4 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates (410 x 285mm) from Ridinger's 'Thierreich, Augsburg 1768'.
Eur 1,400 / USD 1,400
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The following animals are shown: Camelus Bactrianus/ Bactrianisches Kamel/ Chameau Bactrien; Camelus/ Weisses Kamel/ Dromadaire blanc; Dromedarus/ Dromedar mit zwei Höckern/ Dromedaire avec deux bosses; Camelus/ Braunes Kamel mit einem Höcker/ Dromedaire bai avec une seule bosse. The letterpress is in Latin, German and French.
Johann Elias Ridinger (1698-1767) was a German painter, engraver, draughtsman and publisher. He was famous for his engravings of animals, particularly horses, hounds and hunting scenes.