Opere postume del Conte Giuseppe Ginanni Ravennate. Tomo primo nel quale si contengono cento quattor dici piante che vegetano nel mare Adriatico.

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Venezia, dalle Stampe di Giorgio Fossati, 1755. Folio (385 x 265mm). pp. (10), 19, (1), 63, (3), with an engraved title, 1 engraved medallion plate, 4 engraved vignettes and 55 engraved plates. Contemporary boards, manuscript title on spine.

on the aquatic plants of the Adriatic sea.

The first volume of Ginanni's (or Zinanni) posthumously published work on the aquatic plants of the Adriatic sea. The second concluding volume, not present here, deals with shells. Giuseppe Ginanni was an Italian naturalist of Ravenna and is better known for his work dealing with birds' eggs published in 1737. The present publication is a beautifully produced work, the attractive engraved title printed in bistre shows Neptune among fishes, shells and aquatic plants. 'Tome primo' printed on the title has been obliterated by pen at a later date. A fine copy.

Nissen ZBI, 1576.