Dissertationes Tres. De Aponi Thermis: de nonnullis Insectis terrestribus, & Zoophytes marinis, & de vermium terrae reproductione, atque Taenia Canis.
Eur 650 / USD 650
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Patavii, J. Batistae Conzatti, 1758. 8vo (220 x 140mm). pp. vi, (2), 167, (1), (12, index), with engraved frontispiece, engraved title vignette and 5 folded engraved plates. Later half vellum with gilt lettered label, marbled sides.
Domenico Vandelli (1735-1816) was an Italian scientist. His academic qualifications were from the University of Padua, where he completed a degree in natural philosophy. At the same university he also obtained a PhD in medicine with the thesis 'Dissertationes Tres' the above offered work. Vandelli kept in touch with famous scientists of his time and Linnaeus paid him tribute by naming the order Vandellia, of the family Scrophulariaceae after him. A fine copy.
B.M. (Nat. Hist.) V, p. 2192.