Iconographia Botanica seu Plantae criticae. Icones Plantarum Rariorum et minus rite cognitarum, indigenarum exoticarumque... / Kupfersammlung kritischer Gewächse oder Abbildungen seltener und weniger genau bekannter Gewächse des In- und Auslandes, als Kupfersammlung und Supplement, vorzüglich zu den Werken von Willdenow, Schkuhr, Persoon, Römer und Schultes, gezeichnet und nebst kurzer Erläuterung herausgegeben.
Eur 15,000 / USD 15,700
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Leipzig, F. Hofmeister, 1823-1832. 10 volumes. 4to (242 x 190mm). With 1000 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary blue half cloth, marbled sides and spines with lettered label.
The rare coloured issue of this extensive and important floristic work
First and only edition. The rare coloured issue of this extensive and important floristic work. Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793-1879) was a well known German botanist and ornithologist and a prolific author and able botanical artist. 564 of the plates are after drawings by Reichenbach, 192 by Reichenbach and Hummitsch, 243 by Hummitsch and a small number by other artists. This beautifully produced work was issued with plain and handcoloured plates; only a very few copies were published in coloured state. Text both in Latin and German. Small circular stamp M.H.S. on all plates not affecting the illustration.
Provenance: Massachusetts Horticultural Society bookplate in all volumes.
Nissen BBI, 1602; Stafleu & Cowan 8876; Johnston 870; Great Flower Books p.73.