Traité de la Connoissance des Animaux, où tout ce qui esté dict Pour, & Contre le Raisonnement des Bestes.

Eur 2,800 / USD 2,900
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Paris, Pierre Rocolet, 1647. 4to (220 x 160mm). pp. (8), 390. Contemporary calf, richly gilt spine in 6 compartments with red gilt lettered label (ends of spine a bit worn).

Marin Cureau de la Chambre (1594-1669) was a French physician and natural philosopher, a member of the Académie Française, and one of the founders of the Academie des Sciences. He was the personal doctor of Louis XIV and one of the 17th century's most distinguished doctors and natural philosophers. "The most sustained argument for sensory-based animal intelligence was the 'Traité de la Connoissance des Animaux', an essay that the French Royal physician Marin Cureau de la Chambre..." (Enenkel & Smith, Early modern Zoology p. 624). A fine copy.

Brunet III, p. 726.