Histoire Naturelle des Lépidoptères d'Europe, ouvrage orné de près de 400 figures, peintes d'après nature par A. Noel.
Eur 700 / USD 700
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Paris, Paquet/ L. Debure, 1834. 8vo (225 x 135mm). pp. (4), 216, with 80 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary half calf (joints splitting)
First edition of this attractively illustrated work on European butterflies. Three editions were published of which the 3rd one in 1864. Hippolyte Pierre Lucas (1814-1899), at the early age of 13 started to work as 'apprenti-preparateur' in the Zoological laboratory of the Paris Museum. Later he worked closely together with Latreille. Lacks handcoloured engraved half-title.
Nissen ZBI, 2580.