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Eur 3,500 / USD 3,800
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Erlangen, J.J. Palm, 1793. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to (257 x 208mm). pp. (2), 25, (1), (2), 45, (1), with 24 (2 hand-coloured) engraved plates. Later half cloth, gilt lettered spine, marbled sides.

A very fine work on fossils and petrifaction.

Second edition. The first edition was published in Nürnberg from 1780-82. Schmidel was a famous mineralogist-botanist editing Gesner's posthumous botanical publications. He was professor of pharmacology at Erlangen and served as physician to Margrave Carl Alexander. A very fine work on fossils and petrifaction. Schmidel's interests as a naturalist focused on mineralogy, ore mineralogy in particular. Owners name on title and underlining of 2 words. Two issues appeared one with the plates coloured and one with plain plates. The present copy is the issue with the plain plates.

Ward & Carozzi 1982.