A letter dated Paris, le 5 mars, 1836 signed by Dejean to 'Mon cher Boisduval' and a letter signed by Dejean to Monsieur de Villier... à Chartres dated Paris, le 11 Janvier, 1837.
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Dejean informs Boisduval that he is sending him sheets 6 and 7 and asks him to return them as soon as possible and asks his advice concerning some classification problems occuring in these sheets.
The second letter is addressed to Monsieur de Villier... Directeur du Museum d'histoire naturelle de Chartres à Chartres. Probably to François de Villier(s), French entomologist who established a museum in Chartres in 1833. Dejean informs Villiers that he has the coleoptera species 'Chiasognathus Grantii' and that a description of the same can be found on page 193 of the new edition (3rd edition) of his 'Catalogue des Coléoptères'.