Beschreibung der auf den Tafeln No. I und II abgebildeten Conchylien, nebst dem Verzeichniss aller derjenigen sogenannten südländischen Conchylien, die in der gesellschaftlichen Sammlung befindlich sind.
Eur 4,800 / USD 5,000
The price shown on each item does not include V.A.T (Value Added Tax). As a result of the recent EU legislation we are required to charge our EU customers the percentage of V.A.T. charged by the customer’s country of residence, unless they possess a V.A.T. registration number. Postage Additional.
Danzig, Wedel, 1778. 4to (232 x 195mm). pp. 247-288, with 2 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary calf, richly gilt decorates spine, with gilt lettered red label, sides with gilt borders.
The 2 fine plates are by Leitner after Gedan and show shells from New Zealand, New Holland, Falklands and Straits of Magellan
Rare first edition. We offer the complete volume of the periodical 'Neue Sammlung, von Versuchen und Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig'. The publication by Zorn von Plobsheim includes the first printed directory of 182 collected shells on James Cook's first and second voyage. It describes shells mainly from New Zealand, held in the collection of the Natural History Society of Danzig. The shells were acquired from the shell dealer George Humprey. Zorn was curator of the natural history collections of the Gesellschaft der Naturforschenden Freunde. "This practice of using vernacular names was continued in 1778 by Zorn von Plobsheim in a major publication of the Danzig Society in which he catalogues the shells sent by Humprey - some 59 different shells from New Zealand bear titles such as 'the Lesser or Painted mouth-zebra' and 'the wrinkled Ear from New Zealand' (Andrews. The Southern Ark, Zoological discovery in New Zealand 1769-1900, pp. 49). The 2 fine plates are by Leitner after Gedan and show shells from New Zealand, New Holland, Falklands and Straits of Magellan. The complete volume comprises pp. (12), 316 with 1 plain and 3 hand-coloured plates. Title page with old stamp and old signature of Sauer.