Fine Natural History items on the Dutch East Indies
The first major work on the orchids of the Dutch East Indies and Japan
Collection des Orchidées les plus remarquables de l'Archipel Indien et du Japon.
Ouvrage dédié à sa Majesté Guillaume I Roi de Wurtemberg. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1858. Folio (454 x 290mm). pp. (6), vi, 190, with hand-colour...
EUR 8,000
A magnificent work on the flora of the Dutch East Indies
Flora Javae nec non insularum adjacentium ... adjutore J.B. Fischer.
Bruxellis, J. Frank, 1828 (-1851). 10 parts, preserved in 4 folding boxes. Folio (448 x 285mm). With 1 frontispiece and 238 lithographed plates of ...
EUR 14,000
celebrated as the first book on Exotic Butterflies arranged in accordance with the Linnean system and provided with coloured plates
Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique/ De uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie Waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America.
Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde/ N.T. Gravius, 1779-1791. 4 volumes & supplement (bound in 5). Large-4to (305 x 235mm). With 3 (2 handcoloured) engraved fro...
EUR 35,000
A beautifully bound copy of this rare work on the flora of Java
Plantae Javanicae rariores, descriptae iconibusque illustratae, quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818, legit et investigavit Thomas Horsfield, M.D. e siccis descriptiones et characteres plurimarum elaboravit Joannes J. Bennett; observationes structuram et affinitates praesertim respicientes passim adjecit Robertus Brown.
London, W.H. Allen, 1838-1852. Folio (365 x 265mm). pp. (2), viii, xvi, (2), 258, (2), with an engraved folded map and 50 (some double-page) engrav...
EUR 15,000
MÜLLER, SALOMON - (attributed).
Banded Palm Civet Cat (Viverra boiei). Watercolour on paper 25.4 x 39.1 cm - visible image size; 30.0 x 46.0 cm - actual sheet size; 63.0 x 77.3 cm - frame size. In 19th century burr walnut frame.
Titled by hand in ink 'VIVERRA BOIEI 1/2, (lower centre) and dated by hand in ink 'Freytag, Januar 26, 1849' (lower left).
EUR 2,000
Buceros plicatus Lath. (Wreathed Hornbill), Watercolour on paper c.1827-1837, 25.5 x 33.5 cm - visible image size, 53.0 x 58.5 cm - frame size, framed under glass.
Titled in pencil in old handwriting (lower centre): Buceros plicatus Lath, Java (Goenong Parang).
EUR 2,500
This is the first great natural history of tropical marine life
D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer, Behelzende eene Beschryvinge van allerhande zoo weeke als harde Schaalvisschen te weeten raare Krabben, Kreeften, en diergelyke Zeedieren als medeallerhande Hoorntjes en Schulpen, die men in d'Amboinsche Zee vindt: daar beneven zommige Mineraalen, Gesteenten, en soorten van Aarde, die in d'Amboinsche, en zommige omleggende Eilanden gevonden worden.
Amsterdam, François Halma, 1705. Folio (435 x 270mm). pp. (32), 340, (44), with an engraved frontispiece and an engraved portrait of Rumpf, severa...
EUR 7,500
Engraved portrait of Georg Everhard Rumphius. Amsterdam 1741. 387 x 245mm.
The engraving has been mounted on old paper and on the verso is written a text in English by an oldhand about the importance of this famous botanis...
EUR 850
the first great survey of the flora of the East-Indies
Herbarium Amboinense, plurimas complectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres, & aquaticas, quae in Amboina et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis ... nunc primum in lucem edita ... J. Burmanni/ Het Amboinsch Kruidboek, dat is beschryving van de meest bekende Boomen, Heesters, Kruiden, Land- en Water-Planten die men in Amboina, en de omleggende Eylanden vind ... nagezien en uitgegeeven door J. Burmannus.
Amsterdam, M. Uytwerf/, F. Changuion, J. Catulle, Uytwerf, 1741-1755. 6 volumes (bound in 4). Folio(390 x 255mm). With an engraved portrait of Rump...
EUR 28,000
the first modern work on tropical fauna
Thesaurus imaginum Piscium Testaceorum; Quales sunt Cancri, Echini, Echinometra, Stellae Marinae,&c. ut et Conchlearum...
Hagae, P. de Hondt, 1739. Folio (400 x 245mm). pp. (4), 14, 8, with engraved title, engraved portrait of Rumphius and 60 engraved plates. Contempor...
EUR 4,500
34 booklets describing exotic animals
Regnum Animale.
Natuurkundige beschryving eener uitmuntende verzameling van zeldsaame gedierten, bestaande in Oost-en Westindische Viervoetige dieren, vogelen en s...
EUR 7,500