Genera Insectorum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem ...

Eur 850 / USD 900
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Chilonii, F. Bartschii, (1777). 8vo (178 x 110mm). pp. (16), 310. Contemporary calf, spine with redgilt lettered label and ornaments.

one of the most famous pupils of Linnaeus

Fabricius was one of the most famous pupils of Linnaeus and greatly increased the knowledge of entomology. "His enormous importance lies in his descriptions, his grouping into genera, and his systematizing based on the mouthparts of which he says in a Danish paper (1790) that it is reasonable that they mark the most natural genera, since they must be built up according to the nourishment of every insect and their biology is dependent on their nourishment" (Smith, History of Entomology p. 111).

Provenance: Name of Carl von Heyden on title.

Horn-Schenkling I, 6196; Evenhuis p. 246.