Catalogo metodico dei Pesci Europei.

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Napoli, Stamperia e Cartiere del Fibreno, 1846. 4to (315 x 220mm). pp. 97, (3), vignette of fisheson title. Contemporary half calf, gilt lettering on spine, marbled sides.

interesting association copy from the library of Jean Baptiste Verany

A very interesting association copy from the library of Jean Baptiste Verany (1800-1865) one of the founders of the Nice Natural History Museum. An interleaved copy with numerous annotations by Verany, of which many full page, and 2 small drawings of fishes. Although Verany's name does not appear the book is definitely from his library and the copious notes by this well know zoologist.

Charles Lucien Bonaparte was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. Despite his family connections and the disruptions that followed the Napoleonic era, he became a competent and highly respected naturalist. His major work is his 'Iconografia della Fauna Italica' published from 1832-41. "Bonaparte tried to establish our knowledge of various zoological groups once and for all, and published numerous synopses, conspectuses, and catalogs"(DSB).

Dean I, p. 149.