Fossilia Hantoniensia collecta, et in Musaeo Britannico deposita.

Eur 1,800 / USD 1,900
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Londini 1766. 4to (270 x 215mm). pp. (2), vi, 43, with 9 engraved plates and 1 engraved title vignette. Contemporary marbled boards, later half calf, spine with gilt lettered label.

The engraved plates show 123 figures, mostly shells

"In 1765 Gustavus Brander (1720-1787), a prosperous London merchant of Swedish parentage, with a country residence at Christchurch, Hampshire, gave the Museum a collection of fossils, mostly molluscs, from the Hampshire cliffs. Daniel Solander (1733-1782) described them in his 'Fossila Hantoniensia...'" (Stearn, The Natural History Museum at South Kensington p. 226). The engraved plates show 123 figures, mostly shells. A reissue appeared in 1829 by W. Wood.

Nissen ZBI, 535.