Plantarum Umbelliferarum Genera eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, situm, figuram...

Eur 1,500 / USD 1,600
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Mosquae, typis N.S. Vsevolozskianis, 1816. 8vo (215 x 135mm). pp. (2), xxxiv, (2), 1-94, (2), (2, engraved title), 95-222, 20, with engraved hand-coloured frontispiece, 1 engraved plate 'Tabula.." and 4 engraved folded plates. Contemporary half red calf, spine with gilt lines and lettering.

Georg Franz Hoffmann was a German botanist, professor of botany at Erlangen, Göttingen and Moscow. Second enlarged edition, the first edition was published in 1814. Both editions are extremely rare as they were both printed in Moscow in a small edition. The last 20 pages concern a 'Syllabus Umbelliferarum Officinalum', first published in 1814. Nissen no. 894 does not have this 'Syllabus'. Stafleu & Cowan no. 2895 mention 34 pages of 'Erörterungen' at the end which are not included in our copy, they also state that copies vary.

Stafleu & Cowan 2895.