De essentialibus nonnullarum plantarum characteribus commentarius.
Eur 750 / USD 800
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Neapoli 1784. 8vo (205 x 135mm). pp. lxxv, (1), with 4 folded engraved plates. Recent boards.
Domenico Maria Leone Cirillo (or Cyrillo) (1739-1799) was an Italian statesman and naturalist. He was in close contact with famous French naturalists of his time such as J.A. Nollet, Buffon, d'Alembert and Diderot. He taught botany and medicine at the University of Naples and likewise published a book on the entomology of the Naples area. For political reasons he was condemned to death by King Ferdinand IV (1751-1821). A privately printed and rare work.
Stafleu & Cowan 1132.