Hydrachnae, quas in aquis Daniae palustribus detexit, descripsit...

Eur 800 / USD 850
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Lipsiae, S.L. Crusius, 1781. 4to (255 x 200mm). pp. lxxxviii, with engraved title-vignette and 11 handcoloured engraved plates. Contemporary boards with recent half calf spine.

A beautifully illustrated work on water mites, of which the finely handcoloured plates depict 71 species. Possibly the first monograph on this insect genus by the well-known author of the "Zoologia Danica".

Provenance: Ex libris J.S. Capieux on inside frontcover.

Brunet III, 1939; Graesse IV, 621; Nissen ZBI, 2931.