Fauna Svecica. Insecta.

Eur 850 / USD 850
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Upsaliae, J.F. Edman, (1798-1800). 3 volumes bound in two. 8vo (200 x 120 mm). pp. (10), 358, (2); (2), 234; 459. Contemporary half calf, richly gilt decorated spines with red and green gilt lettered labels, sides with gilt border.

Gustav von Paykull (1757-1826) was a Swedish entomologist. He was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy and a founder of the natural history museum (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet) in Stockholm. The present work deals exclusively with Coleoptera. A beautifully bound copy with an interesting provenance.

Provenance: Bookplates of Boisduval and J. d'Aguilar.

Horn-Schenkling III, 16913.