Introduction à l'histoire naturelle et à la géographie physique de l'Espagne. Traduite de l'Original Espagnol de Guillaume Bowles, par le Viconte de Flavigny.

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Paris, L. Cellot & Jombert Fils, 1776. 8vo (190 x 115mm). pp. xii, 516. Contemporary calf, richly gilt decorates spine with red gilt lettered label (front hinge cracked but firm).

First French edition, the first Spanish edition was published in 1775 (see Bibliografia Mineral Hispano-Americana 283). William Bowles (1705-1780) was an Irish naturalist. Being introduced by Don Antonio de Ulloa, Bowles entered the Spanish service and was appointed to superintend the state mines. The present work describes the natural history of Spain and Spanish America. A part is devoted to mining in Spain as well in South America. "It is not systematically arranged, but has very considerable value as being the first work of its kind" (The Dictionary of National Biography II, p. 977).

Graesse I, p. 514.