Tableau élémentaire de l'histoire naturelle des animaux.
Eur 700 / USD 700
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Paris, Baudouin, An 6 (1798). 8vo (200 x 125mm). pp. xvi, 710, with 14 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf (part of head of spine missing).
First edition of the first important work on comparative anatomy by Cuvier. "Cuvier's first separate work, "Tableau" (1798), is based on a course of lectures he had delivered at l'Ecole du Pantheon. It was the first general statement of his natural classification of the animal kingdom. He established the four great classes (vertebrates, molluscs, articulates, and radiates) and classified the animals according to the anatomical structure." (Milestone of Science No. 44). Pages 339-639 concern 'insectes et vers'.
Wood 307.