Observationes de Ortu, ac vegetatione Plantarum cum Novarum Stirpium historia iconibus illustrata...

Eur 2,800 / USD 3,000
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Romae, Typis Dominici Antonii Herculis, 1685. 4to (245 x 175mm). pp. (6), 106, with 17 fine engraved plates. Recent red calf, spine in 6 compartments with gilt lettering.

The fine engravings are by the author and show recently introduced plants

First and only edition. Giovanni Battista Trionfetti (1658-1708) was professor of botany at the University of Rome and director of the Royal Botanic Gardens there from 1676-1706. The fine engravings are by the author and show recently introduced plants. Old name on titlepage.

Hunt 373; Johnston 280.