LINK. Flore Portugaise ou description de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en Portugal.

Berlin, Charles Fréderic Amelang for the authors, 1809-1820 (-1840). Folio (535 x 3605mm). 185 stipple engraved plates printed in colours and fini...

EUR 4,000

The original drawings for the present work were done by native artists

HOOKER, J.D. Illustrations of Himalayan plants.

London, L. Reeve, 1855. Folio (508 x 380mm). With 1 pictorial handcoloured lithographed title and 24 handcoloured lithographed plates, each with an...

EUR 19,000

it contains descriptions and plates of many of the best garden Rhododendron species which can be grown in this country

First edition of this spectacular celebration of the flowering of the giant tropical water-lily, Victoria amazonica

HOOKER, W.J. and FITCH, W.H. Victoria Regia, or illustrations of the Royal Water-Lily, in a series of figures chiefly made from specimens flowering at Syon and at Kew.

London, Reeve and Benham, 1851. Broadsheet folio (747 x 545 mm). Complete with 4 very fine hand-coloured lithograph; 11 letterpress leaves, 4 blank...

EUR 30,000

A beautifully bound copy of this rare work on the flora of Java

a monument of the grand Austrian botanical era which royal patronage made possible

JACQUIN, N.J. Florae Austriacae, sive plantarum selectarum in Austriae Archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones ad vivum coloratae, et descriptionibus, ac synonymis illustratae.

Viennae, L.J. Kaliwoda (& J.M. Gerold), 1773-1778. 5 volumes. Folio (470 x 285mm). With 5 large handcoloured engraved title-vignettes (views) and 5...

EUR 48,000

The drawings? are also admirable, and from a botanical point of view beyond praise

JORDAN, A. & J. FOURREAU. Icones ad floram Europae novo fundamento instaurandam spectantes.

Paris, Savy, 1866-1903. 3 volumes. Folio (400 x 305mm). With 501 finely hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform half calf, spines in 5 ...

EUR 15,000

First major publication on the orchids of the Himalaya

KING, G. & PANTLING, R. The Orchids of Sikkim Himalaya.

Calcutta, printed at the Bengal Secretariat Press, 1898. 4 volumes. Folio (348 x 275mm). pp. (14), iii, iv, 342, 11, with 453 lithographed plates o...

EUR 6,000

Famous work on pomology and fruit trees, the first monographs published with colour plates on this subject

KNOOP, J.H. Beschrijving en afbeeldingen van de beste soorten van Appelen en Peeren ...

(together with:) Beschryving der vruchtbomen en vruchten die men in de hoven plant en onderhoud ...(together with:) Beschryving der plantagie-gewas...

EUR 2,700

scarce work portraying the flora of Greenland

LANGE, J. Icones florae Groenlandicae, Tabulae ex opere 'Icones florae Danicae' inscripto selectae.

Copenhagen, Bianco Luno, 1883. 3 atlas volumes and 1 index volume. Folio (392 x 255mm). pp. 11, with 336 beautifully hand-coloured engraved plates....

EUR 12,000

one of the rarest iconographies published on Orchids

LINDENIA. ICONOGRAPHIE DES ORCHIDEES. edited by L. Linden (J. Linden & E. Rodigas a.o.).

Ghent/ Bruxelles 1855-1903. 17 volumes. Folio (350 x 260 mm). With 798 chromolithographed plates and 1 plain plate. Contemporary half cloth, gilt l...

EUR 38,000

great classic of American botany

MICHAUX, A. Histoire des Chênes de l'Amérique, ou descriptions et figures de toutes les espèces et variétés de Chênes de l'Amérique Septentrionale, considérées sous les rapports de la Botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage.

Paris, de l'imprimerie de Crapelet, An IX-1801. Folio (415 x 300mm). pp. (4), (56), with 36 engraved plates. Contemporary half green morocco, gilt ...

EUR 9,000

The very fine illustrations depict flowers and fruit growing in the Netherlands

OTTOLANDER, K.J.W., KOSTER, A. & DE VOS, C. (Eds.). Nederlandsche Flora en Pomona, beschreven en uitgegeven door het Bestuur der Pomologische Vereeniging te Boskoop. Met platen naar de natuur geteekend door A.J. Wendel

Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1879. 2 volumes. Folio (320 x 250 mm). pp. ix, xii , (4), 235, with 81 chromolithograped plates of fruit and flowers. Publ...

EUR 3,800

This is a very fine series of floral engravings in the style of Spaendonck, Redouté, Bessa, etc

PREVOST, B.L. Principes et leçons de fleurs.

Paris, Demarteau l'ainé (after 1850). Small-folio (330 x 245mm). With 16 etchings printed in bistre, by Giles Demarteau after crayon drawings by P...

EUR 2,000

both Napoleon III and Queen Victoria subscribed to its first edition

RAVENSCROFT, E. J. The Pinetum Britannicum. A descriptive account of Hardy Coniferous Trees, cultivated in Great Britain.

Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood & Son, (1863)-1884. 3 volumes. Folio (555 x 417mm). pp. (6), errata leaf, 1-110; (2), 111-216; (2), 217-330 with...

EUR 15,000

Perhaps the most impressive French botanical book of the period

REGNAULT, N.F. La Botanique mise à la portée de tout le monde ou collection des plantes d'usage dans la médecine, dans les alimens et dans les arts.

Avec des notices instructives pulsées dans les auteurs les plus célèbres, contenant la description,le climât, la culture, les propriétés et l...

EUR 28,000

the first great survey of the flora of the East-Indies

only edition of this rare flora and florilegium, depicting the most beautiful native and exotic plants cultivated in Italy

SAVI, G. Flora italiana ossia raccolta delle piante più belle che si coltivano nei giardini d'Italia..

Pisa, Niccolo Capurro, 1818-1824. 3 volumes, bound in one. Folio (440 x 310 mm). pp (8), iv, 114, (2, index); (2), 90, (2, index); (2), 86, (2, ind...

EUR 40,000

highly finished watercolours of the fungi of the Loire valley

SÉJOURNÉ, A. Champignons des environs de Blois.

Blois circa 1880. 2 volumes. Folio (360 x 270mm). A collection of 161 very fine watercolours of mushrooms of the Blois area (Loire valley). Loose i...

EUR 12,000

Species illustrated and described include three from the Cape, two from Mauritius, and several from Jamaica

SMITH, J.E. Icones Pictae Plantarum Rariorum, descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae ... Coloured Figures of Rare Plants, illustrated with Descriptions and Observations.

London 1790-(1793). 3 parts. Folio. With 18 handcoloured engraved plates by James Sowerby. Contemporary half calf, a little rubbed and some repairs.

EUR 3,000

The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology

SOWERBY, J. Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.

London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1815). 3 volumes, bound in 2. Folio(320 x 200mm). With 440 hand-coloured engraved p...

EUR 12,000

the first botanical book to utilise colour-printed mezzotint successfully

only 100 copies were printed

WOOLWARD, F.H. The genus Masdevallia.

Issued by the Marquess of Lothian, K.T., chiefly from plants in his collection of orchids at Newbattle Abbey. With additional notes by F.C. Lehmann...

EUR 11,000

The first Latin and best edition

ZANONI, G. Rariorum Stirpium Historia ex parte olim edita. Nunc centum plus tabulis, ex commentariis auctoris ab ejusdem nepotibus ampliata opus universum digessit, latine reddidit, supplevitque Cajetanus Montius.

Bononiae, Ex Typographia Lealii a Vulpe, 1742. Folio (390 x 260mm). pp. (40), 247, with an engravedallegorical frontispiece and engraved portrait o...

EUR 3,900