Description anatomique d'un éléphant mâle.
Eur 1,500 / USD 1,500
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Publiée par son fils, A.G. Camper. Paris, H.J. Jansen, 1802. Folio (530 x 350mm). pp. xii, 108, with engraved portrait (of P. Camper) and 20 engraved plates. Later cloth.
A classic description of the anatomy of the elephant
Pieter Camper (Leiden 1722 - The Hague 1789), the known Dutch physician, was not only an able naturalist but also a gifted draughtsman, who did all illustrations for the above offered work himself. A classic description of the anatomy of the elephant. "Camper was highly esteemed in the scientific world, as is shown by his membership in most learned societies of western Europe. His comprehensive knowledge, his inquiring mind, his industry in research and in writing, and his skill in graphic arts procured him a well-merited fame attained by few other contemporary scientists" (DSB). Dampstaining at the beginning of the book and lower outer corner of the first 11 pages torn.
Nissen ZBI, 798.