Voyage au Pôle Sud et dans l'Océanie sur les corvettes l'Astrolabe et la Zélée, exécuté par ordre du Roi pendant les années 1837-1838-1839-1840.
Eur 1,800 / USD 1,800
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Text-volumes only:
Vol. 1. Paris 1846. pp. (6), 404. Publisher's printed blue boards.
Vol. 2. Paris 1846. pp. (6), 384. Publisher's printed blue boards.
Vol. 4. Paris 1853. Description des Insectes par Emile Blanchard. pp. (6), 422. Contemporary half calf (worn).
Géologie, Minéralogie et Géographie Physique. Paris 1848 & 1854. 2 vols. pp. xv, 458, (1), with 1 folding plate & pp. (iv), 218, (1). Publisher's printed blue boards.
Vol. I. Paris 1845. pp. iv, 332, with 2 folded plates. Publisher's printed blue boards.
Vol. 2. Paris 1851. pp. xxxii, 240. Publisher's printed blue boards.
Botanique. Paris 1845 & 1853. 2 vols. pp. (4), xiv, 549 & pp. 96. Contemporary half calf.
The complete text volumes of the Geology, Hydrography, Botany section. The zoological section lacks
2 vols. Scientifically the most rewarding of the French expeditions and of any other expedition before. The charts, collections of anthropology, zoology and botany of the Pacific region, which were brought home, were to be unsurpassed in the period after Cook, and contributed much to the knowledge of that region.