Nihon Sankai Meisan Zue [Illustrations of the Noted Products of Mountain and Sea].

Eur 4,500 / USD 4,700
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Osaka, Shioya Chobei, 11th year of Kansei, 1799. 5 volumes. 8vo (250 x 175mm). With double-page woodblock illustrations throughout. Contemporary stitched blue limp covers (edges a bit worn).

Rare, particularly as a complete set, as here. The author is not named, but Kimura Kokyo, who wrote the preface, was a wealthy brewer of sake in Osaka, also known by his literary name of Kenkado. The work describes and depicts the technology and industry of sake production, various forms of fishing including for giant squid, other forms of hunting, trapping, bee-keeping, porcelain and textile manufacture, quarrying and lime production, and other subjects. The last volume ends with busy scenes of commerce and Dutch galleons, alluding to the export trade.