Subjects: Other Groups / Hemiptera / Orthoptera / Diptera etc
Search results: Other Groups / Hemiptera / Orthoptera / Diptera etc(15 results)
page 1, displaying items 1 to 15
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. ORTHOPTÈRES.
Paris, Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, 1839. Royal-8vo (205 x 130mm). pp. xviii, 776, (2), 4, with 14 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, ...
EUR 450
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. ORTHOPTÈRES.
Paris, Roret, 1839. 8vo (205 x 125mm.). pp. xviii, 776, (2), 4, with 14 engraved plates of which 13hand-coloured. Recent black half morocco, spine ...
EUR 450
A monograph of oriental Cicadidae. Published by order of the trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.
London, King & Co/ Calcutta, Indian Museum, 1889-1892. 7 parts. Large-4to. pp. 157, (1), ix, (5), with 15 partly handcoloured lithographed plates. ...
EUR 1,300
A monograph of oriental Cicadidae. Published by order of the trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.
London, King & Co/ Calcutta, Indian Museum, 1889-1892. 7 parts. Large-4to. pp. 157, (1), ix, (5), with 15 partly handcoloured lithographed plates. ...
EUR 1,300
A monograph of oriental Cicadidae. Published by order of the trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.
London, King & Co/ Calcutta, Indian Museum 1889-1892. 7 parts. Large-4to. pp. 157, (1), ix, (5), with 15 partly handcoloured lithographed plates. O...
EUR 1,300
Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les Diptères, accompagnées de considerations relatives à l'histoire naturelle de ces insectes.
(Paris 1851). 4to (258 x 210mm). pp. 171-360, with 11 engraved plates. Later half calf, spine with red gilt lettered label.
EUR 350
In his works Fabricius described many Australian and New Zealand insects brought back by Captain Cook's around -the-world voyages
Systema Rhyngotorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
Brunsvigae, C. Reichard, 1803. 8vo (200 x 130mm). pp. x, 21, 314, (2). Contemporary marbled boards,spine with red gilt lettered label.
EUR 500
In his works Fabricius described many Australian and New Zealand insects brought back by Captain Cook's around -the-world voyages
Systema Rhyngotorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
Brunsvigae, C. Reichard, 1803. 8vo (200 x 140mm). pp. x, 21, 314, (2). (With:) Index Alphabeticus in I.C. Fabricii Systema Rhyngotorum genera et sp...
EUR 800
In his works Fabricius described many Australian and New Zealand insects brought back by Captain Cook's around -the-world voyages
Systema Rhyngotorum secundum ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
Brunsvigae, C. Reichard, 1803. 8vo. pp. x, 21, 314, (2). Contemporary black boards, gilt lettered spine.
EUR 500
The present dissertations contain all their original printed titles
Diptera Sveciae.
Lundae, Berlingianis, 1814-1825 (-1826). 2 volumes (bound in one). 8vo (204 x 165mm). 45 dissertations. Recent red half morocco, richly gilt orname...
EUR 1,900
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes.
Diptères. Paris, Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, 1834-1835. 2 volumes. 8vo. (203 x 130mm). pp. (4), 578, 8; pp. (4), 710, 8, with 24 handcolou...
EUR 1,100
Essai sur les insectes Hémiptères, Rhyngotes, ou Hétéroptères.
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1840. 8vo (215 x 135mm). pp. 383, with 5 large folding tables. Recent cloth.
EUR 800
Essai sur les insectes Hémiptères, Rhyngotes, ou Hétéroptères.
Gênes, Yves Gravier, 1837. 8vo (215 x 135mm). pp. 383, with 5 large folding tables. Recent red halfmorocco, spine with 2 gilt lettered labels.
EUR 900
Des Herrn Kaspar Stoll' natürliche und nach dem Leben gemalte Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Cikaden und anderer damit verwandten Insekten aus Europa, Asia, Afrika und Amerika.
Aus dem holländischen übersetzt und mit den nötigen Anmerkungen versehen. Nürnberg, Winterschmidt, 1792. 4to (270 x 215mm). With 20 (of 29) fin...
EUR 800
THUNBERG, C.P. (praeses).
Dissertatio Entomologica de Hemipteris Rostratis Capensibus... partem priman (- quartem et ultimam)... praeside C.P. Thunberg...
Upsaliae, Acad. Typogr., 1822. 4 parts (all published). 8vo (210 x 170mm). pp. (2), 8, (2); (2), 8;(2), 6, (2); (4), 6, (2). Recent cloth, gilt let...
EUR 500