Pomological Books

Of all the pomological publications, published around the middle of last century this is without doubt the most important one and also the most beautiful


publiées par la Commission Royale de Pomologie, instituée par S.M. le Roi des Belges. 8 volumes. Bruxelles, F. Parent 1853-1860. Large-4to (340 x...

EUR 24,000

the rarest pomological work ever published

BIVORT, A.J.D. & BAVAY, L.S.J. DE. Album de Pomologie.

Bruxelles, Deprez-Parent, 1847-1851. 4 volumes. Oblong-folio (232 x 315mm). With 3 identical handcoloured lithographed additional titles with elabo...

EUR 32,000

One of the rarest and most beautiful iconographies on fruit with superb large plates

DECAISNE, J. Le Jardin Fruitier du Muséum ou iconographie de toutes les espèces et variétés d'arbres fruitier cultivés dans cet établissement, avec leur description, leur histoire, leur synonymie.

Paris, F. Didot, 1862-1875. 9 volumes. Folio (315 x 225mm). With 508 (almost all) colour-printed engraved- or chromolithographed plates finished by...

EUR 15,000

the most beautiful dendrological work published

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, H.L. Traité des Arbres et Arbustes que l'on cultive en pleine terre en Europe, et paticulièrement en France.

Paris, Librairie encyclopédique Roret, (1852?). 7 volumes. Folio (503 x 325mm). With 1 engraved title-vignette and 498 engraved plates, of which 4...

EUR 50,000

great French classic on trees and shrubs with the famous Matthiolus woodcuts

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, H.L. Traité des Arbres et Arbustes qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre.

Paris, H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, 1755. 2 volumes. 4to (270 x 210mm). pp. (4), lxii, 368; (2), 387, with 4 (3 folded) engraved plates, 250 full-p...

EUR 3,500

The manuscript therefore constitutes an important documentation for the history of olive cultivation

FANTONI, COUNT LUIGI. [Manuscript on Olive Trees and Olive Oil of Tuscany and some adjacent areas, by Count Luigi Fantoni].

Delle specie diverse d'Olivi che si trovano ne Monti della Fattoria d'Agnano Territorio Pisano, spettante a S(ua) A(ltezza) S(erenissima) etc. Con...

EUR 38,000

(JAUFFRET, L.F.). Le panier de fruits ou descriptions botaniques, et notices historiques des principaux fruits cultivés en France; suivies de différens morceaux de littérature et de morale.

Genève, Sestié/ Paris, Ferra, 1819. 8vo (212 x 135 mm). pp. viii, 384, with 24 engraved plates of fruit. Contemporary green boards, spine with gi...

EUR 1,500

The rare 4to issue printed on 'Velin'.

JAUME SAINT-HILAIRE, J.H. La Flore et la Pomone Françaises, ou histoire et figure en couleur, des fleurs et des fruits de France ou naturalisés sur le sol français.

Paris, chez l'auteur, 1828-1833 (-1835). 5 volumes. 4to (270 x 210mm). With 544 fine engraved plates by the author, printed in colours with hand-fi...

EUR 6,500

Famous work on pomology and fruit trees, the first monographs published with colour plates on this subject

KNOOP, J.H. Beschrijving en afbeeldingen van de beste soorten van Appelen en Peeren ...

(together with:) Beschryving der vruchtbomen en vruchten die men in de hoven plant en onderhoud ...(together with:) Beschryving der plantagie-gewas...

EUR 2,700

One of the rarest pomological works published in the 19th century

MAS, S.A. Le Verger, ou histoire, culture, et description avec planches coloriées des variétés des fruit le plus généralement connues.

Paris, G. Masson, (1865-1872). 8 volumes. Royal-8vo. With 384 chromolithographed plates, partly finished by hand, containing 702 figures. Contempor...

EUR 8,500

the most attractive work on fruit published in Germany

The very fine illustrations depict flowers and fruit growing in the Netherlands

OTTOLANDER, K.J.W., KOSTER, A. & DE VOS, C. (Eds.). Nederlandsche Flora en Pomona, beschreven en uitgegeven door het Bestuur der Pomologische Vereeniging te Boskoop. Met platen naar de natuur geteekend door A.J. Wendel

Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1879. 2 volumes. Folio (320 x 250 mm). pp. ix, xii , (4), 235, with 81 chromolithograped plates of fruit and flowers. Publ...

EUR 3,800

A fine copy of noble provenance of the most attractive fruit book ever produced

POITEAU, A. Pomologie française. Recueil des plus beaux Fruits cultivés en France...

Paris, Langlois et Leclercq, 1846. 4 volumes. Folio (413 x 280mm). With three plain and 420 stipple-engraved plates printed in colours and finished...

EUR 135,000

rare treatise on the culture of citrus fruit in the Low Countries

STERBEECK, F. VAN. Citricultura oft Regeringhe der uythemsche Boomen en te weten Oranien, Citroenen, Limoenen, Granaten, Laurieren en Andere...

Antwerpen, J. Jacops, 1682. 4to (210 x 160mm). pp. (xl), 1-74, (2), 75-296 (26), with engraved frontispiece, engraved coat-of-arms on inserted leaf...

EUR 4,500

complete set of the most important and beautiful British pomological journal

TRANSACTIONS OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. First series, volumes 1-7 (all published). London, W. Bulmer/ W. Nicol, 1812-1830. [and] Second series, volumes 1-3 (all published).

London, W. Nicol, 1835-1848. 10 volumes. 4to (282 x 220mm). With 7 engraved titles and 176 engravedplates of which 93 (some double-page) superbly h...

EUR 13,000