Plantae Javanicae rariores, descriptae iconibusque illustratae, quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818, legit et investigavit Thomas Horsfield, M.D. e siccis descriptiones et characteres plurimarum elaboravit Joannes J. Bennett; observationes structuram et affinitates praesertim respicientes passim adjecit Robertus Brown.

Eur 15,000 / USD 15,700
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London, W.H. Allen, 1838-1852. Folio (365 x 265mm). pp. (2), viii, xvi, (2), 258, (2), with an engraved folded map and 50 (some double-page) engraved plates of which 47 finely handcoloured. Contemporary green half morocco, top edges gilt.

A beautifully bound copy of this rare work on the flora of Java

First and only edition. A beautifully bound copy of this rare work on the flora of Java. Horsfield was an American naturalist and student of B.S. Barton. He visited Java in 1800 as a ship's doctor and decided to return there. He lived in Java for 16 years, where he assembled a herbarium amounting to some 2,100 species. He was employed by the Dutch East India Company but joined the English service when the Dutch Malaysian colonies were temporarily taken over by the British in 1811. Upon his return to England he entrusted the cataloguing and identification of the specimens to Robert Brown, who also arranged publication. The determinations and descriptions were mostly the work of Bennett. The fine plates are from drawings by John Curtis, who also engraved a number of them. Several plants of the Malay Archipelago were namend in Horsfield's honour. The text is both in Latin and English.

Nissen 934; Our copy agrees with Stafleu & Cowan 418 indicating that plates 4, 5 and 17 are plain.