Einleitung in die Entomologie: oder Elemente der Naturgeschichte der Insecten.

Eur 550 / USD 550
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Stuttgart, Cottaissche Buchhandlung, 1823-33. 4 volumes. 8vo (202 x 125mm). pp. xxviii, 582; pp. iv, 604; pp. iv, (2), 760, 29, (2); pp. 665, with 25 (1 handcoulored) engraved plates. Contemporary half cloth, with gilt lettered spines (3 vols.) & contemporarey half calf, gilt ornamented spine with gilt lettered label.

"The work had a profound effect on the future of entomology ? it is impossible to read their four volumes without admiration. There is original thought and observation in every chapter.. probably no other work contributed more to the surge of interest in insects? The work is also, of course, an invaluable source on collecting methods in the first half of the nineteenth century. They tell the reader how to make various nets?" (Salmon, M.A. The Aurelian Legacy p. 126). The scarce German translation by Oken of this well-known classic.

Horn-Schenkling 11740.