Memorie per servire alla storia de' Polipi Marini.

Eur 1,500 / USD 1,500
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Napoli 1785. 4to (265 x 220mm). pp. 279, with 9 engraved plates. Later half calf, gilt lettered spine.

A rare early work on Bryozoa

A rare early work on Bryozoa. Filippo Cavolini (1756-1810) was an Italian marine biologist. In 1813 a German edition 'Abhandlungen über Pflanzen-Thiere des Mittelmeers', was published, which is much more common than the original Italian edition. The work has the following 3 chapters: Sulla Gorgonia, Corallo, Madrepora, e Millepora; Nuove ricerche sulla Gorgonia, e sulla Madrepora, e conferma delle ricerche precedenti; Sulla Sertolara, e Tubolara. An uncut copy.

Nissen ZBI, 854.