Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia ...

Eur 3,900 / USD 4,000
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Bononiae, I. Baptista Ferronius, 1642. Folio (340 x 230mm). pp. (6), 1040, (12), with engraved allegorical title-page and 89 (some full-page) woodcuts in the text. Later half calf, spine in 5 compartments with red and blue gilt lettered label.

showing among others two splendid early woodcuts of a camel and a dromedary as well a rhinoceros, copying Durer's famous woodcut of 1515

Second edition, the first was published 1621. The volume is devoted to two-horned quadrupeds, showing among others two splendid early woodcuts of a camel and a dromedary as well a rhinoceros, copying Durer's famous woodcut of 1515. The present work is a part of Aldrovandi's complete Opera, published in 13 volumes. A massive encyclopaedia of the natural world based upon the specimens and drawings of natural history objects in Aldrovandi?s museum in Bologna, the first true natural history museum. This is the largest assembly of natural history illustrations to be published before the eighteenth century. Many of the illustrations were the work of the outstanding artist Jacopo Ligozzi.

Nissen ZBI, 76 (miscounting the number of woodcuts).